Oh that’s not fair…..I have so many I love and it’s equal……Damn…Eeny Meeny Minny Moe….Okay I go with the first book I read in the MM genre. It is a great book to start with. Between Sinners and Saints by Marie Sexton.
One of the things that stood out to me while reading this book was the respectful way that Ms. Sexton treated the Mormon faith. During the course of the book she never bashed nor condemned the Mormon faith. No matter how any of the characters disagreed , their faith is never made to look bad. This is a great book of finding something you didn’t know you were looking for; of healing with the help of someone else. A great book to read that combines M/M romance and religion in a respectful way.
Just 1? Bone Rider by J. Fally. She made this seem like a very possible happening. The MCs were great and made you want them to win. And everyone loves a Mafia hitman in love with a human taken over by an alien.
I can’t really say I have an all-time fav book… I have lots. But I guess I’d go for Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies #1) by K.J. Charles (actually, it’s the whole series). I love her writing style and being historical romance one of the first big genres in my life, it’s a must read for me. Just knowing she has new books coming out soon makes me smile. =)
Thanks for the giveaway!
This is impossible so I’ll choose one that made me feel more than I could handle, that I have a personal connection to the setting, and that makes me want to be a better person. For all those reasons and many more I would choose King Mai by Edmond Manning.
This is so hard to choose just one book.It really can’t be done it’s like choosing your favorite child LOL But here it goes “Frog” by Mary Calmes, I really loved this book. Its sweet, it has humor, lovable main characters, hot sex, cowboy-Bull Rider/doctor, great family, drama, likeable secondary characters. Who doesn’t love Weber
I really really love Mary Calmes’ A Matter of Time series Jory was just so awesome. His personality was fun, he was comfortable in his own shoes and unapologetic. Sam alpha male personality was just shiver worthy and again I love that he was unapologetic and so confident.
So difficult to pick just one book, depending upon my mood my favorites may vary. If I have to pick one it would be Heidi Cullinan’s Fever Pitch. The story pulled me in and the underlying musical themes were an added bonus. I adored Aaron and Giles and absolutely love Walter. I have read the ebook numerous times and recently listened to the audio-book version, just as fabulous.
Oh my, how is that fair!!!! Ok… MC Rayne…. MM author .. He isn’t a well known author as of yet .. but OMG!!! It’s like walking down a gorgeous street filled with flowers and a sweet spring breeze flowing all around you, then Bam your walking into a glass wall, your heart is being ripped from your chest, you pick yourself up of the ground and say… What the hell just happened. It’s amazing what this man can do with words, if you read his books. Have a box of tissues!!
I couldn’t possibly choose! But if pushed I would have to choose the first mm book I read which was Heaven Sent by Jet Mykles. This book opened a whole new world to me!
It’s impossible for me to pick a favorite book. There are so many I love and go back to again and again. One favorite is Widdershins by Jordan L Hawk. A wonderful beginning to a fabulous series with engaging characters and an interesting world. I love Whyborne and Griffin and Christine is an amazing character too. I lost count of how many times I’ve read it.
Ahh just one? Umm Dance with the Devil by Megan Derr. I really adore the characters and the story. It’s pretty much the reason I started reading m/m fiction.
Just ask me to choose my favorite child too. It would be just as easy. One of my all time favorite author and book is Suzanne Brockmann’s All Through the Night: A Troubleshooter Christmas and the follow-up When Tony Met Adam. I reread these two all of the time.
That is impossible. It’s like picking your one favorite food from desserts, fruits, protein, or vegetables or many other categories. They’re all different.
For books, it depends on the genre. If I stick with MM, then there are two that come to my mind and they are different. One would be “Training Season” by Leta Blake because it made me feel. I mean really feel. Then the other book is one I just finished ready, “In the Absence of Light” by Adrienne Wilder. If you haven’t read it or reviewed it, you must. I can write long reviews, but I find words will be inadequate for this book. It’s one of those books, that ruins other books once it’s read. I will end up comparing other books to this and they will fall short. It’s a book that hits all the spots that I’m looking for in an M/M story, but couldn’t name, and when it does, I never want the story to end. You’ll feel bereft because it’s over. Last year my favorite book was “Training Season.” This year my favorite is “In the Absence of Light.”
