Reviewed by Danielle
Title: Inappropriate Roads, a Max Vos Anthology
Author : Max Vos
Pages: 165 pages
Publisher: Max Vos
It’s time for a journey along some inappropriate roads….
Along the way, you’ll meet a host of interesting men: the shy teacher, more than a few bears, the geeky numismatist, and the hunky glass artist, to name but a few.
They all have a story to tell, and it won’t be long before you spot the common theme – hot encounters with even hotter men. And these guys don’t pull any punches, so expect to find yourself getting hot under the collar.
So if you’re ready, we’ll be off. Fasten your seatbelts, please.
And then hold on for an exhilarating ride….
Hawk ‘n’ Harley :
I reviewed this before and I am still completely in love with this story!
I love the characters that the author created…Danny, Harley and Hawk!
For me Hawk breathes sex, Danny is the caring, sweet man and Harley the adorable kid.
Harley is in a class with Dan as his teacher and when Dan asks for a meeting with Harley’s father Hawk, they find out there is a lot more there than a teacher/father-of-a-student relationship.
The only regret I still have and I remember clearly (as I still have a major soft spot for this story) and the reason why I rated it 4.5 stars instead of 5 then, is that I so want to read what happens between the moment we are left off to the moment where the story picks up in the end many years later. Even now I am still dying to read that part.
Ooh boy, even the second time around this story is still so freaking hot. It skirts the borders for me personally, but it sounds so real I can see it happening this way.
Jack and Dave are friendly but they couldn’t have expected how friendly to be exact
when the opportunity strikes with some extra “help” from Jack’s current lover. They find out that there is definitely more than friendship brewing.
You will see these two men find out more about each other by opening up and realising that there is something very unique and special there which neither of them expected to find but are more than willing to take up on.
Cooking English:
The authors first published story as he mentions himself in the introduction.
And what kind of first story! This takes you all the way as it is not only m/m but m/m/m and these men are sex on legs! Let me tell you that I only have to read this short story to imagine that clearly. The story starts in a restaurant and knowing the authors background it is not surprising his first story starts there. When Alpay and Demir ask Jackson to “teach” them a bit about English and more, he is eager to take them up on that offer, I mean how could he resist? He had been admiring the two men all evening when they dined in the restaurant. Then when Alpay and Demir show Jackson their mutual interest in each other and him, things get hot and sexual fast. (hot shower alert). I am glad to read that there is more teaching asked and offered in the end
In this short story, we find teacher Carson Joiner getting stuck in a little town with car trouble. Fate throws him a loop with a horse heading straight towards him and an owner who wants Carson to stop the horse. The horse stops of its own account and plays like a kind of matchmaker that way. Demetri, the owner of Commander, is glad to have his horse back under control and offers Carson a beer and right here I kind of feel the need to type and the rest is history.
The chemistry from Carson’s point of view is very present. When the author throws in a surprise it makes it even more tasty than it already was. This is a short but very satisfying read. In the end I can only say lets hope that Carson takes the offer that is handed to him
Red Felt:
This story gives you a very interesting view on Mondays and days off ! It involves booze, red hair (in different places), pool tables, seduction, high stakes, bets and fun. Oh and lets not forget very sexy, hot moments involving the main characters Terry and Mac.
And I have to mention Paul, who’s utterly cool and easy.
The ending of this one, despite not really being the predictable HEA, feels right and fitting (and that says a lot coming from me)
Geek on Fire:
Fireman……. Whoooottttt.
This story is built up slow, if that is something you can say with a short story like this.
It is about interesting conversations that lead to showers, back rubs, sensual touches and (sexual) enjoyment.
Funny how to see that the author’s passion for cooking also takes up a spot here as it does in more stories combining two loves.
Surprising in this story is a nice different, or perhaps I should use unexpected, angle of lovemaking between main characters Al and Eric with a simple but clear definition at the end.
Welcome to the Black and Blue Ball :
This is the story that I can honestly say there is so much more. Where is the rest!!??
I mean there are so many parts that need exploration and as a read I demandrd to know more (ahum).
I mean we have main characters Edward and Ja’din that we read about, but what about Josh? I want to know more about Josh and what happened with him and those two hotties!
But besides that back to Edward and Ja’din. You can feel the sexual tension dripping of the pages. But not just that alone! There is also the feeling of danger that buzzes in the background.
Surprisingly, author Max Vos leaves us readers at a point where I can say you really don’t expect him to cut of a story. Ending the story after putting in a surprising “We didn’t see that one coming”moment.
As I stated in the beginning this story needs more
Hot Peppers:
This is a hot little story hence the pepper in the title!
It is new for me too and I think it is a lovely contribution to this anthology. It is Simple, Sexy and Smoking Hot.
A meeting between Chef and employee who, despite the age difference, are very attracted to each other. Where a little innocent mistake turns into something a lot less innocent
A Walk on the Beach :
This story is really the “going out with a bang” of the anthology. It’s completely new as well and is different than we are used of by author Max Vos. It is gentle and intimate it and touches a sexual base but nothing specific or in a way you would come to expect and in this story that might exactly be it’s underlying strength.
It takes up on trip with an established couple following them on a few of days in their lives, basking us as a reader in their love and showing us that love is love is love in all the right ways (and in every way possible).
It shows off how successful they are both in their own way, how together they are and how they have built a life while still having the excitement and naughtiness they probably always had.
I don’t want to mention much more about this one because it touched me, making me bask in the love of a caring and loving relationship and made me smile also. I want you as a reader to experience that same feeling of emotion that I had while reading it .
Overall this anthology blew me of my socks and I can only highly recommend it. If you have read some of this authors work before you will enjoy reading this all bundled up together (there is also a paperback of this!) and if author Max Vos is new to you this book proves even more so why you should pick up his work like right now. You wont regret it for a second!
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