Made an error..hope I get a do over. If not, its been great discovering a few publishers I didn’t know about. Thanks for the giveaway
1.Totally Bound, 2.Dreamspinner Press, 3.Less Than Three Press , 4.Loose Id 5 Samhain Publishing , 6 Wild City Press , 7. Extasy books, 8. Riptide Publishing 9 MLR Press ,.10 Manifold 11 JMS publishing, 12 Carina Press , 13 Evernight publishing 14 Liquid Silver, 15 Wayward Ink ,16 Mischieff Corner , 17 Amber Allure, 18 Rooster & Pig , 19 Stiff Rain Press, 20 Resplendence Publishing
1.Totally Bound, 2.Dreamspinner Press, 3.Less Than Three Press , 4.Loose Id 5 Samhain Publishing , 6 Wild City Press , 7. Extasy books, 8. Riptide Publishing 9 MLR Press ,.10 Manifold 11 JMS publishing, 12 Cool Dudes , 13 Evernight publishing 14 Liquid Silver, 15 Wayward Ink ,16 Mischieff Corner , 17 Amber Allure, 18Rooster & Pig , 19 Stiff Rain Press, 20 Resplendence Publishing
DSP, Riptide, Torquere, Evernight Publishing, Liquid Silver Books, Total-E-Bound, Changeling Press, Extasy Books, Phaze Books, Glynworks Publishing, Samhain Publishing, Amber Quil Press, Casperian Books, PD Publishing, Running Press, ManLoveRomance Press, Wilde City Press, Harmony Ink Press, Love Lane Books, Wayward Ink Publishing
1) Dreamspinner Press
2) Riptide Publishing
3) Less Than Three Press
4) Samhain Publishing
5) JMS Books
6) LooseId
7) MLR Press
8) Wilde City
9) Carina Press
10) Cleis Press
11) Amber Allure
12) Totally Bound
13) Torquere Press
14) Lethe Press
15) Changeling Press
16) Mischief Corner
17) Extasy Books
18) Resplendence Publishing
19) Stiff Rain Press
20) Liquid Silver
Dreamspinner Press
DSP Publications
Less Than Three Press
Siren-BookStrand Publishing
eXtasy Books
Loose Id
Samhain Publishing
MLR Press
Riptide Publishing
Wilde City Press
Torquere Press
Amber Quill/Amber Allure
Totally Bound
JMS Books
Evernight Publishing
Harmony Ink Press (YA)
Rooster and Pig Publishing
Love Lane Books
Resplendence Publishing
Wayward Ink Publishing
1. AmberQuill (Allure)
2. Amira Press
3. Breathless Press
4. Changeling Press
5. Decadent Publishing
6. Dreamspinner Publishing
7. Ellora’s Cave
8. Evernight Publishing
9. Extasy Books
10. JMS Books
11. Less Than Three Press
12. Liquid Silver
13. Loose-id Publishing
14. MLR Press
15. Pig and Rooster
16. Resplendence Publishing
17. Riptide Publishing
18. Samhain Publishing
19. Torquere Press
20. Totally Bound
Thanks for another great giveaway. This one is easy
1. Dreamspinner Press, 2. Totally Bound, 3. LooseId, 4. MLR Press, 5. Less Than Thee Press, 6. Amber Allure, 7. Torquere Press, 8. Evernight Publishing, 9. Liquid SIlver Books, 10. Samhain Publishing, 11. Riptide Publishing, 12. Love Lane Books, 13. Siren Publishing, 14. Storm Moon Press, 15. Wild City Press, 16.JMS Books, 17. Carina Press, 18. Ravenous Romance, 19. Seventh WIndow Publications, 20.Ellora’s Cave.
