Reviewed by Dan
This is a Series Review of the Handsome Heroes Series (Books 1 – 4)
AUTHOR: James Cox
PUBLISHER: Evernight Publishing
James Cox introduced us to the Handsome Heroes Series in Book 1 and continued up to Book 8. In this, Part 1 of the Series Review, we will cover Books 1 -4. I’m really loving Mr. Cox’s universe. Men of a bunch of different species all having sex with each other. Penises come in many shapes, sizes, colors and even numbers. So does cum. From “taste the rainbow” to cum that turns to snow the minute it hits the air, to cum that glows in the dark for hours afterwards.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Taken together, they are a fairly light hearted romp through the universe, with a bunch of hot men, and a lot of sex, and I mean a lot. They were fun to read and read kind of like a trashy gay sci-fi “B” movie. Picture the movie Flash Gordon, with Sam J. Jones as Flash Gordon having sex with Timothy Dalton as Prince Barin and you’ll see my take on the story.
Each story in this series builds on the previous books, and characters continue to pop in and out of the story. I would recommend reading them in order, and I recommend all eight. So let’s check out the first four. The final four will be covered in another review next week.
TITLE: Handsome Hero Wanted (Handsome Heroes #1)
LENGTH: 63 Pages
Five men.
One harem.
Drayton Starberg takes his ship to the planet Falla Bray to join a harem in hopes of scoring money to fix up his old space ship. He has to compete with four other human-like species to please the king and be chosen to use his DNA for the new heir. Problem is, each of the other males are growing on him and the king is having a hard time picking just one.
Who will be the king’s handsome hero?
This book starts with the following paragraph. “Handsome hero wanted. Brave in the face of certain danger. Must be willing to get naked with other species. At least six-inch penis required. Fee is negotiable.” Seriously? I was hooked immediately!
Drayton Starberg answers the ad on the planet Falla Bray, a planet of all males. There are no female Fallas! How do they breed future generations?
Well it turns out in the case of the king that he will mate with one of the five men chosen for his mating harem. What follows is a delightful romp full of constant erections and copious amounts of pre-cum. We have a LOT of alien bukakke, we have a feline humanoid named Lavender, a big butch hairy wolf humanoid named Layden, a tailed chameleon humanoid named Ashthor and a humanoid with two penises named Dusk! Finally, we have Captain Drayton Starberg of Earth. What ensues is lots of interspecies sex and I’m talking lots and lots of sex.
Who will be chosen to be the father to the heir?
I loved the story. It was a fun evenings read.
TITLE: Handsome, Hard, & Delicious (Handsome Heroes #2)
LENGTH: 78 pages
Travel the universe, meet new people, and find some nice ass…what was wrong with that plan?
Layden had to take it one step further and fall in love with a man his complete opposite. Lavender was of the Feline clan while Layden of The Golden Wolf Clan. The sex was fantastic. It was everything else that was the challenge. Although, every big fight ended in a world-class romp.
Even with all the yelling, Layden fell in love with the lanky, finicky Lavender. Until the day their pasts came to find them and Lavender is kidnapped by his own people. Now Layden must find his problematic mate and save him before Lavender is lost forever.
Prepare for some epic failures in escape plans, frottage in a space suit, and a handsome twink that plays dirty.
Layden and Lavender are back in this installment, which tells their story. At some point this installment almost became just plain erotica with a couple sci-fi sequences stuck in the middle. Honestly, I had a hard time enjoying this one as much as the first one. Seriously? They have sex in the space ship while the enemy is looking for them in the asteroid belt, and then frottage in their space suits while hanging off the bottom of that space ship while they are waiting for the enemy to haul the ship into their cargo bay?
I thought this installment was ok, but not on par with the first installment. It kind of lost my interest for a little while in the middle and then ended in a cliffhanger. I’m really thinking book 2 and book 3 should have been one book?
TITLE: Handsome Men Suck (Handsome Heroes #3)
LENGTH: 84 pages
A lot of potent drinks, a horned man with a tail, and high heels…
All caught on camera with a drunken Kendrew at the center. This fiasco leads to a career demotion and jokes behind his back. All that changes when he’s sent in the middle of a space war that could become a fatal adventure.
King Leith of the Golden Wolf Clan isn’t impressed with the new peace negotiator, Kendrew. Even less so when the talks break down and missiles start flying.
Kendrew finds himself in harm’s way, horny and still regretting that one drunken night. Add in a crash landing and some nasty creatures bent on eating them…call it a party from hell!
The question is, will they survive?
Definitely my favorite so far. Kendrew is the brother of the ship’s Commander, Millidon, and second in charge until a wild night of debauchery with a sexy horned man, named Malvern in a room with lots of windows and lots of people looking in! Worse the entire thing is caught on video! And there might have been stockings, high heel shoes and a skirt???
It isn’t long before Kendrew is busted down to Communications Officer by the Council Members of the League of Universal Peace (his government). One gets the impression that the Council is a group of withered up, sexless prudes…I’m thinking kind of like the US House of Representatives, only smaller.
Then we get a tie back to the previous story when Millidon’s ship is ordered to the conflict between the felines and wolves which has escalated since the end of story two. The two worlds are on the verge of war.
When they arrive, Kendrew is sent by his brother to be the representative to the Golden Wolf Clan, while his brother goes to be the representative to Felantasion “king”, who we know from the previous book is a murdering usurper. Imagine Kendrew’s surprise when the lock opens on the Wolf ship and he is greeted by the sight of a bunch of big, burly, hairy, bearded, uber-sexy men. The sexiest is King Leith, Prince Layden’s brother, who Kendrew is instantly attracted too. The story that evolves from that point involves interplanetary war, the emergency escape by King Leith and Kendrew to a hostile planet and their further adventures. Will Kendrew think with his upper head this time, or get in even more trouble with the Council?
I really enjoyed this story! It could be read as a standalone, but I think the series in order makes more sense and seems to be evolving as I go along.
TITLE: Handsome Men Blow (Handsome Heroes #4)
LENGTH: 81 Pages
Horns, tail, and rainbow cum…
What happens when a thief, posing as a king, gets his own harem? Malvern is a fake king trying to survive long enough for a ship to whisk him away to another planet. He never expects to get a ragtag harem of near rejects. One is a human that makes Malvern long for domination. Then there’s the redhead with scars on his back, red eyes and oh yeah, his cum glows in the dark. The last man in this messed up harem is in chains because he’s too violent.
When a wicked storm hits, Malvern is forced to make a hard decision—his own survival or save their lives. He also has limited time to make that choice because the real king is on his way to claim the throne. How the hell is this going to end well?
Malvern is back for this installment. He has escaped from the League of Universal Peace by stealing the identity chip of a man he later finds out is the King of a newly terraformed planet. Because of the chip, Malvern is whisked off to that planet. To his surprise, he also has a harem of three men, one human named Shay, one ice cold humanoid named Rynka who is bound in chains, and a humanoid named Norcon who has a glow in the dark penis.
The new planet ends up only having a few people on it. Can Malvern get away with the deception? What will happen with the harem? What will happen when the true King shows up? All questions answered in this story.
One interesting note, Malvern it appears might be the brother of Ashthor from the first story. It doesn’t actually say that anywhere, and they don’t interact in this story, but will they ever reunite? My inquiring mind wants to know if I’m correct in my guess!
Wow! What a bunch of fantastic reviews! Thank you so much, Dan. I’m glad you enjoyed the series so far. I do hope you’ll continue on. My personal two favorites in the series are the last two: Handsome Men Bite Back and Handsome, Hung and At Your Service. Also, you were correction in your Ashthor/Malvern connection. Well done!