My favorite has to be The Dark Tide, the final book in Josh Lanyon’s Adrien English series, because Adrien & Jake finally get their happy ending after five books of angst. Josh is the king of the mm genre!
I go back to Damon Suede’s HOT HEAD all the time; it’s sexy and touching, and has the most humane take on 9/11 I’ve read. I also love Eden Winters’ DIVERSION for its unusual and engaging premise and the introduction of fantastically atypical hero Lucky. Clare London’s SAY A LITTLE PRAYER makes me weep happily each time I read it, so that’s nothing to sneeze at, either…
One favorite?! Oh man. Beyond Duty by Sjd Peterson is one of my favorites. Fish & Chips by Abi Roux is another. Bound by Law by SE Jakes as well as the Home series by Cardeno C. So many depending on my mood.
Scrap Metal by Harper Fox today – tomorrow it could be another of my top rated books, depending on how the mood takes me. For this one it was both the characters, especially granda, and the scene setting, so close to home.
No fair picking just one!! I will have to go with TJ Klune’s Bear Otter & the Kid since that was the first m/m book I ever read, and it was a 5 star read for me, along with the rest of the series. I’ve been hooked ever since.
You mean i have to pick just one? Hmmm Well, i immediately thought of every book on my Kindle and all my fav authors, but then i really read your words. My all time favorite book and author? That’s easy! Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Prior to that book, i had read the teeny bopper romances and the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys stuff, but that was my true first hefty romance novel. I remember lugging that thing to school with me every morning, carrying it every where i went. If i couldn’t only have one book with me, that would be it!
Like most people, I find it almost impossible to pick a favorite book. One of my favorites is Crystal Rose’s I’ll Be Your Drill Soldier – worst name ever but I loved that book! Romantic comedy is my favorite genre. Rose does an excellent job combining humor and angst. I fell in love with all of the characters and the story line stayed with me long after I read it.
I was going to go with my first M/M book ever (shout out to Change of Heart by Mary Calmes!), but when I settled down to really think about it, I couldn’t choose other than Tell Me It’s Real by TJ Klune. There are just so many elements about it that make it my favorite ever.
First, it’s the humor. I love when the story isn’t just about angst-angst-angst. And the humor is written so well; it’s just this side of being over-the-top. Some may disagree, but I have now read and re-read this book over 10 times, and I never get tired of it. Second, I love that the characters are flawed, not only physically but also mentally. So many stories are written about “perfect” or unbelievably “handsome” characters that I enjoy ones where the person isn’t physically perfect. And one of the other characters is a bit dim, but mostly adorably so. Again, with all those characters out there who are super intelligent doctors, lawyers or businessmen, it’s great to see two “ordinary” characters who have insecurities and flaws just like the rest of us. Third, this story has some of the best supporting characters ever. I still can’t wait to see Sandy’s story. And Paul’s family is really just the best.
Not sure if I’m to choose from m/m, but my favorite book of all time is To Kill A Mockingbird.I read it the first time in 5th grade and I’ve read it dozens of times since. It’s a snapshot of how things were and Harper Lee makes you feel the atmosphere. Now for m/m, judging by the number of re-reads, it would be Catch Me If You Can & Trust Me If You Dare by LB Gregg. I’ve read them both zillions of times and they always make me feel better. They’re the best comedy/mystery/romances I’ve ever read.
My all time favorite would be “Always” by Kindle Alexander. It a love story that spans 40 years and that just hit me in such an emotional way. I’ve been with my husband for 40 year (married 37) and I just felt a connection with the book.
There are so many but have to go with Promise series by Amy Lane .She created a family from nothing that I felt part of as other joined. I always go back to these books.
If I have to pick it is probably Pup by Sjd Peterson. It is such a beautiful and moving story. The scenes between Micah and Tackett are touching. I absolutely adore their love story. When I met Jo in Atlanta @ GRL I was in tears talking about this story and how it touched my heart when talking about true submission and how a Dom would take care of his sub.I re-read Pup quite frequently. Jo is definitely one of my top fave authors because she sucks you into her stories and you just don’t want to leave! Thanks for such a great giveaway!!
Since the prompt is favorite book ever, I have to go with Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I know that is not m/m, but I read it first when I was a young teen and have read it many times since. I love Jane Austen’s writing and the humor in that book. Plus there is also an awesome mini-series for it starring the sexy Colin Firth.
