AUTHORS:Ally Blue, Eden Winters, Jevocas Green, JP Barnaby, Kage Alan, Kiernan Kelly, Shae Connor, TC Blue,
PUBLISHER: Wilde City Press
Number of words: 118,988
RELEASE DATE: April 29, 2015
Do you imagine blazing gun battles, bandits, and saloons with watered-down drinks when you think of cowboys and the West? We don’t. Our minds go right to horse shifters, bull shifters, were-leopards, urban wannabes, an interrupted journey along Route 66, a man of mystery named Dr. Feel-Good, and high noon at the edge of the galaxy! The fourth time’s the charm as the Butt-Thology authors saddle up, ride their men hard, and put ‘em away wet.
Butt Riders on the Range…the bulls aren’t the only ones being grabbed by the horns!
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‘allo! That’s…um…that’s Spanish for “howdy” in Mandarin. Kage Alan here. You know…Kage? The really adorably cute former Abercrombie model? Yeah, nobody else believes me when I say that either. Right. So let’s get to it then, shall we?
One of my fellow authors and a dear friend, T.C. Blue, has been arguing with me for as long as I’ve known her. It’s really not that unusual because T.C. loves a good debate. In this case, I claim I’m not a romance author and she says I’m full of…um…sushi. Now, I’ll admit that I have romantic elements in my stories, but I’ve never set out to write a romance. I’ve also had a rule; I’ll never write a sex scene unless it’s absolutely necessary for the story. I guess I still haven’t broken that rule, but I did write my first sex scene in my latest story, Chinchilla Chimichangas, in the Butt Riders on the Range anthology.
I suspect the reason I’ve distanced myself from writing romance in general is because of the expectations of a romance novel, which is a problem in itself because folks can mistake romance for erotica. There’s a difference and the majority of the stories I’ve read tend to fit into the erotica category when it comes to sex. My stories are comedies, so there’s little need for sex. When I was writing my latest short story and realized the two characters needed to have that connection, I had a decision to make; how would the sequence be written?
There’s an expectation in erotica for multiple titillating and explicit sex scenes. I find that because of this, whether due to formula or intent, those scenes tend to impede the plot. I’ve read some wonderfully intriguing stories where there’s incredible build-up to the first sex scene, then the plot is pushed way into the background in favor of weak links that connect one sex scene to the next.
I’ve also read stories where characters are only about the hooking up and the only passion shown is during sex, which is typically about getting off. Now, there’s nothing wrong with writing and/or reading that. Readers enjoy it and it sells. I’ve also read some that’s pretty hot. It just doesn’t interest me to write. Did you ever hear director/writer/actor Kevin Smith talk about how his version of a super hero film would be? They’d talk and there wouldn’t be much action, but that’s his strength. My characters rarely shut up either, and the humor that comes through in dialogue is one of my strengths. Why muddy it up with sex?
But, as I said, the two main characters in Chinchilla Chimichangas needed to have a connection. They dance around each other and that can be enough, just not this time. So when I got to the scene where it needed to happen, I approached it in a way that wasn’t—for lack of a better term—fucking. It wasn’t love yet, but it was a profound desire to have a deeper connection, to actually connect. That, to me, embodies the type of romance I’d like to read.
I didn’t get it right the first time either. Nope. I sent it to my friend Patricia Logan and she gave me an hour long tutorial on where the strengths and weaknesses in the sequences were. Then, once that was done, I sent it to Eden Winters because that woman can edit like no other! Finally, after the third pass—I’ll say right now that the story itself would not be in the shape it is now without Patty and Eden’s help—I handed it over to Kiernan Kelly to see if I hit the mark. Kiernan’s response was “Don’t ever let me hear you say you’re not a romance author.”
Let’s just hope she doesn’t tell T.C. Blue.
Now, if you’re feeling daring, you can check out Butt Riders on the Range, especially for the all the other talented folks involved, like Kiernan Kelly, T.C. Blue, Shae Connor, J.P. Barnaby, Eden Winters, Jevocas Green…and that Ally Blue person. You’re bound to have some fun!
And now, a snippet from Chinchilla Chimichangas:
“Hey,” a voice called after him. “Scuse me.”
“Yes?” Chris turned and saw the object of his obsession trying to catch up to him.
They locked eyes and Cameron paused, a look of uncertainty on his face.
“Were you tellin’ the truth in there? You really write those instructions?”
“Yeah.” Chris knew he should be shivering because of how wet he now was, only his voice and body never wavered, not for a second. “I didn’t lie about that. And before you ask, I did an internship at that company several months ago, which is how I recognized the logo on the back of the envelope. They’re local where I live back in Michigan.”
“Make you a deal,” the man mused.
Of course you will.
“You help me with this—” Cameron held the envelope up “—and you can have a shower, a hot meal, and use our guest room in return. What do ya say?”
“Mama always said it’d be rude to turn down Southern hospitality.”
“Did she now?”
“No,” Chris admitted. “She usually just yelled at me to turn the TV down.”
They both laughed and Cameron once again looked unsure about something. As to what, Chris could only guess.
“Ya ain’t a serial killer, are ya? I mean, I gotta ask, right?”
“Of course I’m not a serial killer,” Chris scoffed at the idea. “At least not until they start finding the bodies, and I don’t imagine that happening for at least another week.”
Kage Alan lives in a suburb of Detroit, MI with his husband and their fish & shrimp, who are all affectionately named and answer to “fish” or “shrimp”…except his husband. He lives in fear of his husband’s Hong Kong Grandmonster and is the author of GLBT comedies A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to My Sexual Orientation, Andy Stevenson Vs. the Lord of the Loins, Gaylias: Operation Thunderspell and the short stories Spacehunters: Master Elite and the Maternal Order of Loganites Beyond Uranus, Twink Ninja Tiger, Flaxen Buns Of Fury, It’s A Wonderful Lube, and Chinchilla Chimichangas.
Site: www.KageAlan.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kagealan
Twitter: www.twitter.com/kagealan
One ebook copy of any of the previous Butt-Thologies
Contest Begins: April 29, 2015
Contest Ends: May 10, 2015
I love the name of these anthologies they always make me smile!
Wait until you hear the name of the one we have planned for 2016, Shirley. =)