Book Name: Red Dirt Heart 3
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Author Name: N.R. Walker
Author Bio: Who am I?
Good question…
I am many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer.
I have pretty, pretty boys who live in my head, who don’t let me sleep at night unless I give them life with words.
I like it when they do dirty, dirty things… but I like it even more when they fall in love.
I used to think having people in my head talking to me was weird, until one day I happened across other writers who told me it was normal.
I’ve been writing ever since…
Author Contact:
Facebook: N.r. Walker
Facebook Fan Page: N.R. Walker Author
Twitter: @NR_Walker
Publisher: N.R. Walker
Cover Artist: Sara York
Life for Charlie Sutton has never been better, or busier. With Travis now a permanent fixture of Sutton Station, a permanent fixture at Charlie’s side, Charlie’s convinced he couldn’t do anything on his ever-growing to-do list without him. He can run a multimillion dollar cattle business, finish his degree, try and further the local beef industry, deal with staff issues, Ma’s failing health, and an attention-demanding wombat. He can even deal with an unexpected visitor and some shattering news. He can deal with it all, as long as he has Travis. But what happens when he doesn’t? Red Dirt Heart 3 is the story of Charlie Sutton finally realising he can be the man Travis Craig deserves, even if he doesn’t have Travis. It’s a story of love, family, holding on, letting go and coming home.
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We know this is the third in a series, what was your original inspiration for these stories and characters?
I didn’t really plan to write this, or any of my stories, really. I get characters in my head and they’re the ones telling the story. That might sound weird, but that’s how my stories work, whether they’re a cop or a blind man, I have no say. In my RDH series, I knew the MC was an Aussie farmer, and the love interest was American, and the longer they’re in my head, the more they speak.
I found picspiration for these boys in a clothing catalogue for a famous country clothing brand, and as soon as I saw them, I knew that was them.
Charlie, being dark haired and a killer smile (when he shows it, that is)
And Travis, all blond hair, blue eyes and disarming smiles
Did you plan it as a series or as a single book? Are there more coming?
I had no idea it was going to be a series, until I finished the first book and Charlie wasn’t done talking. The same happened with the second book LOL. I would like to think each book, although part of a series, is a story in its own right. There is one more to come, Red Dirt Heart 4, which I’m hoping to release in early 2015 and that should be the last.
The last book had some great critters in it, does this one?
Ah, we see so much more of the baby wombat, Nugget. He really is his own character in this book and seeing Charlie dote over him turns Travis into a puddle of goo. There isn’t really any other critters other than Nugget. He’s enough to keep Charlie busy as it is
Who is your favorite character or couple out of all your books?
I would have to say it’s the characters I’m writing at that moment. I just ADORE the characters when I’m writing them, and when I get new characters in my head, I love them just as much. I think it’s because they’re the ones talking to me and I’m living their story with them as they do. I always think I’ll never love other characters as much I love the ones I’m writing at that time, until I meet them, that is.
If you could have a drink with someone famous, who would it be and why?
I probably should say something responsible, like some great political leader or freethinking revolutionary humanitarian of our time, but I’ll be selfish and say the cast of the Avengers
What is coming up after Red Dirt Heart 3 for you?
There will be a Red Dirt Heart 4, which I’m hoping to release in early 2015. I’d like to also release a short Christmas story before then. I’m also aiming to release around 6 or 8 books next year but only time will tell if I can pull that off
Thanks for having me!
We climbed into the ute and Travis drove, only mumbling under his breath once or twice about what side of the road he was on. I thought we were headed to find something to eat, but he pulled up at a pet store.
“What are we doing?”
“You’ll see,” was all he said as he was getting out.
I followed him into the pet shop, past the puppies, fish and birds down to the kennels and produce. When he stopped at cat beds, I shook my head. “Oh, no no no. We’re not getting a cat. We used to have one, it lived in the shed and the bloody thing was feral.”
He didn’t even look at me. “It’s not for a cat, Charlie.” He picked up a cushion-box looking thing with a hole in the front. The label called it a cat igloo. “It’s for your damn wombat.”
“Oh,” I said brightly. “Well, that’s okay then.”
He pushed Nugget’s new bed into my chest. “So he sleeps in his bed, not ours.”
A sales guy, about eighteen years old, walked up and was looking at us funny. He probably just heard what Travis said, and I didn’t care. I just shrugged, guessin’ that I’d come a long way in the last six months. “How did I know he’d think it was playtime?”
Travis sighed and turned to the sales assistant. “Do you have any feed pellets for wombats?”
He raised his eyebrows. “Wombats?”
I nodded. “Yep, you know, ‘bout this big,” I held up my hands to show him, “shape of a brick, cute little thing.”
Travis took a god-fucking-help-me breath. “About a year old, pain in the arse, stubborn as hell, boot-chewin’, gets into everything type of wombat.”
Tour Dates/Stops:
October 17: SA McAuley, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Rainbow Gold Reviews
October 20: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
October 21: Love Bytes, Hearts on Fire
October 22: Nic Starr, Jade Crystal, Wake Up Your Wild Side
October 23: Nephylim, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Emotion in Motion
October 24: Amanda C. Stone, My Fiction Nook, Prism Book Alliance
October 27: Fallen Angel Reviews, Parker Williams
October 28: MM Good Book Reviews, Multitasking Mommas
October 29: Smoocher’s Voice
October 30:BFD Book Blog, Queer Town Abbey
Rafflecopter Prize: One of 3 e-copies of Red Dirt Heart 3 or a stuffed wombat toy!
cant wait to read this book!
Love the interview!
Looks like I have some catching up to do! New to me author. That wombat is awfully cute
love this series and cant wait to read this one too