Hmm… this one is tough… I’d probably have to go with Without Caution by JL Langley. I fell so hard for Remy and Jake and the entire cast of characters in a way that I’d never done so before. I already loved the world, but how, in that book, the author advanced it into something more was phenomenal.
So difficult and I have so many favorites, so I’ll choose Kallysten’s Fangs and Lullubies in her Demon Age Series. Her series would be a good one for Flashback Friday etc.
Forgot to say why – so special & touching is vampire father Andrew’s love & relationship with his human son Jacob as he grows from a baby to a teen. Also, the relationship of Nicholas with his Sire, Andrew, and Jacob is so intricate and interesting.
My absolute favorite book that I can re-read over and over is The Stand by Stephen King……..sorry, you asked! As for m/m?? It changes weekly but I absolutely adore Jamie Reese’s Men of Halfway House series!
I’m going with my favorite m/m read. If I was stuck on a desert island, I would want Damon Suede’s Hot Head with me. There are a number of books I love that are truly terrific and special; this one just happens to have a special place in my heart. Forever and ever. True love.
I have several favorites, but if my life would depend on it, I’d choose Faith & Fidelity by Tere Michaels. I found the paperback in our local book store some years ago, when I had no idea that m/m-romance actually is a genre. I adore this book and after I re-read it a couple of years later, it made me turn on Google to find out if there’s more … And yesssss – there is
I’m going with my very first m/m book because I loved it and haven’t looked back: True of Heart Book 1 of the Draegan Lord series by ML Rhodes. It had it all – enemies to lovers, dragon shifters, action, adventure and amazing mc’s and supporting characters. Have been anxiously waiting years for the last book to be published.
I have a hard time choosing just one favorite book because so many stand out to me. I’ll go with Keeping Promise Rock because that book had me on an emotional roller coaster ride and it turned me on to the awesomeness of Amy Lane’s writing. I have read many of her books since then, but that one left a lasting impression on me. She is definitely one of my favorite authors.
One of my favorite books is Seize the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I love it because the hero had such a hard life and is so misunderstood but a great guy.
I was going to go with Cut & Run, because I loved it so much and it became my favorite series ever. But looking back, I think I have to go with Starfish and Coffee by Kele Moon. It was one of the first MM books I read, and I’ve gone back to reread it several times. Absolutely love second chance stories.
If we are talking m/m then I think one of my many, many favourites is Magic’s Pawn by Mercedes Lackey (have lost count of how many times I’ve reread it). As to why it’s a favourite? I can only say that no matter how many times I read it it always feels fresh and I still get emotional over the story and that to me is a sign of a good book.
My favourite book is “Second Sight” by Sean Michael it was one of the first M/M E-books I ever read it is a story I can tell off by heart I’ve read it so many times. It has first love then bitterness then hope and then love it so full of emotion I just love it.
My favorite book? Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Picked it up used at a library when I was 11, and I’ve been hooked on the series ever since. Claire’s fierce and Jamie’s adorable, and their story just transcends a lot of adversity. MM, it’d have to be Strength of the Wolf by Kendall McKenna. Something about her writing just draws me in and makes me want to read it over and over.
Pick just one?? That’s a hard question. I guess Kindle Alexander’s Always has stuck with me. The book really touched me, speaking of their past and time together. I was so happy they found each other again. Makes you believe in love again.
I am glad I was not the only one to find this a difficult choice, as there are so many I go back to as comfort/favourite reads. I have great deal of fondness for a self publishing author called JF Smith and his book Latika, it is a great story, an adventure, a lovely slow developing romance, with navy seals, heroes, bonding and friendship and so much more.
I’ve severals but thanks to a friend of mine, I discovered Robert and Noah from Heart Knot Mine by Lily Velden. A British gay man and an american man…love has its ways…I love theme together..grrrrrrrrrr
Oh that’s not fair…..I have so many I love and it’s equal……Damn…Eeny Meeny Minny Moe….Okay I go with the first book I read in the MM genre. It is a great book to start with. Between Sinners and Saints by Marie Sexton.
