23 Responses

  1. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    Thanks for the chance to win! The book sounds interesting.

    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Thanks for your interest. I’m shooting for the same sort of feel like Showtime’s Penny Dreadful – to give you an idea about the work. It is more of a character study so you begin to come away with who the hero is as much as the inner-struggle with his wolf aspect of who he is and what that means.

  2. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Thanks for the post and giveaway. I enjoyed the excerpt and love the cover.

    jen.f {at} mac {dot} com

    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Thanks for your entry… Fingers crossed that it’ll be headed your way soon… SA C

  3. debby236
    debby236 at |

    I love the eyes. They really draw me in.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Thanks Debby – I wanted something different than the usual half-clad male candy that’s so prevalent on covers. Not that I mind it (ha!) but I wanted my boys of Sparrows to have a different take on it. In this series you get to crawl up in the headspace of the hero – understand what he’s going through as his wolf comes forward and makes himself known. It doesn’t answer all questions (as this is a series) but it does have a HFN, with a fade-up to the villain’s lair for a big – uh oh moment that all may not be as well as the boys think they are.

  4. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    I’m intrigued, I’m curious now to read the original version.

    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Thanks for the interest Laurie. There is a scene of non-consensual sex but it isn’t what you think it would be nor is it presented in a manner that make it titillating in any way. It’s meant to be a subversive moment and the hero doesn’t necessarily react how you’d expect. There’s an answer for that but you won’t get it until book 2 is released (which will be early April – so only a few weeks away from now).

  5. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    The more I hear about this book the more I want to give it a read. Thank you for the chance to win.

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Heya HB – It’s definitely a different take on the whole weres/shifter thing. And as the series gets going it’ll be bringing up other supes from the whole horror/supernatural realms that my wolves will have to run into. Since I am Native, I’ll be leaning fairly hard on Indian lore and stories from mine and other nations. So yeah, going for something full-on Americana here. Best of luck!

  6. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    please count me in


    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Best of luck to you Lee. The books just arrived and I’ve autographed them for the tour. They look pretty wonderful if I must say.

  7. juliesmall1959
    juliesmall1959 at |

    Interesting excerpt! Please count me in!


    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Thanks Julie – actually I shake the trope up quite a bit in that the Omega is actually revered in this world. He’s the real power behind the throne (so to speak). And Hank (the hero) is actually a new form of wolf altogether (something we come to in Book 2 which will be out mid-April). Best of luck!

  8. jodi marinich
    jodi marinich at |

    sounds like a great read..congrats

    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Thanks Jodi. Book 2 should be out mid April (strike while the iron’s hot, right??). Best of luck!

  9. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    Sounds interesting. I’m slightly vanilla so the reworked version might be better for me, but comparing the two would be awesome.

    1. Barbra
      Barbra at |
    2. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Ya know, it’s rather funny because when it got banned I actually had Hank (the hero in the story) say the word rape in his head (you’re in his headspace for the majority of the work) and I think it was that word that threw the red flag because I’d associated the work with erotica. So in fairness to Amazon (even though from what I can tell they don’t treat authors very fairly with the market stranglehold they have), it may have been my own ineptness in labeling the work as erotica while I had that word in Hank’s head. It’s not a brutal violent act when it happens, but it is necessary to establish Cade’s (the ultimate baddie in my series) knee-jerk manner at times that he will lash out because there’s a crack in the hero’s armor (so to speak). But it doesn’t far – so no worries about it being overly violent. Actually, you might come away with the same thing I did – really??? But alas, it is what it is. Lesson learned and all that rot. Best of luck!

  10. falicesidoma
    falicesidoma at |

    I know that this books is going to be a great read.

    1. SA Collins
      SA Collins at |

      Aw, thanks for that. I hope you’ll enjoy it. I wanted to do something different and I think I have. You’re still going to get the whole brutality that weres can bring to the table, it’ll just be on balance with the inner-monster struggle they got going on inside to even things out. And since they can hear one another’s thoughts (yeah that was a minor spoiler) then you’re really in all of their headspace(s). Best of luck with the giveaway.

  11. SA Collins
    SA Collins at |

    Hey all, just a heads up that I have the goodies to give away but haven’t received any word from the promo company that ran the blog. I am just waiting for a final list from them before I can send things out (it hasn’t been for me forgetting). Hopefully soon! Cheers!


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