Even after 3 days of celebrating and numerous giveaways on the blog and on fb
I still had so many awesome prizes to giveaway !
So I made a final list for the final stop
Fill out your top 10 of what you would like to recieve a max of 5 backlist titles on each list allowed
Good luck !
Thanks for being part in the celebration in whatever way !!
A huge thanks goes out to my wonderful team of reviewers :
Carissa, Roberta, Donna, Vicki, Amber, Dan, Cindy, Tara, Dennis, Kimberley, Tammy, Tidal, Sid, Lily, Pam, Marieke & Paul
Ashavan for being responsable for all the images incl the wonderful celebration image!
And Last but not Least!! To the amazing incredable fantastic authors and publishers who made this whole event possible by donating their wonderful books and gifts .
I hope the celebration did it justice !
Thanks to : Amber Kell Amy Lane AJ Rose Anna Martin Annabeth Albert Andrew Grey Angel Martinez Ashavan Doyon Aleksandr Voinov Andrew Gordon Avril Ashton Am Arthur Alexis Hall AF Henley AE Via Blaine D Arden Bailey Bradford Brandon Witt BG Thomas Cody Kennedy Cindy Sutherland Charlie Cochet Cate Ashwood Cardeno C Cat Grant Cris Quinton Con Riley Deejay Arons Clare London Devon Rhodes Garrett Leigh Harper Fox Heidi Cullinan Izzy von Swelm Jeff Adams J.P Barnaby Jackie Nacht Jacob Flores Josh Lanyon Jaime Reese Josphine Myles Jordan Castillo Price Jordan L Hawk Jay Northcote Joseph Lance Tonlet Kaje Harper Keira Andrews K.C Wells Kindle Alexander KJ Charles Kate Aaron Kade Boehme K.A Merikan Lou Sylvre L.A Witt Lane Hayes Lisa Henry Lynn Lorenz Lm somerton Lisa Worrall Morticia Knight Mia Kerick Max Vos Mary Calmes Maris Black M.J O shea N.R Walker Nico Jaye Pelaam Princess So Poppy Denisson Rhys Ford Rick R Reed Renae Kaye Raine o Tierney Rebecca Cohen Rj Scott Sue Brown Sean Michael Sa MaCauley SJD Peterson Sandrine Casq Dion Susan Mac Nicol Silvia Violet Sloan Johnson Shira Anthony Skylar Cates Shae Connor S.E Jakes Susan Laine Sara York Sid LoveTheo Fenraven Tj Masters Tempeste o Reilly Taylor Law Tara Lain Tinnean TA Chase Victor Alexander William Cooper Will Parkinson Wade Kelley Wulf Franco Godgluck Z Allora ZA Maxfield Zathyn Priest Totally Bound DSP LT3P LooseId Samhain Wild City Extasy Riptide MLR Manifold JMS Cool Dudes Evernight Liquid Silver Wayward Ink Mischieff Corner Amber Allure Rooster & Pig Torquere Press Stiff Rain Press
The final list excists out of the following :
ecopy of Misplaced Affection donated by Wade Kelley
ecopy Authors Gone Wild donated by William Cooper
ecopy of Wrong Turn donated by Taylor Law
ecopy Lavender Rose donated by Theo Fenraven
ecopy Unfortunate Son by Shae Connor
ecopy of Radio Boys donated by Sean Michael
ecopy The Third Eye donated by Rick R Reed
ecopy Just Desserts donated by Mary Calmes
The 1st book in the Rougaroux Social Club donated by Lynn Lorenz
backlist copy by Brandon Witt
Backlist copy of Raine O’Tierney
ecopy Think of England donated by K.J Charles
ecopy of A Forbidden Rumspringa donated by Keira Andrews
ecopy of Restless Spirits donated by Jordan L. Hawk
ecopy A Heart For Robbie donated by J.P Barnaby
ecopy of Soulmate for Sin donated by Izzy von Swelm
ecopy of True Brit donated by Con Riley
ecopy of Johnnie donated by Cardeno C
ecopy of Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
ecopy of Safe donated by Cody Kennedy
ecopy Fifth Son donated by Blaine D Arden
ecopy Getting it Right (Restorations 1) donated by A.M Arthur
ecopy of Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses donated by Angel Martinez
backlist copy donated by Susan Laine
