A warm welcome today for author Jaime Reese who is visiting Love Bytes today on her Blog Tour for “A Restored Man”
She is talking about her new release and kindly answered some questions for us about this new release and the series that it comes from “The Man of Halfway House”. She also shares an excerpt and their is a giveaway to participate in!
Welcome Jaime!

Welcome Jaime
Thanks for taking the time to interview me!
A Restored Man is number three in The Men of Halfway House series and so far each book has a tone to it that is distinct from the others. Do you preplan to write the books this way or is it just the way they develop?
Let me start with a quick rundown of the series for those readers who aren’t familiar with it. The common element that ties the books together is the halfway house. The characters aren’t necessarily residents of the house, but they may have crossed the threshold or have interacted with a resident, and that encounter affects the direction of their lives from that point forward. Each story chronicles their second chance at life and/or love and how they fight like hell—together—for their happily ever after.
Because of the nature of the series, it can be never-ending, so I try to write each book as a stand-alone. I’d love for readers to read all the books in the series, but the way I write them, it’s not required. A reader can easily pick up A Restored Man and have enough relevant back story to be able to follow the storyline without feeling lost.
So I do plan on them being stand-alones, but as far as the distinct tone of each, that plays out based on the story and the characters. A Better Man was a slow-burn, friends-to-lovers contemporary romance. A Hunted Man was a faster-paced, romantic suspense story. A Restored Man is purely character-driven with a little angst, maybe a few tears, and hopefully, plenty of smiles and laughter.
Did you need to spend a lot of time researching car information to write this book? Not that I’m at all knowledgeable, but you seemed pretty confident with what you were writing about.
I’m glad I came across as confident. The hubby and I both love cars. We go to cruise-ins, car shows, and have participated in private car-related events. We usually stalk car model announcements and study the specs of new releases. It’s something we both love. So although I had to do research, the topic wasn’t completely foreign. Knowing the terminology for some things was helpful in finding what I needed. I wanted to include car-related content for story relevance, but tried not to overload the story and risk boring the reader.
Cole has a couple of memorable one-liners and he’s not one to shy away from the awesome quips and comebacks. Do you ever write a sentence and think – I just nailed it!
Thank you! Writing any kind of humor is tough. Kudos to authors who can write romantic comedies. It’s not easy. LOL I tend to tweak endlessly as I write and often go back and edit entire scenes. I have, however, written a few lines and scenes, read it back, and told myself – don’t you dare touch that! It doesn’t happen often through a first run, but it feels damn good when it does.
Do you have a favourite character from the series because I just haven’t been able to settle on one?
Oh, that’s a tough question because I love my characters. They are each special in their own way. Julian will always hold a special place in my heart because he inspired the series. Matt has an incredible heart and an endless fountain of patience and understanding for Julian needs. Cameron has a fierce inner strength that can only be paired with Hunter’s iron will. Cole, I just want to hug him. He’s a bundle of energy and has a mouth on him that embarrassed me a few times while writing him, but he’s exactly the unrelenting fighter Ty needed to restore his spirit.
I know fans have been asking, and I know it seems impossible but, Cam and Hunter? Are they somehow going to make a reappearance in a future Halfway House book?
I never eliminated that option.
I realize that this series isn’t finished yet but what about other writing projects? Do you have any books planned beyond Halfway House?
I have a story I started some time ago. It’s a stand-alone book, outside of the Halfway House series. It started off as a short story but somehow, the story has transitioned into something more complex so I’ve set it aside. I wanted simplicity for that one, so I will revisit it again when I have more time to think it through and play with the story a bit. If it ends up being complex, then I’ll write it as such. I do want to try to release a few shorter stories (well, short for me LOL) as stand-alone. But I just need to find a way to work more writing in to my schedule.
This is obviously your third release day. How do you plan to spend it?
Even though I have a stack of cover work to do and tons of prep work for GRL to get things ready for registration, I plan to spend most of my day with readers. I’ll be on my Facebook page and stopping by the tour stops to respond to comments. I know I don’t release often, but when I do, I love to spend those initial release days with readers. I love my characters, and I enjoy taking the time to chat about them. After the tour, I’ll probably crash and burn on the couch or hibernate with the hubby for a few days, but for now, I want to enjoy the release honeymoon with all the excitement and stress it brings.
Cole said, thumbing over his shoulder.
do on a daily basis. These are my
service calls. Side project I’m doing and there’s no money in it for the guys
so I don’t really want to burden them. I figured we could work on them and, in
between, we could tinker with the Yenko if you want or wrap up the last few
details on the Drayton rig. I worked on most of it over the weekend but there
are still a few things to finish up.”
Yenko with you?”
you are with your work.”
service calls?”
got a lot of tricks I can show you.” He smiled at the rush of color to
Ty’s cheeks, loving the way Ty always reacted to his teasing.
said, looking at Cole with that glimmer in his eye.
that,” Ty said, trying to look serious and indifferent, but failing
then stilled, straightened his shoulders, and mocked a serious tone. “I
could, of course, be completely professional and proper with you, Mr. Calloway,
if that is your preference,” he said, mimicking Matt’s formal tone.
transitioning into something more genuine. “And I, of course,” he
said, reciprocating Cole’s tone, “would be deeply disappointed.”
“My army of superheroes and I would be as well.” He bit back a smile
and bowed.
fingertips together with only a sliver of a gap between them. “Maybe a
little bit.”
looked at Ty’s fingers then glanced back at him with a huge grin on his face.
“It’s a start,” he said before walking off to the two cars parked in
the bay.
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Can’t enter the giveaway because I’m in the UK, but have to say that the first two books were amazing and look forward to see if the third is as good or better?
llesarlorraine – you can enter the giveaway. There are 4 pages of prizes (you are only seeing the first one that is limited to the US). All the others are international.
You can cycle through the prizes with the blue arrows in the giveaway box directly below the prize list.
Thanks for participating in the blog tour and for taking the time to interview me!