Made an error..hope I get a do over. If not, its been great discovering a few publishers I didn’t know about. Thanks for the giveaway
1.Totally Bound, 2.Dreamspinner Press, 3.Less Than Three Press , 4.Loose Id 5 Samhain Publishing , 6 Wild City Press , 7. Extasy books, 8. Riptide Publishing 9 MLR Press ,.10 Manifold 11 JMS publishing, 12 Carina Press , 13 Evernight publishing 14 Liquid Silver, 15 Wayward Ink ,16 Mischieff Corner , 17 Amber Allure, 18 Rooster & Pig , 19 Stiff Rain Press, 20 Resplendence Publishing
1. Dreamspinner Press
2. LooseId, Elloras Cave
3. MLR Press
4. Riptide Publishing
5. Torquere Press
6. Totally Bound
7. Evernight Publishing
8. Samhain Publishing
9. Wilde City Press
10. JMS Books
11. Carina Press
12. Less Than Three Press
13. Amber
14. Extasy Books
15. Liquid Silver
16. Harmony Ink
17. Love Lane Books
18. Siren Publishing
19. Lethe Press
20. Phaze Books
… and thankfully lots more
1Totally Bound
2 Dreamspinner Press
3 Less Than Three Press
4 Loose Id
5 Samhain Publishing
6 Wild City Press
7 Extasy books
8 Riptide Publishing
9 MLR Press
10 Manifold
11 JMS Books
12 Cool Dudes
13 Evernight publishing
14 Liquid Silver
15 Wayward Ink
16 Mischieff Corner
17 Amber Allure
18 Rooster & Pig
19 Stiff Rain Press
20 Torquere Press
Thanks for the giveaway.
1 Totally Bound
2 Stiff Rain Press
3 Less Than Three Press
4 Loose Id
5 Samhain Publishing
6 Wild City Press
7 Extasy books
8 Riptide Publishing
9. MLR Press
10. Manifold
11. JMS Books
12. Cool Dudes
13. Evernight publishing
14 .Liquid Silver
15. Wayward Ink
16. Mischieff Corner
17. Amber Allure
18. Rooster & Pig
19. Dreamspinner Press
20. Torquere Press
Dreamspinner Press
Less Than Three Press
Siren-BookStrand Publishing
eXtasy Books
Loose Id
Samhain Publishing
Totally Bound
JMS Books
Evernight Publishing
Harmony Ink Press (YA)
Rooster and Pig Publishing
Love Lane Books
Resplendence Publishing
Wayward Ink Publishing
MLR Press
Riptide Publishing
Wilde City Press
Torquere Press
Amber Quill
Liquid Silver
Stiif Rain Press
Manifold Press
Thank you
So okay here we go:
1) Beau to Beau Publishing
2) Love Lane Books
3) Wild City Press
4) JMS Books
5) Torquere Press
6) Manifold Press
7) Rooster & Pig
8) Less Than Three Press
9) Totally Bound
10) Wayward Ink Publishing
11) Dreamspinner
12) Storm Moon Press
13) Interlude Press
14) Samhain Publishing
15) Mischief Corner Books
16) Evernight Publishing
17) Loose ID
18) Carina Press
19) Liquid Silver
20) Fantastic Fiction
1.) Dreamspinner Press
2.) Love Lane Books
3.) Riptide Publishing
4.) Manifold Press
5.) Samhain Publishing
6.) Totally Bound
7.) Bold Stroke Books
8.) Evernight Publishing
9.) Torquere Press
10.) Blind Eye Books
11.) Amber Quill Press (Amber Allure)
13.) Less Than Three Press
14.) Wilde City Press
15.) ManLoveRomance Press (MLR Press)
16.) Liquid Silver Books
17.) JMS Books
18.) Lethe Press
19.) Mischief Corner Books
20.) Cleis Press
1. Dreamspinner Press 2. Riptide Publishing 3. Less Than Three Press 4. Wilde City Press 5. Samhain Publishing 6. Carina Press 7. Manifold Press
8. Torquere Press 9. Interlude Press 10: Evernight Publishing 11. Liquid Silver Books 12. Wayward Ink Publishing 13. Totally Bound Publishing 14. MLR Press 15. Loose-Id 16. Amber Quill Press 17. Decadent Publishing 18. Forbidden Fiction 19. Lethe Press 20. Resplendence Publishing
