A warm welcome to author Katey Hawthorne stopping by Love Bytes for her blog tour on new release The Playhouse
Katey shared with us her inspritation for Playhouse , shares a snippet of her new release and also brought a wonderful giveaway with her !
Welcome Katey
Book blurb:
Summer has been Lily McBride’s favorite time of year since she was a kid, because that’s when the Brookesville Playhouse opens its doors. Now that she’s an adult and works as their tech director, Lily wants more for her beloved Playhouse: a larger audience, a longer season, and exciting shows to draw new patrons.
Hello, hello, and thanks for letting me drop in! Tomorrow, the first f/f book in my Superpowered Love series, The Playhouse, will hit the virtual shelves. I figured I’d say a few things about the inspiration behind it, and give away a copy while I’m at it.
Confession: I spent my childhood summers kicking around the theater that inspired The Playhouse. It was only open June-August, and it was a family affair, for us. My mom and dad were in shows, and then when we were old enough, my brother and I were too. I’m not a great actor, and definitely not a great singer, but it was entertaining anyhow—mostly because of the company. Theater people are… special. And growing up around them is even more special, lemme tell you.
Here’s a little snippet, the very beginning of the book, to give you some idea:
I tried to stop myself, but it just popped out: “But we always do five shows at the Playhouse. Since I was three years old!”
“Since before you were born, honey,” Mitzi Abercrombie said. She sat there waving a Chinese paper fan in front of her melting face like some kind of faux Southern belle. Not for the first time in my life, I wanted to shake her and say, You live in Appalachia, not Savannah!
Luckily, her sister, Lettie, slightly less melty in the face but miles more sensible, elbowed her. “Lily knows that, Mitzi. She just means she can remember it since she was three. I remember too, sweetie. Your daddy playing King Arthur. Had to sit up in that papier-mâché tree for an hour while the audience filtered in, poor thing.”
And we still hadn’t managed to get a curtain, seventeen years later. Not sure how I held my temper to keep from saying that, but it was probably a good thing I did.
Literally, one of my first memories is sitting in the front row at Camelot, waiting for the lights to come up and Guinevere to run on stage, knowing my dad was stuck in a set piece while the audience took twenty minutes to filter in, so he could surprise them by being there.
The Playhouse is littered with weird little life moments like that, mine and others’, as Lily and Gen’s romance gains steam. Funny what you remember from childhood, isn’t it?
If you want to win an eBook copy of the playhouse, just leave a comment here and let me know how you feel about theater—musical or otherwise. To check it out, go to my website, here: http://www.kateyhawthorne.com/p/the-playhouse.html. It’s out tomorrow, from Loose Id!
i love the theater …all of it
… I gotta say, Jodi, I feel that ♥ Thanks for reading!
All the theater…
When I was in hs, there was a local group that relied on donations from local individuals & business, but… our little corner of SWVA was sort of the midway point for a ton of show travelling between eastern VA/NC/northeast TN and KY, and those donations were used to get them to stop off & put on their performances. I went to every one I could, The St Petersburg Ballet, Man of la Mancha, Bye Bye Birdie, Streetcar Named Desire (I think)… so many. ALL the things. I didn’t even need the promise of extra credit (not that the extra credit actually did me any good, anyway; once you hit a certain point in your grades average, extra credit is kinda superfluous…)
My favorite thing now is when I go to visit my parents, I always try to work in a visit to the Barter Theatre with my kids.