So we @ Love Bytes like to read Christmas stories
So we decided to rec some of our favorites here to send you into the Christmas holidays with a wonderful selection of Holiday reads .
In no particuliar order we collected 8 of our favorites Enjoy !
A big congratulation to the winners of the different competitions
We ran competitions for different tour promotors and publishers and we want to wish them lots of joy of there won prizes!
Also I have some winners to announce myself
Here we go :
Michelle who won a digital copy of Watch Me Body You by Avril Ashton
H.B who won a backlist title from Susan Mac Nicol
Cornelia who won a backlist title from Cardeno C
JenCw who won a signed copy of Butt Ninja’s from Hell offered by Kage Allan
Jessica who won a digital copy of Dust of Snow by Indra Vaughn
Liza who won a copy of Rivals by Jeff Adams
Barbra who on a copy of Safe in his Arms by Renae Kaye
Kim W who won Candy Lane by Amy Lane
Jodi who won The Fifth Son by Blaine D Arden
Miranda who won a backlist title of Z.A Maxfield
Serena who won a copy of Corkscrewed by M.J O’Shea
Nubia who won K.A Merikan’s The Devil’s Ride
Sula who won a copy of Grenzen by Chris McHart
Congrats to all the winners , lots of luck with your books!
And a HUGE Thank you to the authors who donated the books for the giveaway.
It is Always such a joy to host them
Thanks Dani xx
I’ve read a lot of the recommended Christmas reads, but I need to go get The Healing Power Of Eggnog. I’ve seen it on a couple of lists so it must be pretty good.
Congrats to all the book winners. Happy Reading and Merry Christmas.
Read 5 of these, all great stoies especially Sock It to Me Santa. Got Matches to read – planning a Christmas story fest after Christmas Day madness is over!