Muse me only donated by Princess S.O
backlist copy donated by Poppy Denisson
Taking fromTrofim donated by Princess S.O
choice of a title from jcpbooks.com donated by Jordan Castillo Price
backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
backlist copy donated by Kate Aaron
ecopy of Road of No Return donated by K.A Merikan
ecopy of The Devil’s Ride donated by K.A Merikan
backlist copy donated by Lisa Henry
backlist copy donated by L.M Somerton
backlist copy donated by Nico Jaye
backlist copy donated by Maris Black
ecopy of Corkscrewed donated by M.J O’Shea
ecopy of Souffles at Sunrise donated by M.J O’Shea
backlist copy donated by N.R Walker
pdf copy The Red Sheet donated by Mia Kerick
pdf copy Inclination donated by Mia Kerick
backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
backlist copy donated by Kindle Alexander
backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
backlist copy donated by Cat Grant
backlist copy donated by B.G Thomas
ecopy of Wrapped up in Chains donated by Cindy Sutherland
backlist copy donated by Alexis Hall
backlist copy donated by S.E Jakes
ecopy of Resilient Heart donated by Annabeth Albert
ecopy of Winning Bracket donated by Annabeth Albert
backlist copy donated by A.J Rose
backlist copy donated by Victor Alexander
ecopy of either A Better Man or A Hunted Man donated by Jaime Reese
ecopy of Illussions of Dreams donated by Z.Allora
What a great celebration. Thanks to Love Bytes for hosting and all the hard work. Also thanks to the authors for the donations.
1. Backlist of B.G Thomas
2. Muse Me by Princess O
3. Taking From Trofim by Princess O
4. Backlist from Jacob FLores
5. Backlist from Vicktor ALexander
6. Backlist from Raine OTiernay
7. Just Desserts by Mary Calmes
8. Radio Boys by Sean MIchael
9. Winning Bracket by Annabeth Albert
10. Thirty Things by Cate Ashwood
Is it ok to say that any book would be a welcome surprise? Of course I have my favorites, but I wouldn’t say no to a maybe new-to-me author
kalidris at gmail dot com
Ecopies of (1)Radio Boys by Sean Michael; (2)Just Desserts by Mary Calmes; (3)True Brit by Con Riley; (4)Getting it Right by A.M. Arthur; (5)Misplaced Affection by Wade Kelley; Backlist copy from (1) Poppy Dennison (2) L.M. Somerton (3) Kindle Alexander (4) Jacob Z Flores & (5) N.R. Walker
Thanks for the chance to win these great giveaways!!!
Thanks so much for the giveaway! Happy Anniversary!
1. Johnnie by Cardeno C
2. Backlist from Poppy Denisson
3. Backlist from Lisa Henry
4. Just Desserts by Mary Calmes
5. Souffles at Sunrise by M.J O’Shea
6. Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses by Angel Martinez
7. Backlist from Victor Alexander
8. Backlist from L.A Witt
9. Choice of a title from jcpbooks.com
10. A Forbidden Rumspringa by Keira Andrews
Thanks Love Bytes. Happy Anniversary!
1. Backlist from Maris Black
2. Backlist from Lisa Henry
3. Third Eye by Rick R. Reed
4. Choice of title from jcpbooks.com
5. Backlist by S.E. Jakes
6. Backlist by N.R. Walker
7. Getting It Right by A.M Arthur
8. Misplaced Affection by Wade Kelly
9. True Brit by Con Riley
10. The Devil’s Ride by K.A Merikan
The Third Eye donated by Rick R Reed
Illussions of Dreams donated by Z.Allora
Just Desserts donated by Mary Calmes
Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
backlist copy donated by B.G Thomas
backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
backlist copy donated by Kindle Alexander
backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
backlist copy donated by Cat Grant
Thanks so much for doing this, it’s been amazing!
