Today on Christmas day author Posy Roberts is stopping by Love Bytes on her blog tour for her new release Thangled Mind. She answers a few questions offers an excerpt and there is a giveaway to participate in!
Welcome Posy!
Book Name: Tangled Mind
Author Name: Posy Roberts
Posy Roberts writes about romantic male love. Whether her characters are family men, drag queens, or lonely men searching for connections, they all find a home in her stories.
Posy is married to a man who makes sure she doesn’t forget to eat or sleep; her daughter, a budding author and dedicated Whovian, helps her come up with character names. When Posy’s not writing, she enjoys crafting, hiking, and singing spontaneously about the mundane, just to make normal seem more interesting.
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Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Maria Fanning
For years Beck Lund has taken care of his volatile boyfriend Brady, always putting Brady’s needs above his own and walking on eggshells to keep the peace. After Brady overdoses on heroin, his death devastates Beck. Thankfully his best friend, Timothy Kallis, finds him the help he needs. Beck slowly starts to recover and moves in with Timothy to get back on his feet, but he’s oblivious that Timothy is secretly nursing romantic affection for him.
Beck focuses on his own healing for the first time in his life. After months of challenging his codependent tendencies and learning how to stand up for himself, Beck finally starts to trust his gut and hopes to one day love again. Timothy is patient throughout, taking care of Beck in ways no one ever has. But if Beck can’t recognize Timothy’s affection for him, it might be too late for them to move beyond friendship.
Categories:Bisexual, Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance
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How did you come up with the plot for Tangled Mind?
There were a lot of factors that played into my plotting of Tangled Mind, and all of them were challenging to face. I was in cry-at-the-drop-of-a-hat land when the story sprouted. My mom was getting ready for a risky but necessary spine surgery, and I was scared of losing her. At the same time, my best friend was dealing with a very caustic relationship with her alcoholic boyfriend. The night before, I’d watched a graphic death scene on Netflix that kept running through my head, so I cried at the hospital while my mom was doing all her pre-op appointments. I’m sure people thought I’d lost someone because of how weepy I was.
After we got home that day, I sat down and wrote the opening scene of this story because I needed to get my worries out of my head. My weepiness stopped after my words were on the page. I left it sit, thinking that was going to be it—just a scene written as a release. Eventually I went back and started to play with the story that gradually became Tangled Mind.
What authors inspire you?
Too many to name, but one characteristic they all have in common seems to be their mastery of prose. They take ordinary words and put them together in such a way that nothing feels pedantic or contrived. It flows naturally. It’s nothing specific that can really be recreated because it’s their personal voice coming through, but it’s so wonderful to read stories like this.
What is your favorite genre to read?
M/M Romance, of course. I enjoy non-fiction as well. YA, Sci-fi, and Fantasy are other areas I can get into, but nearly everything I read is M/M Romance. I had essentially quit reading for pleasure before I discovered the genre except for vacation time. Now I read all the time. I ran across an image the other day that described reader types. I think I’m a monogamous introverted reader according to that. I love soaking up one book at a time, and I occasionally need processing time before I’m ready to move on to the next book.
Do you like music or quiet when you write? If it’s music, what inspires you?
For the most part, I enjoy writing in quietude. If there’s music on when I write, it’s usually something without lyrics that won’t incite too much passion. Read that as me not being able to handle Classical or Soundtracks while writing because I get too into the music. I knew how to pick familiar tunes out on my mom’s keyboard before I could talk, so music is truly my first language. It speaks to me before anything else, which partially explains the lack of music while writing. The other part is that I tend to start typing lyrics into my manuscript, and I certainly don’t want to run into copyright violations.
What are you working on next?
I’m working on edits for a story that started out as a short story but has now grown to over 80,000 words. Learning how to cope after life-altering incidences is something I know about firsthand, so I decided to explore that through the eyes of two men, Gil and Keith. Silver Scars is about personal growth and learning how to be vulnerable again after being made to feel utterly helpless.
Before I had a chance to shut the front door, the sound of Brady choking on his own vomit pierced my eardrums. I was in our bedroom within seconds to witness him take what ended up being his last breath. Immediately I rolled him to his side to help him clear his airway. He flopped onto his back.
Abdominal thrusts. I slapped his face and shouted his name.
I followed the directions the dispatcher gave me on speakerphone, putting my effort into every motion as tears ran down my face.
“The paramedics are on their way. Do you hear the sirens yet?”
“Yes,” I said as I used my full weight to come down on Brady’s torso, trying to dislodge whatever particle had stopped all air from moving in and out of his lungs.
Nothing helped. He just stared up at me with glazed-over eyes and refused to breathe.
“Goddammit. Don’t you dare leave me like this!”
I blankly watched as the paramedics swarmed into the bedroom, shooing me away so they could assess Brady’s condition, and I saw the grim looks on their faces when they realized what had really happened. The frenzied activity ceased, and their demeanor changed the second they found the syringe, spoon, and lighter.
Words: 24,000
Tour Dates/Tour Stops:
Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
Multitasking MommasThe Novel Approach
Book Reviews and More by Kathy
Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings
Rafflecopter Prize: E-copy of ‘Tangled Minds’
I can’t wait to read this book!
Hello! Looking forward to this one. Just saw it advertised on the Dreamspinner page and added to my wish list for my next payday.
[…] Love Bytes Reviews – I talk about where Tangled Mind come from and a whole lot more. […]