With so many different blogs what is it that you like about Love Bytes?
And to enter we would like to hear even if it is just one thing , what you would like to see on Love Bytes
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The best things about love bytes are the excellently professionally presented reviews and the regular posts made by guest authors talking about all things mm and publishing.
The layout! I happen to love three column blog layouts
I love that you have such a diverse group of reviewers and that you give us authors viewpoints as well.
Love Bytes has a large team of reviewers, male and female. The have excellent reviews. The are here not only for the reader but the authors. They have weekly and monthly contests for books that the public votes on. It was actually the first review site that I knew of. As for what I’d like to see…hmmm. Maybe every few months they can highlight one of their reviewers;. Post their favorite reviews and such.
I have to go with the many different reviewers as well. You don’t have a narrow window of story types because so many read different genres. If anything, I’d like to see more lesbian fiction reviewed.
I love that your reviewers cover so many different sub-genres of M/M romance
I’m not sure I can think of anything to improve Love Bytes to be honest…it’s great as it is
I like the reviews and the guest posts by authors, which are always interesting. Please keep doing what you’re doing!
This was the first review site I signed up with (even now I only read 2 others). Y’all are so nice and respond to comments and questions. Great reviews too.
I read and do most of my internet surfing on my ipad. So I appreciate that the website is mobile-friendly. The posts are well-tagged and it is easy to find things. As for going forward, I would love to see more differing points of view (I know it’s strange) but maybe having two or more reviewers read the same book and offer up a tag-team review?
Of course, the main thing is a place I can find the best M/M romance. Other things I like is that the reviews have the page count for the books. M/M romance tend to have pretty short books and that’s not my thing, that will tell me right away if I even want to check the book out. Another thing I love is that it includes “all romance eBooks” for a site to buy. Most reviews on other sites only Amazon and B&N.
I love that you have great reviewers. You also cover a lot of books that I am interested in as well as have a great layout to your page. I love that authors come by and leave posts from time to time about various topics. I love your site. It’s one of a handful I visit everyday.
Well my reasons are personal. You’ve been such a good friend since we met but that’s just half of it. You help us all – readers and authors and you always do it with a smile. There are other places to go but there’s only one Dani. Of course you’ve also got a very good group of reviewers too so what’s not to like.
one suggestion? Give the reviews and guest posts more emphasis so they stand out more.
Thanks so much for everything!! Here’s to many more years of success.
I love finding new books to read. This blog is one the best places to find one. I would love to see more author interviews.
I love the many book reviews and new to me authors I have found!
I appreciate that all the reviewers clearly love the genre. I’d love to see even more guest posts from authors. It’s great to hear from them.
Your review site is one of the first that I discovered and I really enjoy reading the book reviews as well as the author guest posts. I love learning more about the authors whoose books I have come to love. I also really appreciate all the generous giveways, an opportunity to read more books than my budget would otherwise allow.
I love the perspectives of the multiple reviewers, and the international postings give me a new view of m/m’s place in the world. Of course, you can’t beat the giveaways, either!
I like the different reviewers, specially when they review books I want to read.
I also like the authors’ posts, I specially remember one made by J.P. Barnaby about a lost angel (friend) to her. It made me cry.
I like when I’m considering a book to buy or add to list , the review helps to make my decision. I can trust an honest review
The site has a great layout – easy to find things. I like your diverse group of reviewers and also the book of week/month polls. And, of course, events like this one! Maybe do a feature on one of the reviewers each month so we can learn more about them. I would find that interesting.
The guest posts from authors about their topic of choice and the well written reviews. The site is also so easy to navigate.
I trust your reviews. You have so many different people reviewing. I would like to see maybe dual reviews, two opinions.
I think the blog has a really nice energy, which comes from great leadership and a great crew of reviewers. This is only because you started it with your contest, but it would be fun if you continued the cover challenge after the anniversary party is over. Whether or not it’d be tied to a contest or a giveaway, it might just be another fun reason to visit.
I love your author segments. So much wonderful information and so much fun.
I like how there are so many reviewers and therefore, so many reviews to read. If there’s a book I’m unsure about, there’s almost always a review here I can look at to help me choose.
I think it would be interesting to have reviewers post about the book they liked the most every month or so.
I love and trust the reviews on your blog. Also the guest posts the authors software fantastic and give us a glimpse into their lives, creative process and WIP’s. You also have fantastic giveaways!
I’m really not sure on what to improve because I think you do a great job already. 
I really like the easy, compact layout of your website, the reviews and the contests.
Forgot to add – Maybe occasionally ask if there are some older favorite books or series that the reader would like the staff to do a Flashback or retro review on so that others could find an older great read. Maybe every quarter?
I love the reviews and all the guest posts from the authors! I love learning about other author’s creative processes!
I love that your rating most times matches my taste and I’ve found so many awesome reads because of that. (Actually that’s the reason why my husband doesn’t like your site very much; reading your reviews always is very expensive
kalidris at gmail dot com
The reason i prefer your blog to other similar sites is quite simple. Your reviewers actually read the books they review and write informative pieces on those books. Some other sites have reviewers that write exactly the same thing for every book they review. Grrrr!
Perhaps it would be nice to do a trivia fact at the bottom of each review about the person who wrote it, just to make it a tad more personal?
I like this blog because it is very personal, the reviews are great and i like the layout. In a nutshell it looks welcoming !
Love bytes is awesome, you give us great contests, great interviews. I can always find a new book or anew author.. The Layout is super. You need to change nothing. Awesome job!!!
With all the blogs about I only regularly read a handful, LB being one! Over time, I know that some of the reviewers have similar reading tastes to me so I can trust what is said about the books.
Also enjoy the regular visits by authors
I always enjoy the reviews here but what really stands out to me is the layout on the home page. You offer so many things here and they are very easy to find…reviews, announcements, recommendations, book polls, and the author space. Keep up the great work. Y’all are doing an awesome job.
I Love the great reviews by good reviewers and discovering new authors
Personally, I really like the site (and reviewers) as it is – it’s informative, easy to use and you’ll not afraid to voice your opinions! But, if you are looking for one thing to improve/consider, have you thought about having one book but two reviewers, reviewing it? I’m sure we agree that though people read the same book, we all read it differently! So another perspective is always good.
I love the guest post and all of the reviews.
You are all doing an excellent job!I like the blog the way it is it’s easy to find things and all the reviewers are good at their jobs. Only one question maybe every so often you could have a new author day where a new author could talk about how they got into publishing etc.
I would say the layout also! Very easy to find things and reviewers are good!
I love that your reviewers come from all over!
I love the fact that, with so many reviewers, we get a variety of tastes and opinions on books.
If you wanted to change just one thing then maybe a multi review of a new author/book once a month with all the reviewers giving their opinions.
You reviewers write well thought out reviews. There are no ‘attack’ reviews, which is great.
This is probably my favorite of all of the blogs I follow. I can trust the reviewers to give a honest an accurate review that will help me find the books I’m most interested in. It’s hard to find something I would like you to consider adding to the site. Possibly more author interviews for first time authors.
Wow this was seriously a great thread to read . I love the compliments of course! but i even more love the suggestions . I cannot say I can work with them all but they sure given me stuff to consider
Thanks a Lot!! Dani
I think maybe weekly/monthly feature for new upcoming authors and maybe more flashback to old favourites, perhaps asking readers to pick a book to discuss like a reading group?
I am really happy with your site, but if I think of a few more things I will let you know
I also like character interviews, can we have more of those?
Congrats to Barbra, Antonia, Mary, Allison & ShirleyAnn !