1. ecopy of Wrapped up in Chains donated by Cindy Sutherland
2. ecopy of Radio Boys by Sean Michael
3. ecopy of The Third Eye by Rick R Reed
4. ecopy of Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses by Angel Martinez
5. ecopy of Johnnie by Cardeno C
6. choice of a title from jcpbooks.com by Jordan Castillo Price
7. ecopy of Unfortunate Son by Shae Connor
8. ecopy of Restless Spirits by Jordan L. Hawk
9. ecopy of Soulmate for Sin by Izzy von Swelm
10. backlist copy by Cat Grant
1.Lavender Rose by Theo Fenraven
2.Just Desserts by Mary Calmes
3.Thirty Things by Cate Ashwood
4. Souffles at Sunrise donated by M.J O’Shea
5.Fifth Son by Blaine D Arden
6. Muse me Only by Princess S.O
7. Taking from Trofim by Princess S.O
8. backlist copy donated by N.R Walker
9. backlist copy donated by Lisa Henry
10.backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
Restless Spirits
Resilient Heart
Backlist from NR Walker
Backlist Maris Black
Backlist from Kindle Alexander
Backlist Brandon Witt
Getting it Right
Backlist SE Jakes
Winning Bracket Annabeth Albert
Thank you!
Title from DSP
Title from LT3
Title from Samhain
Title from Riptide
Title from Manifold
Title from Wilde City
Title from Totally Bound
Title from LooseId
Title from Liquid Silver
Backlist title from Brandon Witt (any of the Men of Myth series)
Hmm, not sure what happened to the rest of my last post so i’ll do it again!
Congratulations Love Bytes and thank you authors.
1. Backlist, N.R Walker.
2. E copy, The Lavender Rose, Theo Fenraven.
3. E copy, The Fifth Son, Blaine D Arden.
4. Backlist, Poppy Denisson.
5. Any title, Jordan Castillo Price.
6. Backlist, Jay Northcote.
7. E copy, Road of No Return, K.A Merikan.
8. E copy, The Devils’ Ride, K.A Merikan.
9. Backlist, Alexis Hall.
10. E copy, Illusions of Dreams, Z. Allora.
Giant thank yous to you, Dani, and the whole crew: Carissa, Roberta, Donna, Vicki, Amber, Dan, Cindy, Tara, Dennis, Kimberley, Tammy, Tidal, Sid, Lily, Pam, Marieke & Paul, plus Ashavan! And another big thank you to all the authors and publishers for their generosity. This has been a great celebration!
My list:
choice of a title from jcpbooks.com donated by Jordan Castillo Price
ecopy of Restless Spirits donated by Jordan L. Hawk
ecopy of Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
ecopy of True Brit donated by Con Riley
pdf copy Inclination donated by Mia Kerick
ecopy of Soulmate for Sin donated by Izzy von Swelm
backlist copy donated by Kate Aaron
backlist copy donated by Poppy Dennison
ecopy of A Forbidden Rumspringa donated by Keira Andrews
backlist copy donated by Victor Alexander
All the best to Love Bytes for another fabulous year, and to all my fellow partiers for all the new goodies they’ll win and all the new books they’ve found out about (my wishlist grew)!
Congratulations on the anniversary and thank you so much to all the reviewers for the work that you do. I know that it can’t be easy along with real life . And thank you to all the authors/publishers who generously donated to the giveaways.
1. Ecopy Just Desserts, Mary Calmes
2. Ecopy Johnnie, Cardeno C
3. Backlist, Lisa Henry
4. Ecopy True Brit, Con Riley
5. Backlist, Jay Northcote
6. Backlist, Kindle Alexander
7. Ecopy Getting It Right, AM Arthur
8. Backlist, LA Witt
9. Ecopy A Better Man, Jaime Reese
10. Backlist, NR Walker
1- ecopy of Restless Spirits donated by Jordan L. Hawk
2- ecopy of Johnnie donated by Cardeno C
3- choice of a title from jcpbooks.com donated by Jordan Castillo Price
4- ecopy of Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
5- Just Desserts donated by Mary Calmes
6- ecopy of Safe donated by Cody Kennedy
7- backlist copy donated by Lisa Henry
8- backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
9- backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
10- backlist Jacob Z. Flores
1. Backlist Jacob Z Flores
2. Backlist Alexis Hall
3. A Hunted Man
4. Restless Spirits
5. Backlist S.E. Jakes
6. Backlist N.R. Walker
7. Backlist L.A. Witt
8. Think of England
9. Safe
10. Canines, Crosshairs, and Corpses
It was a fantastic celebration! Thanks so much to the authors, publishers and everyone at Love Bytes!