One of the things that stood out to me while reading this book was the respectful way that Ms. Sexton treated the Mormon faith. During the course of the book she never bashed nor condemned the Mormon faith. No matter how any of the characters disagreed , their faith is never made to look bad. This is a great book of finding something you didn’t know you were looking for; of healing with the help of someone else. A great book to read that combines M/M romance and religion in a respectful way.
Just 1? Bone Rider by J. Fally. She made this seem like a very possible happening. The MCs were great and made you want them to win. And everyone loves a Mafia hitman in love with a human taken over by an alien.
I can’t really say I have an all-time fav book… I have lots.
But I guess I’d go for Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies #1) by K.J. Charles (actually, it’s the whole series). I love her writing style and being historical romance one of the first big genres in my life, it’s a must read for me. Just knowing she has new books coming out soon makes me smile. =)
Thanks for the giveaway!
This is impossible so I’ll choose one that made me feel more than I could handle, that I have a personal connection to the setting, and that makes me want to be a better person. For all those reasons and many more I would choose King Mai by Edmond Manning.
I can’t go past the Temptation series by Ella Frank
Try was my fave book of 2013 and Take was my fave of 2014…..can’t wait for Trust!!
This is so hard to choose just one book.It really can’t be done it’s like choosing your favorite child LOL But here it goes “Frog” by Mary Calmes, I really loved this book. Its sweet, it has humor, lovable main characters, hot sex, cowboy-Bull Rider/doctor, great family, drama, likeable secondary characters. Who doesn’t love Weber
That’s one of my favorites, and a frequent reread of mine as well
I really really love Mary Calmes’ A Matter of Time series Jory was just so awesome. His personality was fun, he was comfortable in his own shoes and unapologetic. Sam alpha male personality was just shiver worthy and again I love that he was unapologetic and so confident.
So difficult to pick just one book, depending upon my mood my favorites may vary. If I have to pick one it would be Heidi Cullinan’s Fever Pitch. The story pulled me in and the underlying musical themes were an added bonus. I adored Aaron and Giles and absolutely love Walter. I have read the ebook numerous times and recently listened to the audio-book version, just as fabulous.
Oh my, how is that fair!!!! Ok… MC Rayne…. MM author .. He isn’t a well known author as of yet .. but OMG!!! It’s like walking down a gorgeous street filled with flowers and a sweet spring breeze flowing all around you, then Bam your walking into a glass wall, your heart is being ripped from your chest, you pick yourself up of the ground and say… What the hell just happened. It’s amazing what this man can do with words, if you read his books. Have a box of tissues!!
I couldn’t possibly choose! But if pushed I would have to choose the first mm book I read which was Heaven Sent by Jet Mykles. This book opened a whole new world to me!
It’s impossible for me to pick a favorite book. There are so many I love and go back to again and again. One favorite is Widdershins by Jordan L Hawk. A wonderful beginning to a fabulous series with engaging characters and an interesting world. I love Whyborne and Griffin and Christine is an amazing character too. I lost count of how many times I’ve read it.
I can’t pick one book. The Cut & Run series by Abi Roux!
Ahh just one? Umm Dance with the Devil by Megan Derr. I really adore the characters and the story. It’s pretty much the reason I started reading m/m fiction.
Just ask me to choose my favorite child too. It would be just as easy. One of my all time favorite author and book is Suzanne Brockmann’s All Through the Night: A Troubleshooter Christmas and the follow-up When Tony Met Adam. I reread these two all of the time.
That is impossible. It’s like picking your one favorite food from desserts, fruits, protein, or vegetables or many other categories. They’re all different.
For books, it depends on the genre. If I stick with MM, then there are two that come to my mind and they are different. One would be “Training Season” by Leta Blake because it made me feel. I mean really feel. Then the other book is one I just finished ready, “In the Absence of Light” by Adrienne Wilder. If you haven’t read it or reviewed it, you must. I can write long reviews, but I find words will be inadequate for this book. It’s one of those books, that ruins other books once it’s read. I will end up comparing other books to this and they will fall short. It’s a book that hits all the spots that I’m looking for in an M/M story, but couldn’t name, and when it does, I never want the story to end. You’ll feel bereft because it’s over. Last year my favorite book was “Training Season.” This year my favorite is “In the Absence of Light.”
My favorite has to be The Dark Tide, the final book in Josh Lanyon’s Adrien English series, because Adrien & Jake finally get their happy ending after five books of angst. Josh is the king of the mm genre!
