5 Responses

  1. Angela
    Angela at |

    Well now i’m curious, what shocking confession? and what secrets? I guess i have to put this one on my TBR list because it really sounds good and i really like to know the answers LOL Thanks for the review.

  2. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I haven’t read anything by Clare London in a while. I’ll definitely have to pick this one up. Thank you for the review!

  3. sula22
    sula22 at |

    A second chance at romance, but bittersweet and shocking confessions oh I wonder how they will get their happy ending? Intriguing review, makes me want to read more and as I am a fan of Clare London’s its another one for me to add to my wish list 🙂

  4. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    The second chance story with more mature characters sounds so interesting.

  5. waxapplelover
    waxapplelover at |

    I love second chance love stories, but it really depends on what that secret or confession was. 🙂 Thanks for the review.


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