14 Responses

  1. kp
    kp at |

    My perfect world would have unlimited books to read!

    1. rebeccacohenwrites
      rebeccacohenwrites at |

      Sounds good to me!

  2. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’d have plenty of books, and fun museums, bookstores, and record shops to browse in. My favorite bands would come to play often. There’d be lots of lovely and attentive guys around. The fabulous baked goods and chocolates would actually speed up my metabolism. My dad would still be alive. And the San Jose Sharks would have multiple Stanley Cups…sigh. (Sorry to get all maudlin on ya, folks…)

    1. rebeccacohenwrites
      rebeccacohenwrites at |

      I think this sounds like a great place. I’d love to visit!

  3. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    My perfect world would be one without hate.

    1. rebeccacohenwrites
      rebeccacohenwrites at |

      That would be a wonderful world 🙂

  4. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    There would be no disease or strife in my world. Everyone would have all they want with out hurting anyone.

    1. rebeccacohenwrites
      rebeccacohenwrites at |

      Sounds perfect 🙂

  5. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    In my perfect world there would be equality for all and no hate.

  6. rebeccacohenwrites
    rebeccacohenwrites at |

    Hopefully one day we can have this on our world

  7. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    Respect, I think a perfect world would be one where everyone and everything was giving the respect its due. Love the blurb, I sure want to read this.

    1. rebeccacohenwrites
      rebeccacohenwrites at |

      So true, Laurie!

  8. Cia Nordwell
    Cia Nordwell at |

    Diverse! A perfect world has to have a lot of different types of people (or creatures) in it. Congrats on the release of Under Glass, Rebecca!

    1. rebeccacohenwrites
      rebeccacohenwrites at |

      I completely agree, Cia. And thanks for the congrats 🙂


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