I go back to Damon Suede’s HOT HEAD all the time; it’s sexy and touching, and has the most humane take on 9/11 I’ve read. I also love Eden Winters’ DIVERSION for its unusual and engaging premise and the introduction of fantastically atypical hero Lucky. Clare London’s SAY A LITTLE PRAYER makes me weep happily each time I read it, so that’s nothing to sneeze at, either…
One favorite?! Oh man. Beyond Duty by Sjd Peterson is one of my favorites. Fish & Chips by Abi Roux is another. Bound by Law by SE Jakes as well as the Home series by Cardeno C. So many depending on my mood.
Scrap Metal by Harper Fox today – tomorrow it could be another of my top rated books, depending on how the mood takes me. For this one it was both the characters, especially granda, and the scene setting, so close to home.
No fair picking just one!! I will have to go with TJ Klune’s Bear Otter & the Kid since that was the first m/m book I ever read, and it was a 5 star read for me, along with the rest of the series. I’ve been hooked ever since.
You mean i have to pick just one? Hmmm Well, i immediately thought of every book on my Kindle and all my fav authors, but then i really read your words. My all time favorite book and author? That’s easy! Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Prior to that book, i had read the teeny bopper romances and the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys stuff, but that was my true first hefty romance novel. I remember lugging that thing to school with me every morning, carrying it every where i went. If i couldn’t only have one book with me, that would be it!
Like most people, I find it almost impossible to pick a favorite book. One of my favorites is Crystal Rose’s I’ll Be Your Drill Soldier – worst name ever but I loved that book! Romantic comedy is my favorite genre. Rose does an excellent job combining humor and angst. I fell in love with all of the characters and the story line stayed with me long after I read it.
I was going to go with my first M/M book ever (shout out to Change of Heart by Mary Calmes!), but when I settled down to really think about it, I couldn’t choose other than Tell Me It’s Real by TJ Klune. There are just so many elements about it that make it my favorite ever.
First, it’s the humor. I love when the story isn’t just about angst-angst-angst. And the humor is written so well; it’s just this side of being over-the-top. Some may disagree, but I have now read and re-read this book over 10 times, and I never get tired of it. Second, I love that the characters are flawed, not only physically but also mentally. So many stories are written about “perfect” or unbelievably “handsome” characters that I enjoy ones where the person isn’t physically perfect. And one of the other characters is a bit dim, but mostly adorably so. Again, with all those characters out there who are super intelligent doctors, lawyers or businessmen, it’s great to see two “ordinary” characters who have insecurities and flaws just like the rest of us. Third, this story has some of the best supporting characters ever. I still can’t wait to see Sandy’s story. And Paul’s family is really just the best.
Not sure if I’m to choose from m/m, but my favorite book of all time is To Kill A Mockingbird.I read it the first time in 5th grade and I’ve read it dozens of times since. It’s a snapshot of how things were and Harper Lee makes you feel the atmosphere. Now for m/m, judging by the number of re-reads, it would be Catch Me If You Can & Trust Me If You Dare by LB Gregg. I’ve read them both zillions of times and they always make me feel better. They’re the best comedy/mystery/romances I’ve ever read.
My all time favorite would be “Always” by Kindle Alexander. It a love story that spans 40 years and that just hit me in such an emotional way. I’ve been with my husband for 40 year (married 37) and I just felt a connection with the book.
Today it is Ask the Oracle by JJ Black. It is a bit different and features lot of demons.
There are so many but have to go with Promise series by Amy Lane .She created a family from nothing that I felt part of as other joined. I always go back to these books.
If I have to pick it is probably Pup by Sjd Peterson. It is such a beautiful and moving story. The scenes between Micah and Tackett are touching. I absolutely adore their love story. When I met Jo in Atlanta @ GRL I was in tears talking about this story and how it touched my heart when talking about true submission and how a Dom would take care of his sub.I re-read Pup quite frequently. Jo is definitely one of my top fave authors because she sucks you into her stories and you just don’t want to leave!
Thanks for such a great giveaway!!
Since the prompt is favorite book ever, I have to go with Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I know that is not m/m, but I read it first when I was a young teen and have read it many times since. I love Jane Austen’s writing and the humor in that book. Plus there is also an awesome mini-series for it starring the sexy Colin Firth.
