April Joy by Amy Lane

April Joy

By Amy Lane


Yes, yes, I know—it’s supposed to be April Fool’s day, but I can’t do it. Maybe it’s my affinity for the Fool in tarot readings, and his boundless optimism and his faith that the world will catch him and that simplicity makes for the best road.  Maybe it’s that the sun is shining, the birds are singing and I’m in too great a mood to be irritable—or maybe it’s that I just don’t like practical jokes.  Any way you slice it, April Fool’s day has never been my favorite. (I’m inclined to believe it’s that last one—nine years ago, April played the world’s greatest practical joke on me by sending me into labor on March 31st for a child born on April 3rd. April Fool’s indeed.)


I have to admit—April is usually one of my favorite months.  I like to think of it as that eighty-degree prelude before Northern California jumps our shit into sweat and sunstroke. But I just can’t buy into the April Fool’s frame of mind.


And this month, I’ve got some serious writing joy.


Most writers have those moments when talking to their fellow imaginative brethren creates something magical, and this month I have two things debuting which were started from exactly that sort of magic.


The first thing (and it’s already out) was a short story called The Fenestra Penetration which is in the Foolish Encounters anthology out from Wilde City. Now, I admit, I never planned to write this story. It all started when a reader asked a number of his favorite writers to put together April Fools prompts for a blog feature he was doing. I put together two or three, and then, in the ultimate April Fools prank, I was asked to write to one of the prompts.  I did, mostly for the fun of it (because if y’all saw my queue, you would understand!) The result is a lighthearted anthology, with a number of sci-fi/fantasy stories, some more thoughtful than mine, which was written out of sheer joy.  Enjoy this one—it’s an eclectic collection, and I think it’s mostly fun.

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Foolish Encounters


The second thing (and it’s out on April 8th) is a part of a group collection.  This one is what happens when a group of women start talking during lobby-con at ten at night at RT. Mary Calmes and I came back from dinner and met Marie Sexton and Amber Kell in the lobby, talking about writing an anthology built around a cookbook. Throw in RJ Scott (and who wouldn’t, cause she’s awesome!) and you have Tales of the Curious Cookbook.  All of the stories are built around a cookbook, hand copied and given to five different relatives, then passed down generations. My story, Food for Thought is coming out next week on April 8th, and RJ Scott’s is already out, and every story is lovely. My story is short and playful, with a few sad moments but mostly snark and hopefully some joy and hopefully some very hawt sex. (It was dirty sex, but that’s not always the same thing.)


Food for Thought


At any rate, it’s fun sex, and both of these stories have been fun to write and fun to collaborate on.  So, you know? Not April Fool’s, not really.


Definitely April Joy!


And I hope you all enjoy your April as well. Californians need to enjoy the mild sunshine before it turns into a deadly act of will from the very elements that surround us. Everyone who’s still looking grimly at snow? I wish you lots and lots of that, because folks, have you earned it!  The sensation of tilting your head back to close your eyes against the sun is lovely—may you all take that breath in the month to come.



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