Reviewed by Tammy
TITLE: SoulMate for SIN
AUTHOR: Izzy Van Swelm
PUBLISHER: Wilde City Press
LENGTH: 182 Pages
The effects of an attack on SIN, a twenty-nine year old University lecturer, reach out further into his future than SIN could ever imagine.
In a story, which seems doomed to start with an end, SIN learns about the forever kind of love, and how family is not just biological.
‘Soul-Mate for SIN’ shows how twists of fate can take a loving, but ordinary family, from a small market town in England, and turn them into something extraordinary.
I must say I find the authors ideas on soul mates to be very intriguing! I found the sub story with in the book to be very disturbing, not because of the topic but because it is so prevalent in our society today.
The first two chapters are focused on Charlie, a young gay man about to start a new job and a new chapter in his life. He meets Sin, who is hiding from the people who are chasing him, looking to bash him. Unfortunately for Charlie and Sin they are found whilst they are talking. They are beaten so horrifically they’re hospitalized. As luck would have it, when Charlie meets the detective in charge of their case, Detective Daniel Burgess, there is an immediate attraction. It is whilst he is recovering in hospital with the support of Daniel that Charlie learns the extent of what has happened to Sin. Sin was still recovering from the first attack that saw him hospitalized, by his homophobic younger brother and his mates.
It is as he’s recovering in hospital that Sin meets his soulmate Gabriel. The story from here is both heart-warming and heart-breaking. The absolute devotion Gabriel shows to Sin as his ICU nurse and then as his friend is heart-warming. The patience he has for what Sin has gone through, as this is the second time Gabriel has been Sin’s ICU nurse and what he is still going through, as Sin has a brain injury and needs to relearn everything, is an incredible thing to read. Both Gabriel and Sin come to rely on their small group of friends, Charlie, Daniel, Julie, Alex and Prof John McRae, (who are a mix of old and new friends) to keep them sane and on track. They meet up regularly to go to a new gay club, where they take Sins parents, who have a blast!
The devastation Sins parents feel not knowing if it was something they did or didn’t do when raising their boys. You feel what they’re going through, having two sons on complete opposite sides. They are very lucky that they also have gained the love and support of Gabriel, Julie, Charlie and Daniel.
This book covers all aspects of being a gay man with loving parents, friends and a brother who hates you because you are gay. And in the midst of all the madness you find your soul mate! I can’t imagine the devastation it would cause a family to have one brother in jail for trying to beat his brother to death just because he is gay. Izzy van Swelm has handled the subject with the love and respect it deserves.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is a lover of m/m stories.
Thank you for the lovely review