Hi all!!! It’s finally here!…well, the contest entries unveiling. You still have a bit to go before the release of Evenfall Volume 2 Director’s Cut. When we started this contest, it was a way to celebrate the fans and readers who love and obsess over these characters and the world Santino and Ais have created. Ask any In the Company of Shadows fan, and they will probably tell you that Santino and Ais have ruined their lives — in the best way possible.
We had all kinds of entries. Some illustrated, some photographic, some newbies, and some that do this kind of art all the time. They all came together to celebrate. So I hope everyone appreciates the time and effort and guts it took to submit their work and I hope everyone loves the entries as much as I do.
Remember to enter in this second part of the contest, you need to vote in the poll below for the entry you love the best and leave comment with your email and a favorite quote from Evenfall or the series (barring revealing spoilers).
Thank you all to who participated and thank you to the readers of this series for being awesome and thank you to the authors for everything.
x0x0 – Taylor & Elizabetta
Vote for your favorite piece of fan art!
wow! Amazing arts! It’s so hard which one to vote!!
It took me a while to decide.. But it’s done!!
They’re all so amazing!
Where should I leave my favorite quote/moment? Here?
This is the one, from the interludes:
“It still doesn’t change that I still want him, I still want to be with him, I sitll feel like the fucking air has been sucked out of the room when he walks in and I still think about him all the time”
God, the first time I read it it gave me chills. Still does.
Crap! The email gabrielavela@yahoo.com
:/ that email adress is wrong. It’s gabrielavela01@yahoo.com I left the 01 out. Bravo.
This is my favorite quote. It’s from Interludes
“It still doesn’t change that I still want him, I still want to be with him, I still feel like the fucking air has been sucked out of the room when he walks in and I still think about him all the time.”
Wow! They’re all amazing. Well done, everybody.
My favorite quote, from Interludes. There is much flailing, every single time!
“So… why did it end?”
Sin looked at Boyd sidelong before shrugging simply. “Because he wasn’t you”
This was hard! Congrats to all the artist.
My favorite quote will always be: “After all, a life without living was simply a death without dying. What more was there to fear or hate but life, endless life, with no respite.”
Wow, I am like seriously impressed, you guys. These were all really really awesome.
Really cool art, everyone!
very nice!
Congratulations to all those who submitted their work!
I had a great time voting — hehehe!
As for my fave quote: “I came back for you. Because I wanted to find you, because I wanted to remember you.”
Wow, that’s all brilliant. It was so hard to choose one!
Why can’t we vote on more than 1? No fair! Amazing stuff, Thanks for setting up the contest!
‘You know you is in a room full of agents when the dude offering to smack a ho is deemed the white knight’
Lenalena54 gmail
Wonderful art. It was very hard to decide, especially between two I really liked.
Here’s my quote:
“So I’m just going to tell you how it is for me,” Boyd continued frankly. His gaze was intense and sincere as he didn’t look away from Sin’s eyes. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. I think about you all the time. It’s been hell trying to keep myself away – every time you’re close I want to touch you. I would do anything for you. And if I could have anything in the world right now, I would be in a relationship with you.”
And my email:
They’re all lovely. It’s so hard to pick..
Te quote:
“He’s a man, too,” Boyd said calmly but firmly. “Yes, he’s unusually good at his job, which can include killing people. It’s not a trait people would normally work for but it’s just what’s happened with him, and part of that is due to circumstances. Even so, no matter how efficiently he can kill that doesn’t mean he’s not human. He doesn’t just helter skelter hurt people for no reason; he’s a good person, once you get to know him.”
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
It’s too hard to pick a favorite quote, so I’ll pick the moment that I was convinced that I was going to keep reading.
“Do you have any questions?” Vivienne asked after a moment but once again Boyd didn’t respond. She quirked an eyebrow. “You do not wish to even know the name of the agent?”
Boyd shook his head faintly; just enough that his hair shifted against his shoulders. “That information is useless unless I’m hired.”
They’re all soo beauriful but my favorite went straight to the heart!
Hey Robi, don’t forget to submit your email address!! I’m glad the art touched you.
