29 Responses

  1. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    Jessie is a new author to me. Congratulations on your release I’m adding the books to my TBR.


    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      Thank you so much, Shirley!

  2. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    I wish I could follow on twitter but they will not allow me to follow any more.

    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      They don’t let you follow anymore?

  3. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    Sounds like a good read. Adding to list.

    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      I’d love to know what you think!

  4. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    I just read a wonderful review. This is now on my Amazon wish list. Sounds wonderful. 🙂

  5. Rod B
    Rod B at |

    Great post & giveaway!

  6. Denise Dechene
    Denise Dechene at |

    Please don’t put me in the drawing. I wanted to stop by and give support to Jessie. I was lucky enough to Beta read this book. It’s a great story. Everyone enjoy it. 🙂

    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      Thank you so much for all your support through this process, Denise 🙂

  7. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    I enjoyed your post and glad you have friends and family that support you. Congratulations on your new story – I’m adding it to my wish list 🙂

    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      It’s so tremendously important to know there are people you can count on! Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy the book.

  8. flutterfli
    flutterfli at |

    This is a new to me author. I enjoyed the post and would love to read this book. Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.

  9. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    Thanks for the thought provoking post. I can relate because I don’t feel like I can share my love of m/m romance with people close to me. I wish you lots of success with your writing. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many like minded people via social media who share many of my (perverse?) interests. No, it’s not quite like being able to get together over a good bottle of wine and laughter, but it’s still been a really great to have people I don’t have to hide it from. We laugh, we share, we’re friends that will probably never meet but have a commonality and a place to be honest about it. Good Luck in the giveaway and thank you 🙂

  10. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    This is a new author for me. The blurb sounds interesting. Thanks for the post and giveaway =)

  11. Trix
    Trix at |

    Really thought-provoking post. Though I have heard of a few guys who like m/m romance but identify as straight (mostly in blog posts where they wonder out loud why they like this), I can relate to authors and readers playing things close to the vest. Eager to read these!

    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      I’ve seen some of those blog posts and always want to respond with: “how about it’s just that you can appreciate a good book, or a good looking person, without all the hidden meaning?” Wouldn’t that be a great world, appreciation without fear?

  12. Lynn Fredrick (@FredrickLynn)
    Lynn Fredrick (@FredrickLynn) at |

    Love book about opposites attract. They are my favorite romances. This sounds fantastic.

  13. sherry1969
    sherry1969 at |

    Love the sound of this book.

  14. Stephanie H
    Stephanie H at |

    Sounds like a good read. Can’t wait to read it.

  15. Birte
    Birte at |

    I can’t imagine how it has to be to live in the closet one way or the other, and yeah – a supportive system is important. For that alone this book is going to my TBR-list 🙂

    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      You know, it’s funny, until I wrote this post I didn’t really considering it “living in the closet”. Funny how we justify things to ourselves, right? And I’ve talked to many other authors who are in this closet with me and not just in the m/m genre. When I let myself think about it, it’s very frustrating, because I really am so proud that I’ve accomplished a life long goal and I’d love my family to know it. Maybe, someday, I’ll say “screw it!” and let the chips fall where they may.

  16. blackasphodel
    blackasphodel at |

    The blurb makes this sound very intriguing!

  17. Allison
    Allison at |

    ” The message, however, remains. Be someone’s support system, you may never know what a precious gift you’re giving.” What a beautiful message.

    1. Jessie G
      Jessie G at |

      Thank you so much Allison 🙂

  18. Jessie G
    Jessie G at |

    I do apologize for the late responses, I usually work on my laptop and had come back several times but didn’t see any comments. I had been complaining to my hubs that the browsers kept crashing and he finally got around to looking at it. IDK what he did but it’s working now and I’m finally able to see everything I missed.

    Thank you so much for all the support, I hope everyone loves the book and I also hope that if you don’t, that you’ll feel comfortable enough to tell me why. Constructive criticism can only make me a better writer. Good luck to all in the giveaway and much much love to Love Bytes Reviews for having me!

  19. Jessica Kurvers
    Jessica Kurvers at |

    Jessie is a new author to me and I am SO excited to try her out!


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