1. Evernight Publishing
2. Liquid SilverBooks
3. Riptide Publishing
4. Torquere Press LLC
5. Dreamspinner Press
6. A Midsummer Night’s Press
7. Amazing Dreams Publishing
8. Bedazzled Ink Publishing
9. Boudica Publishing
10. Cheyenne Publishing
11. Clover Valley Press
12. Decadent Publishing
13. Exasy Books
14. GLB Publishers
15. Harrington Park Press
16. Kensington Press
17. LadyLit Publishing
18. Manic D Press
19. Push Press
20. Slash Books
1. Dreamspinner Press
2. Harmony Ink (does it count if they’re a subgroup?)
3. Less than Three
4. Samhain
5. Musa publishing (now defunct)
6. Manifold Press
7. Evernight
8. MLR Press
9. Riptide Publishing
10. LooseID
11. Amber Allure
12. Wilde city press
13. Bold Stroke Books
14. Siren publishing
15. Cool dudes
16. Torquere press
17. Totally Bound
18. Rooster & Pig
19. Wayward Ink
20. JMS Books
21. Breathless Press (just in case the musa one doesn’t count)
1. Dreamspinner Press
2. Riptide
3. Less Than Three Press
4. Samhain
5. Carina
6. Liquid Silver Books
7. Evernight Publishing
8. Ellora’s Cave
9. Torquere Press
10. Wilde City Press
11. Totally Bound
12. Amber Quill Press
13. Loose Id
14. Love Lane
15. MLR Press
16. Storm Moon Press
17. JMS Books
18. Mischief Corner
19. Manifold Press
20. Blind Eye Books
1. Dreamspinner Press….2. Wilde City….3.Totally Bound…4. Siren Bookstrand…5. Loose ID…6. Riptide Publishing….7. Extasy Books…8. MLR-manlove romance press….9. Stiff Rain Press….10. Rooster and Pig….11. Torquere Books….12. Liquid Silver Books…..13. Evernight Publishing…14. .MIschief COrner Books….15. Samhain PUblish…16. Ravenous Romance…..17. Amber Quill….18. Kensington Press…..19. Less than Three Press…20. Harrington Park Press….21. Phaze Erotic Ficton….22. Cobblestone Press
1. Dreamspinner Press
2. Less Than Three Press
3. Amber Quill Press
4. MLR Press
5. Riptide Publishing
6. Loose ID Publishing
7. Totally Bound Publishing
8. Wilde City Publishing
9. Samhain Publishing
10. Manifold Press
11. JMS Books
12. JCP Books
13. Lovelane Books
14. eXtasy Books
15. Carina Press
16. Torquere Press
17. Liquid Silver Books
18. Storm Moon Press
19. Mischief Corner Books
20. Evernight Publishing
These are just a few I’ve purchased from!
1.Dreamspinner Press
2. DSP Publications
3. Evernight Publishing
4. Siren BookStrand
5. EXtasy Books
6. Loose-id
7. Samhain Publishing
8. MLR Press
9. Resplendence Publishing
10. Riptide Publishing
11. Wilde City Press
12. Torquere Press
13. Elloras Cave
14. Changling Press
15. Liquid City Press
16. Amber allure
17. Totally Bound
18. Rooster and Pig Publishing
19. Love Lane Books
20. JMS Books
Amber Allure
Manifold Press
DSP publications
Less Than Three
Ai Press
Torquere press
Love Lane books
MLR press
Riptide Publishing
Storm Moon Press LLC
Carina press
Interlude press
Rocky Ridge Books
Skull Blaster Publishing
Fantastic Fiction
Seventh Window Publications
Totally Bound
Wilde City Press
Bold Strokes Books
1. Dreamspinner Press 2. Totally Bound 3. Liquid Silver 4. Less Than Three Press 5. Wilde City Press 6. MLR Press 7. Manifold Press 8. Evernight Publishing 9. Amber Quill Press 10. Torquere Press 11. Lethe Press 12. Stiff Rain Press 13. Samhain Publishing 14. Wayward Ink Publishing 15. Mischief Corner 16. Riptide Publishing 17. Loose Id 18. Kensington Publishing 19. Resplendence Publishing 20. Extasy Books
1 Totally Bound
2 Dreamspinner Press
3 Less Than Three Press
4 Loose Id
5 Wild City Press
6 Samhain Publishing
7 Cool Dudes