My email is thiefofhearts2008@gmail.it
thiefofhearts2007@gmail.com sorry
scratch all the above! :[ it’s: thiefofhearts2008@gmail.com
There are all so amazing! It was really hard to choose.
““It doesn’t change that I still want him, I still want to be with him, I still feel like the fucking air has been sucked out of the room when he walks in and I still think about him all the time.”
Marwa — We need an email addy from you… Thanks for the quote! Glad you like the art
I look for different things in a cover than I do in my favorite fan art. By calling this poll two separate things, you’ve made it so much harder!
Fave quote:
“What do you want?” Boyd whispered.
Hey, maybedog, don’t forget to submit your email address, so we have a way to contact you, if you win!
OMG, how to choose a favorite?? Every single piece is amazing!
Fuck. To choose only one piece was nearly impossble. Great work everyone!!!
And to choose a bloody fav quote too. You guys are killing me. LOL
Ok, I picked one from the start because my favourite one from The Interludes is already posted. It’s from Evenfall:
“Are you hungry?”
“No. After six months on a liquid diet, I’m watching my figure.”
nia dot buchjunkies-blog dot de
So beautiful! They are all awesome!
Really nice works it’s a shame you can’t vote more than one
Fav quote, Fade, Chap24 pag 555: “Apparently all you have to do now is walk in the room and I want to fuck you.”
Not the main char but still my fav quote: Doug seemed relatively unsurprised by Emilio and his behavior. “You’re supposed to listen to what I say these days, y’know.”
“Ha!” Emilio pointed at Doug and threw his head back with a loud laugh before straightening. “Never. I’m probably the one who should be doing the training, anyways.”
This time some indignation made its way into Doug’s expression and he demanded, “And what the fuck’s that supposed to mean, huh?”
“Well.” Emilio smirked, green eyes narrowed slightly as he gave Doug a haughty stare. “I mean not for nothin’ but— I trained the best killer this place has to offer. Your people can’t even face off against him in ten to one odds.”
Doug opened his mouth to reply, scowled, hesitated, and glared at Emilio. “Well I trained Kassian and he’s the best agent we’ve got.”
“Oh ho ho, you trained Kassian! Big fucking deal, bro. My boy could probably whip his ass with both arms tied behind his back,” Emilio retorted stubbornly even though he likely didn’t even know Kassian or anything about him.
Doug exhaled loudly as his ice blue eyes rolled. “Well, that’s amazing for you but that don’t change the fact that you’re retraining and I’m—”
“You’re what?” Emilio demanded, cutting him off and leaning forward. “What? Training me? Don’t make me die fucking laughing. What are you gonna train me about? What?”
“I’m serious! Tell me!” Emilio demanded, pointing his finger directly in Doug’s face now as he repeated the question. “What’re you gonna teach me?”
“How to not comb my hair for days? How to smoke cigars and fuck up my pearly whites?”
Doug stared at Emilio blandly, unimpressed by the display. “Just—”
“How to hop like a kangaroo under the hot Australian sun while trying not to get sand in my shoes?” Emilio raised both eyebrows this time. “Well?”
Boyd half expected Doug to get angry but instead Doug’s mouth twitched slightly as though he were trying not to laugh, although the exasperated expression stayed firmly in tact.
Emilio grinned at Doug, appearing pleased that the man had given up. “Yeah, baby. That’s what I thought. Feel the burn of my superior knowledge about everything in the entire world.
That was a hard choice. It is also a hard choice to pick just one fave quote. I’ll stick to one from Evenfall since I don’t know what would be considered spoiler or not.
Fave Evenfall quote:
“My solution to this problem is gutting them all, and I’ve already tried the murder-to-avenge Boyd’s honor thing, and it didn’t pan out.”
It was a snap for me to choose. The moment I saw the picture I knew that was it. For me, at least. I can’t give you a quote yet, I haven’t started reading the series. Once I’m done with judging for a certain awards and done with NaNoWriMo I’ll have time to start reading for fun once again. I hope that doesn’t bother anyone.
taina1959 at yahoo.com
My favorite quote is and will always be “It still doesn’t change that I still want him, I still want to be with him, I still feel like the fucking air has been sucked out of the room when he walks in and I still think about him all the time.”
