Max Vos has just released a French translation of Going Home.
With the ban that Amazon and ARe did with this book, I feel like it should be applauded to see a French and an Italian translation of this very intense, raw in emotions, story.
Dan and I did a split review on this story when it was released, deciding to go for a split decision review because we expected our views would be very different . Both of us are fans of Max Vos and his work, but I had my reservations for this release.
You can find both reviews Here!
Gosh, I couldnt have been more wrong. This is a story that will stay with me. Why you ask? Not because of the “forbidden” subject that caused it to be banned. No it was because of the intensity of this story, the feeling that it was real and despite all controversy the feeling that this could really happen or has happened.
Max posted more information on Facebook this week about this book. After reading that the love that was written about in the book was real, it made me go back to this story and wipe away a tear, a tear for love so unique in all its “rarity “. A tear from reading that those remarkable men are no longer here…that for some reason touched me deeply in my heart.
So there you have the reason for this post today.
I encourage you to go to Max Vos’ own page and buy this book.
There are three languages available at the moment, so take your pick.
Keep an open view and let yourself be caught with what might be Max Vos his very best …

Andare A Casa
Al giornalista Carter Roberts è stato richiesto di intervistare Carl Foltz e Matt Evans per un articolo sulla loro vita, ma quest’incarico non gli piace per niente: vuole solo arrivare, fare quella dannata intervista e andarsene. L’argomento trattato gli fa rivoltare lo stomaco.
Quell’intervista rivela molto di sè così come dei due uomini e, per la prima volta, Carter sa come ci si sente a vivere in una vera casa. Ma soprattutto, non si sarebbe mai aspettato che l’incontro con Carl e Matt avrebbe cambiato il suo modo di pensare – e la sua vita – per sempre.
The book that has been banned from Amazon and ARE. See what all of the fuss is about.
Going Home
Journalist Carter Roberts was required to interview Carl Foltz and Matt Evans for an article on their lives. It was not an assignment he relished: he just wanted to get there, get it done and get out. Thinking about the subject matter made his stomach churn.
The interview reveals as much about himself as about the two men, and for the first time, Carter learns what a real home feels like. He never would have expected that meeting the two men would change his way of thinking – and his life – forever.
An ecopy of Going Home! (in your prefered language)
leave a comment on why you want to read this book
It sounds like a great premise, and the banning piques my interest! (Fight the power!)
I want to KNOW why it was banned…..need to read it!!
I sounds like a wonderful story. The posting makes the book very appealing.
Amazon had been quite finicky. The last few weeks I’ve been seeing an increase of post from authors about Amazon banned books. I would love a chance to win this to see why it was banned from both ARe and Amazon though.
Amazon bans at whim, but ARe? I am very intrigued. Plus, what a gorgeous cover!
I want to read it because it sounds like a very good book.
I would also love a chance to win this to see why it was banned from both ARe and Amazon!
Gosh the reason I would love to read this book goes back to when I was young and my father gave me a book written by Rad Bradbury called Fahrenheit 451 (the temperature that paper burns). A quick summary for those who may not be familiar with the story, it deals with a futuristic dystopian Earth and a group of fireman whose job it is to burn banned books and often the houses/belongings of those found in possession of those books. One of the fireman hides some books, he is eventually betrayed and escapes to find a group who memorise banned books so that they can be saved and shared with the next generation…
The book had quite a profound affect on me and my outlook, so I was shocked & protested when my school went through a cull of unsuitable books and also banned LGBT YA books. Things are bit better now, but there is still reluctance to make them available.
I should say that I know why this book was banned and the reason for it did not shock me, what shocked me what the reasons for the ban seems only to affect books of this genre and you can find thousands in other genres still available, some are even called classics. Why do I want to read it, not because it was banned, but because those that have read it highly recommend it and it has so much good feedback, so why would I not want to read it? .
Thank you for a chance to win a copy and sorry for my diatribe of a response 🙂
I hope to read your book, sounds good!
Congrats Sula
your response couldnt be ignored 🙂