Hmm… this one is tough… I’d probably have to go with Without Caution by JL Langley. I fell so hard for Remy and Jake and the entire cast of characters in a way that I’d never done so before. I already loved the world, but how, in that book, the author advanced it into something more was phenomenal.
So difficult and I have so many favorites, so I’ll choose Kallysten’s Fangs and Lullubies in her Demon Age Series. Her series would be a good one for Flashback Friday etc.
Forgot to say why – so special & touching is vampire father Andrew’s love & relationship with his human son Jacob as he grows from a baby to a teen. Also, the relationship of Nicholas with his Sire, Andrew, and Jacob is so intricate and interesting.
My absolute favorite book that I can re-read over and over is The Stand by Stephen King……..sorry, you asked! As for m/m?? It changes weekly
but I absolutely adore Jamie Reese’s Men of Halfway House series!
I’m going with my favorite m/m read. If I was stuck on a desert island, I would want Damon Suede’s Hot Head with me. There are a number of books I love that are truly terrific and special; this one just happens to have a special place in my heart. Forever and ever. True love.
I have several favorites, but if my life would depend on it, I’d choose Faith & Fidelity by Tere Michaels. I found the paperback in our local book store some years ago, when I had no idea that m/m-romance actually is a genre. I adore this book and after I re-read it a couple of years later, it made me turn on Google to find out if there’s more … And yesssss – there is
kalidris at gmail dot com
I think it will have to be The Lost Gods series by Megan Derr. The reason being pure escapism!
I’m going with my very first m/m book because I loved it and haven’t looked back: True of Heart Book 1 of the Draegan Lord series by ML Rhodes. It had it all – enemies to lovers, dragon shifters, action, adventure and amazing mc’s and supporting characters. Have been anxiously waiting years for the last book to be published.
I have a hard time choosing just one favorite book because so many stand out to me. I’ll go with Keeping Promise Rock because that book had me on an emotional roller coaster ride and it turned me on to the awesomeness of Amy Lane’s writing. I have read many of her books since then, but that one left a lasting impression on me. She is definitely one of my favorite authors.
Hmmmm….I’m going to go with Protection S.A. Reid. This was my first m/m read (a long time ago) and I’ve never looked back.
One of my favorite books is Seize the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I love it because the hero had such a hard life and is so misunderstood but a great guy.
Wow it all depends on my mood! I would pick Beyond Duty by S.J.D. Peterson. This book just has it all!
I was going to go with Cut & Run, because I loved it so much and it became my favorite series ever. But looking back, I think I have to go with Starfish and Coffee by Kele Moon. It was one of the first MM books I read, and I’ve gone back to reread it several times. Absolutely love second chance stories.
If we are talking m/m then I think one of my many, many favourites is Magic’s Pawn by Mercedes Lackey (have lost count of how many times I’ve reread it). As to why it’s a favourite? I can only say that no matter how many times I read it it always feels fresh and I still get emotional over the story and that to me is a sign of a good book.
My favourite book is “Second Sight” by Sean Michael it was one of the first M/M E-books I ever read it is a story I can tell off by heart I’ve read it so many times. It has first love then bitterness then hope and then love it so full of emotion I just love it.
My favorite book? Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Picked it up used at a library when I was 11, and I’ve been hooked on the series ever since. Claire’s fierce and Jamie’s adorable, and their story just transcends a lot of adversity. MM, it’d have to be Strength of the Wolf by Kendall McKenna. Something about her writing just draws me in and makes me want to read it over and over.
Pick just one??
That’s a hard question. I guess Kindle Alexander’s Always has stuck with me. The book really touched me, speaking of their past and time together. I was so happy they found each other again. Makes you believe in love again.
I am glad I was not the only one to find this a difficult choice, as there are so many I go back to as comfort/favourite reads. I have great deal of fondness for a self publishing author called JF Smith and his book Latika, it is a great story, an adventure, a lovely slow developing romance, with navy seals, heroes, bonding and friendship and so much more.
Thank you again
I’ve severals but thanks to a friend of mine, I discovered Robert and Noah from Heart Knot Mine by Lily Velden. A British gay man and an american man…love has its ways…I love theme together..grrrrrrrrrr
Congrats to Sandy, Tammy & Rod B. !