Hi All– Glad you’re enjoying the art! If you are entering the voting contest you must include your PERSONAL EMAIL along with a QUOTE. Thanks for participating and showing the love for Hsin and Boyd!!
That was so difficult. Every piece is incredible! Not entering the voting context, but I just wanted to say well done everybody and well done to taylor and elizabeta for organising this.
many hugs
Great entries! Some of them very striking visually and some have so much meaning hidden in the nuances I was left speechless for a second there. Great stuff.
However one of my favourite lines in book one was cut out in the new version (outrageous! How could you?!) so here it is for those who read ICoS in the full-fat version:
I don’t have a favourite quote, unless you count the whole series as one.
“You’re a rude individual.”
Remember that?? It made me laugh for days! It still does, so I just pretend it’s still cannon.
Oh and here’s my email: tigresslea@yahoo.com
So many talented folks! It was hard to vote. It was even harder to choose 1 quote!! ♡
“…He was going to miss this. He was going to miss them. But that was the way it went anytime a person was on the precipice of change. The fear of the future mixed with the loss of the past. At those times, all a person could do was step forward…”
Emilo & Carhart abso are my favs in the whole series…the angst, Luv it!!!
So glad that a lot people joined the contest. <3 There are so many quotes worth sharing but this one from Afterimage melts my heart every time I read it.
"He loved him enough to want to die for hurting him, loved him enough to kill himself slowly for fear of losing him, loved him enough to suffer silently if he thought it was in Boyd's interest. Sin loved Boyd enough to make difficult decisions easily, as if there were no contest; he went toward Boyd as if he hadn't even considered any other choices."
Oh, and here's my e-mail: kbtmanaog@gmail.com. Thank you for hosting this awesome contest!
Thank you all credits go to Taylor and elizabetta for creating this together with the authors of course !
I voted, but I can’t get the voter’s prize, so good luck to all the other artists!
“A fieldie is nothing without his nerd.”
What a awesome job everyone! Good luck to you all!
My favorite quote: “After all, a life without living was simply a death without dying. What more was there to fear or hate but life, endless life, with no respite.”
Here’s my favorite quote that resonates with me
„After all, a life without living was simply a death without dying. What more was there to fear or hate but life, endless life, with no respite?”
Voted! These are all really gorgeous.
Thanks for your vote K! Please remember to leave your email and a quote if you want to enter the contest. :
These are all so fabulous, I’m so glad to see such amazing artwork inspired by ICoS :)!!!!!! Great work everyone!!
“…there was a creature out there that wasn’t judging him, expecting anything from him; that just existed and wanted his love.”
thank you for organizing this event!
There are so many great lines/quotes in the book. But the one that really choked me up was “Because he wasn’t you…” Balled like a baby.
Dano– are you entering the contest? Please leave your email addy too, if so. thanks!
Yes I am I put my email address in the window when asked. But here it is again…danhox@msn.com
Amazing entries, so many directions this contest took. Definitely difficult to choose just one. Good luck!
Fanart voted! My favorite evenfall is: “When they were partially up the stairs and mostly out of earshot, Sin looked at Boyd again. ‘Don’t get killed or I’ll be very annoyed with you.”
My email is: lucky.papi1982@gmail.com
“You’re so fucking inappropriate. Even with technology.”
“What can I say?” Emilio jerked the wheel and did an illegal U-turn in the middle of the street. Horns honked and someone yelled angrily out their window. “I’m a motherfucking lothario of humans and robots alike.”
“Just shut the hell up and get us there.”
Awesome art!
I think I voted for M but I loved E also. They were almost all good. I love this quote: “After all, a life without living was simply a death without dying. What more was there to fear or hate but life, endless life, with no respite.”
E and Q are my favorites. I love the quote by Owen, “I think I’ll light a candle in memory of your imagination.”
Forgot the e-mail. crazeinmi@yahoo.com
Am I the only one in this world who pictures Sin and Boyd as Edward and Envy from Full Metal alchemist…xP