5 Responses

  1. Susan Bernhardt
    Susan Bernhardt at |

    Congratulations, Meg, on this excellent review of Hawaiian Lei!

    1. Meg Amor
      Meg Amor at |

      Aloha Susan :-). Thanks so much!! :-). I’m just thrilled to bits with this review. It’s wonderful. Aloha Meg. 🙂

  2. Meg Amor
    Meg Amor at |

    Aloha Kimberley and Love Bytes. Thanks so much for the wonderful review. I was absolutely thrilled to read this. It made my day. I’m so glad you enjoyed the men and their story. :-). Thanks again. Just terrific. Aloha Meg. 🙂

  3. brinabrady
    brinabrady at |

    Excellent review! I’m so happy for you, Meg!!

    1. Meg Amor
      Meg Amor at |

      Aloha Brina. 🙂

      Thanks so much. I appreciate it.

      Aloha Meg. 🙂


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