Today we welcome to Love Bytes author Jacob Z Flores. Jacob stops by on his blog tour for new release Spell Bound.
We asked Jacob some questions that he kindly answered and he also brought along not 1 but 2 giveaways!
Welcome Jacob
Mason Blackmoor just can’t compete with his brothers, much less his father. They represent the epitome of black magic, strong, dark, and wicked, and though Mason tries to live up to his respected lineage, most of the spells he casts go awry. To make matters worse, his active power has yet to kick in. While his brothers wield lightning and harness the cold, Mason sits on the sidelines, waiting for the moment when he can finally enter the magical game.
When a dead body is discovered on the football field of his high school, Mason meets Drake Carpenter, the new kid in town. Drake’s confident demeanor and quick wit rub Mason the wrong way. Drake is far too self-assured for someone without an ounce of magical blood in his body, and Mason aims to teach him a lesson—like turn him into a roach. And if he’s lucky, maybe this time Mason won’t be the one turned into an insect.
Not surprisingly, the dislike is mutual and Drake does nothing to dispel Mason’s suspicion that the sexy boy with a southern drawl is somehow connected to the murder.
If only Mason didn’t find himself inexplicably spellbound whenever they are together, they might actually find out what danger hides in the shadows.
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Hi Jacob Welcome to Love Bytes
Hi, thank you for having me here. I always enjoy sitting down and talking with Dani. She’s always been too good to me, and she’s very near and dear to my heart.
Congrats on your newest release Could you tell us how you came to write “Spell Bound”?
I’d love to! As you know my muse can be extremely persnickety. He only wants to write the books that interest him, and this plot bunny hopped into my head about magic and warlocks. Since not much had been written about warlocks, the idea of magical bad boys got my muse’s interest, and before you know it, we were creating this whole new world together. It was a long and exhausting process and it’s not over yet. Just when I think I’m done some new part of the world unravels itself. It’s been a lot of work but a lot of fun too. That’s why I even created a new website just for this series. It has background information, history, and other fun information. If anyone would like to visit this website, they can go to
There are more parts planned in this series , do you have any idea how many books it will be in total ?
Oh my God yes. When I was plotting out the story, I realized I wasn’t going to be able to tell Mason, Thad, and Pierce’s story in just three books. There is just too much going on and too many wonderful characters to explore. That is why this series is tentatively planned to be seven books. Each of the three brothers will be the main character for two books. The final book in the series will most likely be from Mason’s point of view.
You seem to be writing in different genre’s is that something you do on purpose ? for example to keep yourself challenged?
That’s actually part of it. I like to write things that are different and of course intriguing to me. I also like to challenge myself and explore areas I’ve never explored before, but most importantly, I write whatever my muse tells me too. If I didn’t listen to him, there would be hell to pay.
Are you someone who reads reviews? How do you handle a positive or negative review ?
Ha ha. Although I know authors are not supposed to read their reviews, I have to admit that I do. Whether the review is good or bad, I’m usually appreciative of the fact that the reviewer took the time to read my book and review it. Of course positive reviews are Always wonderful. Who doesn’t like to hear that his work was appreciated by someone else? For negative reviews, I do my best to take the criticism and find a way to use it to make my writing stronger.
Are there any more books coming related to earlier releases like the Province town books for example?
I get asked a lot about more books for the Provincetown series. The honest answer to that is that there is nothing in the works at this moment. I have toyed with the idea of a Return to Provincetown series, but right now my muse has done nothing with it. Who knows what will happen in the future though?
If you could spend 24 hours by your own choice what would you do and with or without whom?
Wow! That’s a tough one. I think what I would like to do is spend an entire 24 hours with my daughter, just the two of us with no work, no deadlines,and no outside interferences, and just spend the day on the beach. Just the two of us. She’s growing up so fast and has such a busy life that before I know it she’s going to graduate from high school and this part of our journey together will never be the same. So I think I’d like to spend some time just the two of us to create a special memory that will last a lifetime
You make no secret in your bio you are living two different lives , is it ever hard to manage ?
Oh my God yes! The difficulty is not because I keep my world separate. My colleagues know what I write. That’s not the issue. The difficulty comes with trying to maintain my professional career, my writing career, my duty as a father, my role as part of a loving relationship, and my obligations to my family. It’s one of the things that I’m actually struggling with right now. There never seems to be enough time in a day or days in a week to get everything done. However, I am a man with a plan.
and some quickies to finish
favorite drink? Besides vodka and Sprite, I love sweet tea. It’s one of my most favorite drinks.
favorite food? Anything chocolate. With nuts please.
favorite country? The USA. We might have problems but this is still a great country to live in.
favorite author? Stephen King has always been one of my favorites. His novels were the first I ever read.
favorite book? Lol. Stephen King’s It. That book scared the crud out of me and still does to this day!
favorite color? Black of course. It’s very flattering.
favorite song? I really can’t answer that. I have too many songs that I love. I can say that Olivia Newton-John has been one of my all time favorite artists.
favorite movie? Alien. Best. Movie. Ever.
favorite clothing? Shorts. I hate pants and only wear jeans when i have to. Of course when I don’t have to wear bottoms, I don’t.
favorite flower? White roses. They are simple and elegant
Thanks Jacob
Thank you again for having me!
Dani *blows a kiss
Jacob Z. Flores lives a double life. During the day, he is a respected college English professor and mid-level administrator. At night and during his summer vacation, he loosens the tie and tosses aside the trendy sports coat to write man on man fiction, where the hardass assessor of freshmen level composition turns his attention to the firm posteriors and other rigid appendages of the characters in his fictional world.
Summers in Provincetown, Massachusetts, provide Jacob with inspiration for his fiction. The abundance of barely clothed man flesh and daily debauchery stimulates his personal muse. When he isn’t stroking the keyboard, Jacob spends time with his daughter. They both represent a bright blue blip in an otherwise predominantly red swath in south Texas.
You can follow Jacob’s musings on his blog at or become a part of his social media network by visiting
Jacob is giving away an ebook from his backlist to one of our readers and there is also a Grand Prize $25 Amazon Gift Card through Rafflecopter.
Make sure to check out Marieke’s review on Spell Bound HERE!
congrats on your new release Jacob
Thanks for stopping by, Lee.
Looking forward to this series. It sounds as if it will be an excellent read.
I hope you enjoy it, Dianna.
Congrats on your release of SpellBound. It looks like a good read.
Thanks for this post and interview, it’s nice to learn a bit more about you. Thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for stopping by, Angela. <3
Since you’re an ON-J fan, I have to ask: what do you think of the movie XANADU? It would be nice if I weren’t the only one who admits to loving it (surly Michael Beck aside)…
OMG! I love Xanadu! It’s one of my favorite movies of all time. I used to act it out in my room when I was a kid. LOL!
A new series!!
Thank you for the great interview and look at this new book! I love Alien. Great movie.
Alien is the BEST!
Congrats on the new book. Loved your book, Please Remember Me.
I’m thrilled you did. That book was a special one for me.
I loved the interview! Thank you for this post!
Thanks for stopping by.
I really enjoyed the interview. The series sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for stopping by.
congrats and love the cover
I love the cover too! Paul Richmond is a genius.
Congratulations on your new release.
Thank you, Sherry.
Adding this book to my list.
I hope you enjoy it, Cornelia.
This book was great! When is the second coming out?
I’m glad you liked it. Right now, it’s slated to be released in Sept/Oct.
I’ve heard such good things about this book. I’m looking forward to picking up my copy.
Congrats on the release! It sounds so intriguing.
congrats flutterfli