5 Responses

  1. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    The possum doesn’t look anything like the possums I see in my yard. Yours is much cuter. Mine have beady eyes and a rat tail. 🙂

    1. Lisa Henry
      Lisa Henry at |

      Aussie possums are definitely cuter than Anetican possums!

  2. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    I live in England and at the moment it’s really cold and frosty and we may be getting snow this weekend! But it’s never as bad as the weather in the North America and Canada thank goodness.

    1. Lisa Henry
      Lisa Henry at |

      The news footage of Canada and the US is just crazy!

  3. karon
    karon at |

    A bit of freezing rain yesterday and now at 1°Celsius (33°F) but, at least no snow until Wednesday. Last year this date we already had over 33 inches of snow…


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