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Reviewed by Jenna
TITLE: Sacrificed: Heart Beyond the Spires
SERIES: Baal’s Heart #2
AUTHOR: Bey Deckard
PUBLISHER: Self-Published
LENGTH: 374 Pages
Reunited once more, the crew of Baal’s Heart must make the long and treacherous journey south to the towering spires of the Devil’s Isles. The path through the mountain range is fraught with peril; mayhem and tragedy plague the pirate ship, but what the men find beyond the spires is the most shocking of all.
In this sequel to the acclaimed Caged, the pirates are dragged into a dangerous new world by Captain Baltsaros’s all-consuming obsession. In the midst of terror and chaos, Jon learns that the captain and first mate have been keeping secrets from him. But will the truth tear them apart?
I was in love with book one, but now I’m in love with the entire series. Though Sacrificed is a pirate adventure, its underlying current is the love affair between John, Tom, and Captain Baltsaros. ‘Three hearts melding together as one.’ It’s their dream, but first they must mend old wounds. The novel begins with a fallout between Tom and Captain Baltsaros, and John is caught in the middle. Through a series of present and past scenes, the men move closer to working out their differences and closer to one another. Though the road to reconciliation is far from easy, they come to an acceptable arrangement. Meanwhile their ship travels into dangerous waters. They endure one hardship after another, and after capturing three foreign fishermen, the captain leads them on an adventure into a hostile land. In addition to strict laws against same sex coupling, the land is dripping with the blood of slaves and human sacrifice. John doesn’t understand why the captain would go there, but he soon learns a secret about the captain that threatens to break the trio apart. John wants to escape his pain, but when sinister forces envelop them, none can be sure they’ll make it out alive.
I was so happy to once again find myself immersed in the world of Bey Deckard’s pirates. My only complaint is that there’s only one more book left! Where the first book focused on the relationship between John and Captain Baltsaros, Sacrificed delves deep into Tom’s past and present psyche. Once a slave, but freed by Baltsaros, Tom is a dangerous but alluring man—submissive with men but flirtatious with women. Tom is so strong, yet so damaged. I love seeing him grow and how he discovers new sides of himself while loving John. I was routing for them all to get together, but I must admit that the captain’s demons are extremely frightening.
Though the erotica was spectacular, and there are moments that will forever be engrained in my mind, the depth of the characters is what made this book extraordinary. I highly recommend Sacrificed to anyone who loves gay erotica, polyamory, and action packed pirate adventures.
This sounds like a really good book! So I guess I should read this first book before I read this one, right?
Thanks for the review! Menage is generally not my cup of tea, but I do love historical and adventure novels, so will go give the first book a look.
Hi Mary. The first book in the series is Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas. It’s also fantastic.
New author for me. And the cover intrigues me. So another book for my ever expanding TBR list.
I have read both of Bey’s first 2 books and book#3 is waiting for me. Loved Sacrificed: Heart Beyond the Spires, 5 stars from me too!
I have this series queued up to read soon. Great review
Thanks for the great review. I have book one on my Kindle, just waiting for me. I may need to get on that now. I loved the review for this one. I love menage, so this book is right up my alley, especially with the glowing review. I so want to read this whole series now.
I’ve heard many good things about this series. I haven’t yet read any of Bey’s books but have the series on my wishlist.
I haven’t read a pirate story in a few years. This definitely sounds intriguing. Pirates are mighty sexy. I’ll definitely add this series to my sooner rather than later TBR pile!
The entire series will forever be in my mind. He is an exquisite writer and is like you are transported to this fantasy. Is cinematographically beautiful!
Historical is usually on my reading list. But ménage is! So I might have to broaden my horizons.
I’m not usually a fan of ménage, but this review and others I have read have really led me to give this series a chance. So on the TBR list it goes. Also, pirates? Who wouldn’t love that?