1. Backlist byA. J. Rose
2. Backlist by S. E. Jakes
3. Backlist by Cat Grant
4. Backlist by L. A. Witt
5. Backlist by Lisa Henry
6. Ecopy of Johnnie by C. Cardeno
7. ecopy of Winning Bracket by Annebeth Albert
8. ecopy of Safe by Cody Kennedy
9. ecopy of Wrong Turn by Taylor Law
10. ecopy of Think of England by K, J. Charles
ecopy of either A Better Man or A Hunted Man donated by Jaime Reese
ecopy of Johnnie donated by Cardeno C
ecopy of A Forbidden Rumspringa donated by Keira Andrews
ecopy of Misplaced Affection donated by Wade Kelley
backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
backlist copy donated by N.R Walker
ecopy of Road of No Return donated by K.A Merikan
ecopy A Heart For Robbie donated by J.P Barnaby
ecopy of The Devil’s Ride donated by K.A Merikan
ecopy of True Brit donated by Con Riley
Happy Anniversary and thanks to everyone for this amazing weekend of contests!
1) Backlist NR Walker
2) Better Man Jamie Reese
3) Getting it Right AM Arthur
4) Backlist Jay Northcote
5) Backlist Lisa Henry
6) Just Desserts Mary Calmes
7) Johnnie Cardeno C
8) A Heart for Robbie JP Barnaby
9) Thirty Things Cate Ashwood
10) True Brit Con Riley
First of all thank you to all the authors and publishers what a great list of prizes! But a BIG thank you to Danielle(Love Bytes) for all the hard work she did despite it being the eastern weekend!
1. Backlist copy NR Walker
2. Backlist copy Jay Northcote
3. ecopy Thirty things by Cate Ashwood
4. Backlist copy BG Thomas
5. Backlist copy Brandon Witt
6. ecopy A heart for Robbie by JP Barnaby
7. Baclist copy by Lisa Henry
8. ecopy Just Desserts by Mary Calmes
9. ecopy Unfortunate son by Shae Conor
10. Backlist copy by LA Witt
Congrats again, thanks to all the donors
Getting It Right, AM Arthur
Backlist, Jay Northcote (The Dating Game)
Corkscrewed, MJ O’Shea
Backlist, NR Walker (Three’s Company)
Just Desserts, Mary Calmes
Backlist BG Thomas (Anything Could Happen)
A Better Man, Jaime Reese
Unfortunate Sons, Shae Connor
Authors Gone Wild,, Willaim Cooper
JCP Books
It’s been a wonderful weekend, thanks Dani and the team for all your hard work. Also thank you so much to the Authors and Publishers for your generous donations.
1. Illusions and Dreams. Z Allora
2. Title from jcpbooks. Jordan Castillo Price
3. Johnnie. Cardeno C
4. Authors Gone Wild. William Cooper
5. Restless Spirit. Jordan L Hawk
6. The Third Eye. Rick R Reed
7. Radio Boys. Sean Michael
8. Backlist copy from Jay Northcote
9. Backlist copy from Poppy Dennison.
10. Think of England. KJ Charles
It’s been an awesome celebration! Thanks to all the reviewers here at Love Bytes and to the many authors and publishers that donated prizes. Here’s to many more years of great reviews. Congrats.
A Heart for Robbie by JP Barnaby
Thirty Things by Cate Ashwood
A Better Man or A Hunted Man by Jaime Reese
Getting it Right by AM Arthur
Just Desserts by Mary Calmes
Backlist copy donated by Lisa Henry
Backlist copy donated by LA Witt
Backlist copy donated by NR Walker
Backlist copy donated by Maris Black
Backlist copy donated by Poppy Dennison
ecopy Unfortunate Son by Shae Connor
ecopy A Heart For Robbie donated by J.P Barnaby
ecopy Getting it Right (Restorations 1) donated by A.M Arthur
ecopy of Illussions of Dreams donated by Z.Allora
ecopy of A Better Man donated by Jaime Reese
backlist copy donated by Alexis Hall
backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
backlist copy donated by Kindle Alexander
backlist copy donated by Lisa Henry
backlist copy donated by B.G Thomas
Congratulations Love Bytes and a special thank you to all the authors!