8 Extasy
9 Riptide Publishing
10 MLR Press
11 Manifold
12 JMS
13 Rooster & Pig
14 Evernight Publishing
15 Liquid Silver
16 Wayward Ink
17 Mischieff Corner
18 Amber Allure
19 Stiff Rain Press
20 Torquere Press
1- Dreamspinner Press
2- Riptide Publishing
3- Less Than Three Press
4- Interlude Press
5- Samhain Publishing
6- Loose Id
7- Wilde City Press
8- MLR Press
9- Rooster & Pig
10- JMS Books
11- Carina Press
12- Totally Bound
13- Extasy Books
14- Amber Allure
15- Torquere Press
16- Wayward Ink
17- Evernight Publishing
18- BookStrand Publishing
19- Liquid Silver
20- Breathless Press
1- Dreamspinner Press
2- Evernight Publishing
3- Totally Bound
4- Loose Id
5- Samhain Publishing
6- Beaten Track Publishing (a UK publisher)
7- Riptide Publishing
8- Less Than Three Press
9- Rooster & Pig
10- MLR Press
11- Amber Allure
12- JMS Books
13- Ellora’s Cave
14- Storm Moon Press
15- Carina Press
16- Harmony Ink Press
17- Torquere Press
18- Manifold Press
19- Extasy Books
20- Wilde City Press
1. Dreamspinner Press
2. Less Than Three Press
3. Riptide Publishing
4. Samhain Publishing
5. Torquere Press
6. Amber Allure
7. Totally Bound
8. Loose ID
9. Resplendence Publishing
10. Carina Press
11. MLR Press
12. Wayward Ink Pres
13. JMS Books
14. Ellora’s Cave
15. Evernight Publishing
16. Manifold Press
17. Liquid Silver Books
18. Harmony Ink Press
19. Rooster & Pig Publishing
20. Storm Moon Press
1. Torquere Press
2. EverNight Publishing
3. Less Than Three Press
4. Dreamspinner
5. Liquid Silver Books
6. Harmony Ink Press
7. Loose ID
8. Ellora’s Cave
9. MLR Press
10. Storm Moon Press
11. Manifold Press
12. Harmony Ink Press
13. Rooster & Pig Publishing
14. JMS Books
15. Carina Press
16. Totally Bound
17. Riptide Publishing
18. Resplendence Publishing
19. Wilde City Press
20. Samhain Publishing
1. Amber Allure
2. Samhain Publishing
3. Torquere Press
4. Dreamspinner Press
5. Totally Bound
6. Loose ID
7. MLR Press
8. Less Than Three Press
9. Evernight Publishing
10. Riptide Publishing
11. Love Lane Books
12. Siren Publishing
13. Storm Moon Press
14. Wilde City Press
15. Carina Press
16. Liquid Silver
17. Pig and Rooster
18. Ellora’s Cave
19. Wayard Ink Publishing
20. Harmony Ink Press
Dreamspinner Press
Less Than Three Press
Riptide Publishing
Samhain Publishing
Loose Id
Wilde City Press
MLR Press
Amber Allure
Carina Press
Storm Moon Press
Rooster and Pig
Liquid Silver Books
Interlude Press
Wayward Ink Publishing
Love Lane Books
Evernight Publishing
Torquere Press
JMS Books
Manifold Press
1. Amber Allure
2. Dreamspinner
3. Mischief Corner
4. Torquere
5. Wilde City
6. Samhain
7. Less Than Three
8. Siren Bookstrand
9. Loose Id
10. Totally Bound
11. Carina Press
12. MLR
13. Evernight
14. Storm Moon Press
15. Riptide
16. Love Lane Books
17. Wayward Ink
18. Liquid Silver
19. Mythe Weaver Press
20. Torlina Publishing.
1. Totally Bound
2. Evernight
3. Liquid Silver
4. Rooster & Pig
5. Blind Eye
6. Changeling
7. Torquere
8. Wilde City
9. Dreamspinner
13.Amber Allure
15. Riptide
17.Less Than Three
18.Bold Strokes
1. Dreamspinner Press
2. Riptide
3. Less Than Three Press
4. Samhain
5. Carina
6. Liquid Silver Books
7. Evernight Publishing
8. Ellora’s Cave
9. Torquere Press
10. Wilde City Press
11. Totally Bound
12. Amber Quill Press
13. Loose Id
14. Love Lane
15. MLR Press
16. Storm Moon Press
17. JMS Books
18. Mischief Corner
19. Manifold Press
20. Rooster & Pig
Congrats to Birte and Juliesmall
on winning this giveaway!