Amber Kell joins our celebration donating a $20 gift certificate!
So I am curious, what is a nice fact about Amber that you can share with us here at Love Bytes?
That might even surprise Amber herself
Prize : $20 gift certificate
Donated by Amber Kell
Incredibly nice, fun and a very real person.
I honestly don’t know all that much about her except what’s she written on her book site.
She started self publishing in 2013 and she has a degree in journalism and business This one for Tigers & Devils by Vicki made me smile for several reasons. First because Vicki had never read it before then. Since it’s a favorite of mine, I was (warily) looking forward to reading the review . (I say warily because the last review I’d read about it called it boring. As if!) Then, reading the review, I loved how enthusiastic she was about it, not just talking about the book but how it made her delve more into the sport, which is another way to show a story’s a great one. Plus, having Dan exclaim in the comments that he couldn’t believe she hadn’t read it yet was a great ending to a wonderful review because I felt the same way!
Oops! My comment is obviously on the wrong post. I’m sorry I won’t have as long a comment for Amber! I can say that although I don’t have any direct experience with her, I have noticed other authors say what a great person she is. If people have to talk about you behind you back, that’s the best way.
Always a fab writer but also a very nice person
Well i don’t know Amber personally but she’s written lots of books. i’ve read some and I really like her Cowboy Lovin serie.
I adore her Moon Pack series of books
Amber seems really nice
I love that she interacts with the readers on her site, and will post snippets of books old and new to keep us interested.
Also, she has to be a great person, because she always has all these visiting authors for her birthday month. I’m sure they wouldn’t do that for just anyone.
She always has a great serial read going on, and that birthday month of hers is always jam packed with visits and good wishes!
She also writes under the name Mikela Q. Chase
I follow Amber’s blog site and always enjoy her Throwback Thursday posts and discover new to me books that she has written, of course now my TBR list is out of control! Thanks for the giveaway.
I’ve never chatted with Amber, so I don’t really know anything about her. I’ve heard so many lovely things about her though.
Amber is an amazingly friendly author to her fans. She posts a free story piece every week, gives us teasers for new books and for old ones as well. Last year she even sent out Christmas cards to those who asked. I owe you a card Amber. I love how interactive she is even though in real life she’s an introvert. She does so much for fans that I don’t know how she does it all.
A nice fact about Amber is her quality of writing – she has never let me down (unlike some authors), no bummers just great books everytime – not every author can credit themselves with that!
She writes like the gods! Her stories can make you smile.
I’m sorry to say that I don’t know too much about her, but I’ve heard great things, even just from reading the comments here, and her books are lots of fun.
I don’t know much about her except that I get her daily e-mails and she sounds incredibly nice ( and she has a huge following, probably because she interacts with her fans so much).
Amber Kell is one of my favourite authors she is wonderful person that is very generous to her readers, with giveaways and teasers she also writes exceptional characters and books she is always an auto buy author.
I haven’t heard of Amber Kell, but now that I have, I’ll be checking her out on Amazon! Thank you for the chance!
Her books always blow me away!
I don’t know much about Amber Kell myself, but as several others have said, she seems to have a very loyal following and I have only read good things about her.
Thanks for this great weekend celebration!
Aside from the fact that she is a lovely writer and a nice lady she shares a name with my soon to be daughter in law. Every time I read her name I feel like she is family because of it.
I met Amber @ GRL three years ago and I was such a fan girl towards her. She is so sweet and funny and an amazing author! She, Rj Scott and Stephani Hecht get together before or after GRL and work on plots for new books and I think that is so cool. I am a huge fan and supporter of Amber Kell!!! <3 <3 <3
I only know Amber from Facebook, but she seems like a nice genuine person. She talks about her family with us like we’re old friends. She is a great writer that pulls you into her stories with her characters. She has a vivid imagination, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to make up these worlds she has written about.
She loves pumpkin cheesecake! (Wonder if she’s tried the one in Rose Levy Beranbaum’s ROSE’S HEAVENLY CAKES cookbook?)
She has two sons and has written under another name.
Amber is a dreamer who has been writing stories in her head for as long as she could remember, now she shares her imagination and knack for words to entertain us as readers.
All I know about Amber is she is an amazing author. I love her books.
She has a very active blog, tons of fans and does a bunch of giveaways! Really is good to her readers
Ooh, I remember from an interview once that she thought of werewolves meeting each other just from picking up groceries at the store.
I could only imagine the scribbling on the back of the grocery list from that inspiration.
A great writer. One of the more prolific writers of our genre.
She has a nice quirky sense of humor. Love reading her posts about her day.
She has written a lot of awesome shifter stories!
She writes an awesome happy ending. I read to escape so a HEA is a must.
Congrats to babybarlow!