1. True Brit, Con Riley
2. Johnnie, Cardeno C
3. backlist copy, Jay Northcote
4. backlist copy, Lisa Henry
5. Radio Boys, Sean Michael
6. Fifth Son, Blaine D. Arden
7. backlist copy, NR Walker
8. A Better Man, Jaime Reese
9. backlist copy, Jacob Z Flores
10. The 1st book in the Rougaroux Social Club, Lynn Lorenz
backlist copy by Brandon Witt
ecopy of A Forbidden Rumspringa donated by Keira Andrews
ecopy of Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses donated by Angel Martinez
choice of a title from jcpbooks.com donated by Jordan Castillo Price
backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
backlist copy donated by Nico Jaye
backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
backlist copy donated by L A Witt
backlist copy donated by B.G. Thomas
Ecopy of Illussions of Dreams donated by Z. Allora
Thank you for a fantastic few days and Congratulations!
Fab giveaway:)))
Here’s my list of choices:
1)backlist copy donated by A.J Rose
2)backlist copy donated by Victor Alexander
3)ecopy of either A Better Man or A Hunted Man donated by Jaime Reese
4) Johnnie Cardeno C
5)) A Heart for Robbie JP Barnaby
6) backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
7) Backlist copy NR Walker
8) ecopy of Road of No Return donated by K.A Merikan
9)ecopy of The Devil’s Ride donated by K.A Merikan
10) ecopy of Wrong Turn donated by Taylor Law
1. soulmate for sin
2. misplaced affections
3. canines crosshairs and corpses
4. baclist susan laine
5. backlist JCP
6. backlist Jacob Flores
7. backlist SE Jakes
8. backlist LM Somerton
9. Illussions of Dreams
10. backlist Alexis Hall.
Thanks so much for the giveaways!!
1. A Forbidden Rumspringa by Keira Andrews
2. Backlist copy – BG Thomas
3. Think of England – KJ Charles
4. Backlist copy – Nico Jaye
5. Copy of JCP book – Jordan Castillo Price
6. Backlist copy – Lisa Henry
7. Backlist copy – Alexis Hall
8. Backlist copy – SE Jakes
9. Backlist copy – LA Witt
10. Backlist copy – Jay Northcote
Thank you for the wonderful giveaways!
1. Keira Andrews – A Forbidden Rumspringa
2. J.P. Barnaby – A Heart for Robbie
3. Sean Michael – Radio Boys
4. Rick R. Reed – The Third Eye
5. Mia Kerrick – Red Sheet
6. Mary Calmes – Just Desserts
7. Backlist B.G. Thomas
8. Backlist Jay Northcote
9. Backlist Kindle Alexander
10. Backlist Alexis Hall
Thanks for the wonderful celebration and all the amazing giveaways!!
I haven’t read all of the authors but the ones that I have are all really good. This being the case I would be more than happy with any of the books on the list.
1. Radio Boys donated by Sean Michael
2. Johnnie donated by Cardeno C
3. backlist copy donated by Poppy Denisson
4. backlist copy donated by L.M Somerton
5. backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
6. backlist copy donated by Kindle Alexander
7. Corkscrewed donated by M.J O’Shea
8. Getting it Right (Restorations 1) donated by A.M Arthur
9. A Heart For Robbie donated by J.P Barnaby
10. Unfortunate Son by Shae Connor
What a wonderful finale!
1. Getting it Right by A M Arthur
2. A Heart For Robbie by J.P Barnaby
3. Johnnie by Cardeno C
4. Safe by Cody Kennedy
5. True Brit donated by Con Riley
6. Just Desserts by Mary Calmes
7. Wrong Turn by Taylor Law
8. Lavender Rose by Theo Fenraven
9.Radio Boys by Sean Michael
10.The Third Eye by Rick R Reed
Thank you for all the give aways and puzzles
1. backlist copy donated by Victor Alexander
2. backlist copy donated by A.J Rose
3. The 1st book in the Rougaroux Social Club donated by Lynn Lorenz
4. Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses donated by Angel Martinez
5. backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
6. backlist copy from Kate Aaron
7. backlist copy donated by N.R Walker
8. Radio Boys donated by Sean Michael
9. Wrapped up in Chains donated by Cindy Sutherland
10. True Brit donated by Con Riley
I would love any of these books!
Great celebration!! You guys always work so hard and it is appreciated!
