We have an amazing crew here at Love Bytes, who take time to write all the fantastic reviews!
I would like to know what is one of your favorite reviews and why?
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I liked Amber’s review of Here For You by Skylar M. Cates. I read the book too and I agreed with many of the points she voiced concerning the story and her reading experience.
Thank you, H.B.!!!
I liked Vicki’s review of Axel’s Pup by Kim Dare. I read the book too and her review was spot on.
There have been so many great reviews that have helped me find new books, so it’s difficult to pick a favorite. Recently I enjoyed Carissa’s review of The Bohemian and the Banker. It had been on my radar already but the review made me really want to read it. Thanks for all your reviews.
I agree, there are so many good reviews, all different in their own way. I remember Donna’s review of Cronin’s Key. It made me laugh a lot and I found that the book awoke similar feelings. And the rating, oh the rating! That was/is hilarious! XD Love it.
I love Cindy’s review of SJD Peterson’s book Mauled. It was spot on!
It would be Carissa’s review of “Assimilation, Love, and Other Human Oddities” by Lyn Gala.
Since I read the first book, I was really interested in the sequel. I thought Carissa just hit all of the points that made the sequel so special and a five star book. Just like Carissa, I would love to see a third book.
I don’t remember, lol. Mostly I look to see if you’ll review a shifter story or something from an author I usually read that looks interesting then I’ll read the blog post.
https://lovebytesreviews.com/2015/03/21/theme-week-review-sports-tigers-and-devils-tigers-and-devils-1-by-sean-kennedy/ This one for Tigers & Devils by Vicki made me smile for several reasons. First because Vicki had never read it before then. Since it’s a favorite of mine, I was (warily) looking forward to reading the review . (I say warily because the last review I’d read about it called it boring. As if!) Then, reading the review, I loved how enthusiastic she was about it, not just talking about the book but how it made her delve more into the sport, which is another way to show a story’s a great one. Plus, having Dan exclaim in the comments that he couldn’t believe she hadn’t read it yet was a great ending to a wonderful review because I felt the same way!
My favorite was Vicki’s review of Beneath the Stain by Amy Lane. Actually there were 7 parts, so she reviewed each one separately. I thought she did an awesome job. I could tell how much the story affected her just like it did me. She loved Mackey and Trav as much as I did. She told readers why they needed to buy this book. If I hadn’t already pre-ordered it, she would have definitely convinced me with her wonderful reviews.
One of my favorite books ever!
RDH4 by Vicki is one of those reviews that made me dream about T&C final book. Reading about their love after all the fears, made me ask the money to my mother to buy it right away! Yep..Mommy gave ne the money and Vicki was right..epic last book of the series♥♥♥
There are so many great reviews so it;s very hard to choose
But one of my favorite reviews is for th book Everything Changes by Melanie Hansen it was reviewed by Amber.
One of my most favorite books I’ve read this year!!! Thanks, Angela!!
I think all the reviews are good. The one that sticks in my mind is about Blue Days by Mary Calmes. I will always consider myself a Mary Calmes fan, but I haven’t been as enchanted with some of her more recent books. Reading this review helped me decide to read Blue Days, and while I still didn’t think it was perfect, I did love it.
I’m a huge Mary fan too!! Thank you!
I do get a lot of books confirmed by your reviews – a recent one https://lovebytesreviews.com/2015/03/11/recent-release-review-shawns-law-by-renae-kaye/
I visit everyday for your reviews. One of my most favorite was Donna’s review of NR Walker’s Cronin’s Key on March 13th. I’m a huge NR fan and would have bought the book anyways but Donna’s 6 start rating and review was spot on – loved it!
Dangerous thing about all your reviews is that they all make me want to read the reviewed book
But if I have to pick one, I loved Cindy’s Review of “Wild R – Christmas”….made me put that book, and the whole series, on top of my to-buy list.
It really is quite difficult to pick a favorite review, I read all the reviews and I have discovered many new to me authors through your review site. One review that does stick out to me was a review of Anyta Sunday’s Rock. I remember reading the review by Carissa and thinking that is exactly that I did…I ended up reading Rock in one sitting and stayed up way way too late at night. But it was well worth it. Fabulous read! Thanks for the chnace at the giveaway.
My favorite review is of beneath the stain
I just read and loved Cronin’s Key because of Donna’s review. I don’t think I would have picked this book out without that review!!!
Roberta’s review of Hell & High Water led me to read a series that became one of my all time favorites. Thanks for all of the great reviews and for hosting this fantastic celebration!
So many great reviews! I really liked Dan’s review on Defined by Deceit by A.E. Via. I like that there are no spoilers in the review just what was liked or not in the book.
I pretty much read and depend on all reviews, but the recent reviews that made me buy were Donna’s Cronin’s Key and Amber’s Crash & Burn (OK, I was gonna get this one anyway but I wanted to read the review first, just in case). These reviews lead me to books that I never would have even considered.
Thanks, Barbra!!
Vicki’s review of the Beneath The Stain series!
There are so many great reviews and they help me decide which books I want to spend my limited reading time on. One of my favorites was Danielle’s review of A Heart for Robbie. It helped cement that I needed to read that book. And reading it again now after I have read the book, the review captures how I felt too.
Awww thanks i didnt see this before so for the late reply
After reading Vicki’s review of Alex’s Pup I went and bought the book, not something I usually do. Mind all the reviews here are good and I like reading them.
Loved the review of Mia Kerick’s Us Three https://lovebytesreviews.com/2014/04/23/blog-tour-guestpost-mia-kerick-us-three/ One reason is that everyone wasn’t to sure about a teenage Menage. Yet everyone who reads the books is caught. There were quotes from other reviews, some from other sites. It really made the review grab your attention.
I loved Elizabetta’s review of BLOOD ON THE ICE because it really brought forth everything I needed to know about the book, and all the reviews dedicated to the CAMPUS CRAVINGS box set because they convinced me to read that fantastic bundle!
It would have to be Tammy’s review of Soulmate for SIN by Izzy van Swelm…which as it’s my first release made this lovely review so very important to me
I’m not sure how to pick just one reviewer, I enjoy them all. I can honestly say that they help influence what books I decide to read.
We’re happy to help…thanks!
I went and bought Alex’s Pup after reading Vicki’s review. I really enjoy the reviews and have found lot’s of books that I want after reading them.
Cronin’s Key review because I totally agreed with the 6 star rating!
I really like all the reviews here. You all give them to use straight with no prevarication. Which is refreshing.
Thanks Jenn!
I loved Vicki’s review of Axel’s Pup by Kim Dare. She really explains why the book is so good. I agreed with a lot of her point and it really was an awesome book.
Gosh another tricky question, so perhaps I will go with the theme of sport reviews but I am torn between Dan’s review of The Last Day of Summer by JF Smith, as I believe this is a self-publishing author who needs more recognition for his awesome books and one of my other favourite reads Tigers & Devils by Sean Kennedy, which was reviewed by Vicki. Both books are more about the story, connection of the characters and their experiences, thank you Vicki and Dan <3
I am glad the generator is picking the winners I wouldnt want to make the choice! Congrats to Birgit , Trix and Suze!