Competition at the end…
My new book out on the 28th is called The Bucket List.
It follows the brother of a man who created a bucket list of places he wanted to see and things he wanted to do. Jason is the brother and he vows to cross the last items off the list and in the process meets a boy from his past who is now very much a man.
It got me thinking about my own bucket list. I am sure all of us have ideas of what we’d like to achieve before we’re unable to do what we want. A lot of my things involve family; I want Matt settled safely where he can be looked after and encouraged to become what I know he could be. I want B to find the man of her dreams and have a long happy life with kids of her own so she can know what it’s like to watch one of them go away to University (ROFL). I want my kids to be safe, always, and I want hubby to be happy and well. I want family time with added mum and sis, holiday breaks with them, memories… our family are quite good at collecting memories. J I want to lose weight (working on that), I want the words to always flow and I want to always be in love…
But what if, quite apart from family and miracles, I was asked to list materialistic things I want and places I’d like to visit, what would my list look like?
I’ve always wanted to be a writer, so that would have been the top of this list, but I am lucky enough to have achieved that one. I’ve always wanted to go to a film premier. Not a crappy film but the newest Marvel film, or the next Star Wars, Star Trek – you can see where I’m going with this. Also I’d quite like to actually be in the audience (at the back of course) as opposed to being one of the hordes outside. So, yeah, unlikely to happen, but it’s on my bucket list nevertheless.
I’d like to see the highlands of Scotland and visit some of the more remote islands up there. Quite possible actually, it’s just the logistics – the idea of being stuck in a car so eight hours (and yes, I’m a Brit, eight hours is like a lifetime to us!). Never mind, it’s on my list and one day… Maybe 2017 when I turn 50 would be cool.
I’d like a house in the countryside. Not that towns and cities don’t have their place but isolation and land around my house, a writing room in an attic, or a garden… that would be cool. Circumstances mean that we live in a very small house on the edge of a town. Good for commutes to school and close to family, and it’s a nice house, and it’s ours. I just want something different.
So there you go, a film premier, the Highlands and Islands, and a house in the English countryside.
What is on your bucket list?
* * * * *
The Bucket List – out 28 January from Love Lane Books
When Andrew Craig dies, he leaves his brother Jason a list of places that he wanted to visit but couldn’t. Attending a school reunion, London, Stonehenge, these are all on the list and Jason is determined to cross everything off and work through his grief at the same time.
Closeted soap actor Mark Wesley is shocked when a blast from the past looks him up, and devastated when he realizes he will never have a chance to make things right.
Together Jason and Mark agree to work on the list. But what happens when Jason and Mark grow closer, when passion and even love begins to grow?
Was this what Andrew wanted to happen all along between his brother and his friend?
Comment for a chance of a free e-book from my backlist or first sight of a new RJ Scott book. Closes 22 January at 12:00 GMT
Two words: auto buy.
So happy pleased chuffed etc you’re finally releasing this! Definitely on my pre order list
Absolutely love the cover and blurb, I’m definitely reading this.
Looking forward to reading this one and I have to admit when I first saw the title it indeed made.me think about getting my own bucket list
xx dani
Words cannot possibly express how excited I am that Rj took this from a blog story and made it into an actual book I can buy. I have already claimed these boys as mine but I am willing to share, for purely informational and getting to know them reasons
May I just add… OMG! OMG! OMG! ?
Oh this book sounds great! And what a Fab bucket list. One of my bucket list items is to go to Europe. I’ll make it there…..eventually.
I’m loving the sound of this book, I can’t wait to read it…
To visit Hawaii and the Caribbean . To go back to Germany.
Can’t wait for this book.
So looking forward to this one… Auto Buy.
This sounds so good! Can’t wait to read it.
Sounds lovely! Can’t wait to read it!
On my bucket list: visiting Egypt’s Pyramids, taking an art course in Italy, or maybe go smaller and take an oil portrait course to acquire technique somewhere nearby…
Can’t wait to read this book!
On my bucket list is to visit meet The Pope and Visit Vatican City.
Can’t wait to read this!
Looking forward to this. I loved reading the start of it on the blog!
On my bucket list would be a visit to Australia and Canada. I’m looking forward to reading the book I’ve added it to my wish list.
This sounds great! There’s lots of travel on my bucket list – so many things I want to see.
Looks and sounds amazing x
Definitely adding to my TBR pile! I really want to visit Scotland and Ireland at some point. Fortunately hubby is of the same mind.
I love the premise of this book. My bucket list includes traveling to Ireland, Scotland, and most of the rest of Europe. I also want to get to the pyramids and museums of Egypt.
The book sounds great. Can’t wait to read it.
Can’t wait for the book! I really, really want to go to Ireland and the highlands of Scotland. Maybe someday..
Yay! I always hoped that this story would become a novel. Thanks RJ!
I agree with Jason! AUTO-BUY Can’t wait for this one.
This book looks great and I can’t wait for the release! Got me thinking on my own bucket list now……….
Sounds a great read, RJ. i’d love to visit Scotland too. The Isle of Harris is on my list along with Edinburgh and some lochs.
Enjoyed this when it was online.
I’d love to dance a waltz (after getting lessons!), all dressed up with a lovely gown, to a Strauss waltz in Vienna!
I want to see the highlands of Scotland and jump out of a perfectly good plane. Most of my realistic goals are like yours about family. Can’t wait for the book to come out I will scarf it up right-a-way.
Can’t wait for this to come out. One place I would like to visit is Hawaii all the islands.
I like your cover and the plot. Looking forward to reading this book.