1 backlist copy donated by Victor Alexander
2 backlist copy donated by S.E Jakes
3 backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
4 backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
5 ecopy Unfortunate Son by Shae Connor
6 Muse me only donated by Princess S.O
7 ecopy of Road of No Return donated by K.A Merikan
8 ecopy of The Devil’s Ride donated by K.A Merikan
9 ecopy of Wrapped up in Chains donated by Cindy Sutherland
10 ecopy Unfortunate Son by Shae Connor
Thank you again!
1. ecopy of True Brit donated by Con Riley
2. ecopy of A Forbidden Rumspringa donated by Keira Andrews
3. ecopy of Johnnie donated by Cardeno C
4. ecopy of either A Better Man or A Hunted Man donated by Jaime Reese
5. ecopy of Soulmate for Sin donated by Izzy von Swelm
6. backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
7. backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
8. backlist copy donated by S.E Jakes
9. backlist copy donated by Alexis Hall
10. backlist copy donated by Maris Black
Thanks for the wonderful celebration and all the giveaways <3
Thanks for a great time Dani!
1. ecopy of Misplaced Affection donated by Wade Kelly
2. ecopy of Corkscrewed donated by M.J O’Shea
3. backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
4. ecopy Just Desserts donated by Mary Calmes
5. ecopy of Wrapped up in Chains donated by Cindy Sutherland
6. backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
7. backlist copy donated by N.R Walker
8. ecopy The Third Eye donated by Rick R Reed
9. ecopy of Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
10. ecopy of Resilient Heart donated by Annabeth Albert
backlist Victor Alexander
backlist Alexis Hall
backlist N.R. Walker
backlist Poppy Denisson
backlist Kate Aaron
Johnnie by Cardeno C
Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses by Angel Martinez
Getting It Right by A.M. Arthur
Soulmate for Sin by Izzy von Swelm
Wrapped in Chains by Cindy Sutherland
Wow everyone has been so generous thank you everyone at Love Bytes Reviews!
1. Backlist Copy Donated By Susan Laine
2. Backlist Copy Donated By Victor Alexander
3. Backlist Copy Donated By N.R Walker
4. Backlist Copy Donated By Kate Aaron
5. E-copy Of Misplaced Affection Donated By Wade Kelley
6. Choice Of A Title From Jcpbooks.Com Donated By Jordan Castillo Price
7. Pdf Copy Inclination Donated By Mia Kerick
8. E-copy Lavender Rose Donated By Theo Fenraven
9. E-copy Unfortunate Son By Shae Connor
10. E-copy Of Radio Boys Donated By Sean Michael
ecopy Just Desserts donated by Mary Calmes
pdf copy The Red Sheet donated by Mia Kerick
pdf copy Inclination donated by Mia Kerick
backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
backlist copy donated by Kindle Alexander
backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
backlist copy donated by Cat Grant
backlist copy donated by B.G Thomas
ecopy of Wrapped up in Chains donated by Cindy Sutherland
backlist copy donated by Alexis Hall
debby236 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the great celebration! Wishing you many more years of success.
1.) choice of a title from jcpbooks.com donated by Jordan Castillo Price
2.) ecopy of Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses donated by Angel Martinez
3.) ecopy of either A Better Man or A Hunted Man donated by Jaime Reese
4.) backlist copy donated by Lisa Henry
5.) ecopy of Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
6.) ecopy of True Brit donated by Con Riley
7.) backlist copy donated by N.R Walker
8.) backlist copy donated by Alexis Hall
9.) ecopy of Misplaced Affection donated by Wade Kelley
10.) ecopy of Corkscrewed donated by M.J O’Shea
Misplaced Affection donated by Wade Kelley
backlist copy donated by Victor Alexander
Illusions of Dreams, Z. Allora
Safe donated by Cody Kennedy
Radio Boys donated by Sean Michael
Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
Getting it Right (Restorations 1) donated by A.M Arthur
Fifth Son donated by Blaine D Arden
backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
backlist copy by Brandon Witt
backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
Thanks so much for a wonderful giveaway! Happy anniversary!
