A warm welcome to author Hurri Cosmo visiting love Bytes today!
Welcome Hurri
TITLE: I Believe Now
AUTHOR: Hurri Cosmo
PUBLISHER: Fireborn Publishing
RELEASE DATE: June 26, 2015
GENRE: M/M Romance
TAGS: Contemporary, Established Couple, Mystery/Suspense, Romance
PAIRING: Male/Male
HEAT LEVEL: 3 Flames
LENGTH: Novel Length
Max Tyler and Asher Madden are back—and so is a very angry man from their past. A man who believes he has been extremely wronged by the great Max Tyler.
Wyatt Jackson knows it was Max who made it impossible for him to be re-elected and that was all the politician had been after. Plus, due to the lies Max told, Jackson nearly ended up in prison.
Jackson not only wants his life back, he wants Max Tyler dead.
First step? Kidnap Max’s precious Asher Madden.
Max is well aware of his error in not taking care of Wyatt Jackson when he had the chance. He just didn’t think the man had it in him to bite back. But Asher is now in the former Congressman’s dirty hands and in order to rescue him, Max needs a plan. One that can’t fail.
But what happens when it does?
Book video: https://youtu.be/6DhVwLj4r2Y
Character interview with Max Tyler
Thanks for talking with me today Mr. Tyler. To begin with I want to acknowledge your status in this city. You’re a pretty important man.
I’m not sure what you mean by ‘important’.
Well, you’re political influence is relatively substantial, to say the least.
(Nodding) I have friends who discuss things with me.
Actually what I understand, you talk, they listen. There’s no real discussion.
(Chuckles) That’s quite the exaggeration.
What about the police? I understand you have the police chief’s personal cell number and can call it anytime.
Actually, it’s the chief who has my cell. He calls me.
See? That’s what I mean. They listen to you.
I will admit that I have knowledge of certain organizations and networks in this city. Occasionally the police rely on me to help steer them in the right direction.
I think that’s rather influential, don’t you?
I call it rather intelligent on their part.
So intelligent that, in fact, someone tried to not only assassinate you last year but blew your office up while you were still in it. I understand you were saved because of your desk? Care to talk about that?
(Smirk) It was a very small explosive but yes, someone thought they could eliminate me. I was shielded by my desk which was made of a very specific material capable of withstanding such personal type explosives.
You hid underneath it.
I did.
But you weren’t alone. You also saved the life of the man who actually brought the bomb in?
(Chuckles again) Yes. Asher Madden was with me at the time. And yes, he brought in the bomb but the clueless kid had no idea that was what he had done.
And now he’s your lover?
No comment
Really? There certainly seems to be something going on between the two of you.
He’s living with you, you protect him by surrounding him with your people. Why are you afraid to admit it?
I’m not afraid of anything. I just don’t discuss my love life with the public.
Ahhh! See? I was right. You’re in love.
That’s so sweet! Tell me about Asher. What is it you like about him?
(Looks away for a moment) He’s… life. He’s full of life. He reminds me that there is actual pleasure that can be extracted from our existence in this dark world. He makes me crazy. He makes me emotional. He’s… everything.
Is this the first time you’ve been in love?
Absolutely. I have never felt this way about anyone or anything.
So what is your loved one doing these days?
(Laughs) I commissioned a number of Chicago calendars called Chicago Illusions. He won the contract as the photographer. So he’s been busy running around the city getting the best photos he can in order to tell the story he wants to tell about his beloved Chicago.
You commissioned it? You mean you did it to keep him busy?
I did it to keep him out of trouble.
Yes. My past has a few unresolved… issues.
Ahhh. You mean former congressman Wyatt Jackson. He didn’t end up in prison like you expected him to, did he?
(Huffs) I don’t think Jackson has it in him to come back at me. I think he just might believe I’m still out to get him so he’s going to go underground and stay there. But, yes, keeping Asher busy but close and protected is my number one top priority. He tends to be too interested in stories that make the front page as opposed to the one he can tell with these calendars.
So you think he’s unaware of the possible danger?
Danger? There’s no danger. Like you said, I have him surrounded. In fact, once I learned Jackson was released I sent in a couple more people to keep Asher safe. But yes again, he’s totally unaware and that’s the way I want to keep it. His handlers are fully alert. That’s all I need.
Still, people make mistakes. And in the end, that’s all we are. People.
Not mine. They’re not allowed. Especially the ones who protect my Asher.
Really? So you expect no problems at all from Mr. Jackson?
(Sigh) I didn’t say that. Unfortunately he has fallen off my radar. That in itself is a problem. But I think he’s simply gone underground.
Doesn’t sound like you are all that confident.
I’m confident in that I can protect Asher. That’s all I need.
That’s very interesting you think that. Good luck to you, then. Thank you for talking to me.
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Hurri Cosmo lives in Minnesota where she holds tight to the idea that there, where it’s cold a good part of the year, she won’t age as fast. Yep, she avoids the truth as much as she avoids mirrors. But one of the reasons she loves writing is reality doesn’t always offer up a “happily ever after” and being able to take control of that is a powerful lure. Being a happy ending junkie, writing just makes them easier to find. Oh, she doesn’t mind “real life” and she does try to at least keep it in mind when she writes her stories, but she truly loves creating a wonderful couple, knowing they will fall in love and have their HEA. Every – single – time. And, of course, that is exactly the reason she loves reading this genre, too. Give her a glass of red wine, some dark chocolate, and her computer, whether she is reading or writing, and she will entertain herself for hours. The fact she actually gets paid to do it is Snickers bars on the frosting on the cake.
You can find me at:
Website: http://hurricosmo.webs.com/
Blog: http://hurricosmo.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialHurriCosmo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HurriCosmo
3 Chances to win!
Grand Prize: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card
Second Runner Up: $25.00 Fireborn Publishing Gift Card
Third Runner Up: eBook copy of Until You (Until You #1) and Chase and Capture
Other books by Hurri Cosmo:
Amber Allure:
How West Was Won
The Superior Jewel
Ice Dragon Tales (contains the first two books in the series, The Servant Prince and The Servant King)
The One
Forgetting Yesterday
Saving Jack
Talasar’s Elixir (Book one in the Dragon for Hire series)
Amber Moon (Part of the Intoxicating Fantasies series)
Chase and Capture
Baby, Think it Over
Secret Cravings:
The Astral Mage (Book one of The Captains of the Wolf)
Fireborn Publishing
Until You
I Believe Now (Sequel to Until You)
Also upcoming:
Riven Creek Ranch
A Place to Belong
Great character interview. Thank you for it and congrats on your newest book =)