Title: Fire and Water
Author: Andrew Grey
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: Dec 2014
Officer Red Markham knows about the ugly side of life after a car accident left him scarred and his parents dead. His job policing the streets of Carlisle, PA, only adds to the ugliness, and lately, drug overdoses have been on the rise. One afternoon, Red is dispatched to the local Y for a drowning accident involving a child. Arriving on site, he finds the boy rescued by lifeguard Terry Baumgartner. Of course, Red isn’t surprised when gorgeous Terry won’t give him and his ugly mug the time of day.
Overhearing one of the officer’s comment about him being shallow opens Terry’s eyes. Maybe he isn’t as kindhearted as he always thought. His friend Julie suggests he help those less fortunate by delivering food to the elderly. On his route he meets outspoken Margie, a woman who says what’s on her mind. Turns out, she’s Officer Red’s aunt.
Red and Terry’s world collide as Red tries to track the source of the drugs and protect Terry from an ex-boyfriend who won’t take no for an answer. Together they might discover a chance for more than they expected—if they can see beyond what’s on the surface.
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Dreamspinner Press
Today we are very Lucky because we have here with us Red from Fire and Water to answer some of our questions
Welcome Red!
Can you tell us a little bit about what it is like being a police officer in
Carlisle with this new tainted heroin on the Streets.
The job of a police officer is primarily one of public safety and its usually stressful. Carlisle is a wonderful town with good people and these hazardous drugs have become a stain on the town. The thing is that the people affected are those most don’t see, which means they need someone to watch out for them even more.
Not to be rude, but you did say nothing was off the table for discussion. You’ve obviously had a hard time with people’s reaction to the scarring on your face. It takes a really strong person to overcome the type of comments you must hear. How do you do it and do you think it has helped or hurt you in your career?
My face hasn’t affected my career. I’m a good officer and I do my job well. I always try to treat all of the people I encounter the way they should be treated. One thing I do find is that its easier for me to look beyond the outer shell to the person inside because that’s what I hope people will do with me.
So….Terry? Did you see that one coming? A pretty little twinkie swimmer. Do you think this is your life partner and what are you going to do to make sure you’re together 10, 20, 30 years from now?
As far as Terry, I didn’t see that one coming at all. I mean who would ever have guessed a gorgeous guy like him would have anything to do with me. I’m still trying to figure that one out, but I love him and know he loves me. So yes, I see us as being together for a very long time. Terry makes me feel better about myself. He’s good for me and I like to think I’m good for him and that we bring out the best in each other.
What do you think Terry’s chances are at the Olympics? Will you be there for him? And will work allow you the time off?
I think he’ll win the gold without a doubt. He’s incredibly gifted and you better believe I’ll be there, in the front row, cheering him on at the top of my lungs.
Speaking of work, now that people know you’re gay and with Terry, how is the working atmosphere at the PD? You’re a huge guy, but does Carlisle have any protections in place for LGBT employees? Any sort of domestic partner benefits, etc?
Well the cool thing is that same sex marriage is legal in Pennsylvania now. he and I haven’t talked about it yet, but well… (Grins) As for the department, they have a non discrimination policy and some of the guys are still trying to figure how to treat me, most of the men don’t think about it. Its my personal life and they are professionals. Some of them are very supportive and have even surprised me.
Thank you so much Red for joining us here at Love Bytes
It was my pleasure
“Terry,” Julie said from next to him, and he turned back around. “Are you watching that guy?”
He ignored her, taking a sip of his beer, and then turned to her. “Do you think I’m shallow?”
“That’s a loaded question if I ever heard one.” She sighed and rested an elbow on the bar after looking at him. “If you want my honest opinion, I’d say you’re self-absorbed as opposed to outright shallow, but most people equate the two pretty closely, so, yeah, you’re a little shallow.” She bumped his shoulder. “Hey, you did ask.”
Terry swallowed and met her gaze. “I suppose if I didn’t want to hear what you thought, I shouldn’t have asked.” That was so not the answer he had wanted to hear. He’d asked because he had overheard what the paramedic had said at the pool, and Julie was supposed to tell him they were full of shit, not agree with them.
“Damn right,” she said, and Terry rolled his eyes. “You have to admit that you put a lot of importance on how people look, and that didn’t turn out so well with—”
“Don’t even say his name,” Terry growled just loud enough for her to hear.
“Fine,” she snapped slightly. “But you know I’m right. You have the perfect swimmer’s body and the perfect tan all the time, even in the winter.”
“I like to look good.”
“No, you sometimes obsess over how you look, and when you met… you know who….” She rolled her puppy brown eyes again. He knew mentioning his name wasn’t going to make him magically appear, but just thinking about his ex sent a cold shiver up his spine, and instantly he felt momentarily isolated in a room full of people. “You latched on to him like crazy, but look where that got you.”
“Okay, okay….”
“No. You’re going to hear this. I know you’re really cute and hot and all. You’ve got the handsome whole swimmer thing going and the job that goes with it, but, Terry, we’re here talking about whether or not you’re shallow, and a kid nearly died at the pool today on our watch. I kind of think that’s the definition of shallow.” Her eyebrows cocked upward, and Terry looked away.
“Dammit,” he said half under his breath, looking up as the server placed their food on the bar in front of them. “Thank you,” he said with a smile and received one in return.
Julie took the first bite of her salad and swallowed. “So I guess the question is, if you don’t want to be shallow, what are you going to do about it?”
“Do?” Terry asked.
“Yeah. Do.” She glanced over at him with one of those fiery looks that if he were straight would have had him instantly hard and aching to take the tiger to bed. Instead, when he got one of those looks from her, he knew he was in deep shit.
“Can’t we talk about this a little?”
“You want to talk? Okay. Kid nearly drowns, we save him and get him out of the pool. It’s made all the news reports that we saved his life, which should make both of us happy. We did what we’re good at, and it made a difference. It wasn’t our fault that he fell in and got hurt, regardless of what his mother said. However, instead of talking about that and trying to figure out how we’re not going to let it happen again, you’re having a crisis of identity because some people you don’t know said you were shallow.” She patted him on the shoulder. “I think the time for talk is long past. Honey, face it—you’re shallow, okay? And vain, let’s not forget vain. But you’re really nice to look at, so I’ll give you that, because there are times at that pool when we see things no one should have to see.” They both shuddered.
Read Dan’s Review on Fire and Water HERE!
Andrew grew up in western Michigan with a father who loved to tell stories and a mother who loved to read them. Since then he has lived throughout the country and traveled throughout the world. He has a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and works in information systems for a large corporation.
Andrew’s hobbies include collecting antiques, gardening, and leaving his dirty dishes anywhere but in the sink (particularly when writing) He considers himself blessed with an accepting family, fantastic friends, and the world’s most supportive and loving partner. Andrew currently lives in beautiful, historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
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