1. Johnnie donated by Cardeno C
2. backlist copy donated by Alexis Hall
3. A Forbidden Rumspringa donated by Keira Andrews
4. Corkscrewed donated by M.J O’Shea
5. backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
6. Safe donated by Cody Kennedy
7. A Heart For Robbie donated by J.P Barnaby
8. Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
9. backlist copy donated by N.R Walker
10. Just Desserts donated by Mary Calmes
ecopy The Third Eye donated by Rick R Reed
ecopy A Heart For Robbie donated by J.P Barnaby
ecopy of Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses donated by Angel Martinez
backlist copy donated by Jay Northcote
backlist copy donated by Lisa Henry
ecopy of either A Better Man or A Hunted Man donated by Jaime Reese
backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
backlist copy donated by B.G Thomas
ecopy of Radio Boys donated by Sean Michael
ecopy of Thirty Things donated by Cate Ashwood
In no particular order. Thank you again!
Thank you Dani for a wonderful and very entertaining weekend and congratulations again both of the anniversary and your wonderful blog. My list looks something like this:
Safe – Cody Kennedy
Radio Boys – Sean Michael
The Third Eye – Rick R Reed
True Brit – Con Riley
Johnie – Cardeno C
Inclination – Mia Kerick
A Forbidden Rumspringa – Keira Andrews
Backlist copy – Brendon Witt
Backlist copy – S.E. Jakes
Backlist copy – Cat Grant
Thank you
Backlist copy from L.A. Witt, LM Somerton, Cat Grant, B.G Thomas Johnnie by Cardeno C, Soufflés at Sunrise by MJ O’Shea, True Brit donated by Con Riley, Think of England by KJ Charles, Radio Boys donated by Sean Michael, Just Desserts by Mary Calmes
Thank you!
What an amazing event! Here goes, in no particular order…
THIRTY THINGS by Cate Ashwood
Backlist copy by BG Thomas
Lisa Henry backlist copy
Backlist copy by Jacob Z Flores
Kate Aaron backlist copy
Poppy Dennison backlist copy
Thanks again for a fun and sometimes frustrating (those bookcovers!) weekend:-)
Soufflés at Sunrise – MJ O’Shea
A Better Man – Jaime Reese
The Fifth Son – Blaine D. Arden
True Brit – Con Riley
A title from JCPbooks.com – Jordan Castillo Price
Backlist – Jay Northcote
Backlist – Lisa Henry
Backlist – SE Jakes
Backlist – L.A. Witt
Backlist – N.R. Walker
my top ten:
Radio Boys – Sean Michael
Just Desserts – Mary Calmes
Johnnie – cardeno C
backlist – jay Northcote
backlist – NR Walker
” – Jacob Flores
” – SE Jakes
” – Jaime Reece
Unfortunate Son – Shae Connor
Misplaced Affections – Wade Kelly
It’s been a great celebration! I’d love to have any and all of these.
Thanks to all of the authors that have made donations and the reviewers for continuely sharing your honest opinion of what you read.
backlist copy donated by L.M Somerton
backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
backlist copy donated by Kindle Alexander
backlist copy donated by Jacob Z Flores
backlist copy donated by Cat Grant
ecopy of Wrapped up in Chains donated by Cindy Sutherland
ecopy Just Desserts donated by Mary Calmes
ecopy of either A Better Man donated by Jaime Reese
backlist copy donated by S.E Jakes
Backlist copy of Raine O’Tierney
Thanks for all the list it might take me a while to get all the prizes out ! I do appreciate all of you participating an thanks for the congratulations also
ecopy of either A Better Man or A Hunted Man donated by Jaime Reese
backlist copy donated by Nico Jaye
backlist copy by Brandon Witt
ecopy Think of England donated by K.J Charles
ecopy of Restless Spirits donated by Jordan L. Hawk
backlist copy donated by N.R Walker
ecopy Lavender Rose donated by Theo Fenraven
ecopy of Soulmate for Sin donated by Izzy von Swelm
backlist copy donated by L.A Witt
ecopy of True Brit donated by Con Riley
Such a difficult choice, from such a wonderful prize list, so in no particular order:
backlist copy donated by L.M Somerton
backlist copy donated by Susan Laine
backlist copy donated by Maris Black
backlist copy donated by Kate Aaron
backlist copy donated by B.G Thomas
The 1st book in the Rougaroux Social Club donated by Lynn Lorenz
ecopy Think of England donated by K.J Charles
ecopy of Wrapped up in Chains donated by Cindy Sutherland
ecopy Getting it Right (Restorations 1) donated by A.M Arthur
ecopy of Canines, Crosshairs and Corpses donated by Angel Martinez
thank you <3