25 Responses

  1. Trix
    Trix at |

    Even though I’m more inclined to believe “out for you,” I’m always amazed at how even supposedly tolerant people get all twitchy about bisexuality, or when someone is attracted to a person outside the usual gender lines. It’s the 21st century, gang!

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      It is insane Trix!!! I despise when people dismiss the bi-sexuality if/when the person is in a monogamous relationship. The attraction to the sex not of their partner was not just a phase.
      Hugs, Z.

  2. DebraG
    DebraG at |

    I think attraction can cross lines anytime anywhere. What good for one is not good for another. I like it that way.

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      I think for certain people it can. I’ve known several men and a number of women who simply decided gender didn’t matter as much as the love for the other person. Hugs, Z.

  3. Barbra
    Barbra at |

    I don’t think that “gay” is in everyone, but I do think that given the right circumstances, and if society was more accepting, there are many, many more people that would be open to same sex relationships.

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      I agree it is very individual. I like Klein’s expansion on the Kinsey scale because not everyone is wired the same way and our perceptions change over time based on our experiences.
      Hugs, Z.

  4. bastdazbog
    bastdazbog at |

    I think the “gay for you” trope is maybe a little overused, esp in fanfic, but I enjoy it and think that it is as valid as any other sexual experience. I think attraction isn’t explainable, and comes from more varied sources than people like to think. We just label that attraction differently depending on who we think we are, and what rules/walls/barriers we have accepted and put into place.

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      You’re probably right but I find it one of the most romantic troupes: 2 people so connected that not even their gender/orientation can prevent the expression of their love. Romance is about overcoming odds… and well that’s a pretty big damned hurdle for most of us. For me it is the pinnacle of love is love…
      Hugs, Z.

  5. sherry1969
    sherry1969 at |

    I enjoy a will written gay for you story. I’m not really sure about it in real life though.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      I know I always favored the idea of ‘out for you’=someone who is bi-sexual but never really feeling the urge to act on their urge a little more in line with Kinsey’s study which suggested 46% of males had bi-sexual experiences (at the time of the study late 40’s early 50’s female bi-sexual was much lower). However, sitting in PFLAG for the last 2 yrs I can tell you I’ve heard stories of people truly not believing they were anything but straight until something/one triggered a change in their behavior. Hugs, Z.


  6. Alishea Durham (@alishead1)
    Alishea Durham (@alishead1) at |

    I enjoy a good GFY, and I think it does happen in real life too. Just not very often.

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      I agree. But I love watching these types of stories unfold.
      Hugs, Z.

  7. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    I think anything can happen in real life. Always felt how do I know what someone else feels. Most of the time I don’t question if the relationship is possible in reading unless it is beyond unbelievable.

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      Thank you Cornelia… you just reminded me… The Dark Angels series is a hot rocker series sooooo I go over the top ala Yaoi Style…. This isn’t a serious contemporary but hopefully a bit of a wild ride. (The original was written while I was living in Suzhou China and I had just discovered Yaoi…) Hugs, Z.

  8. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    Out For You….sounds interesting, I love the GFY stories when the straight guy realises maybe he’s not as straight as he thought
    I think it happens in real life…we just don’t get to see the story unfold

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      ‘Out for You’ & ‘Gay for You’ are about the same topic just stated in a bit of a different way. Gay for you suggests=totally straight & flipping their sexuality for the individual. Out for you suggests=someone with bi-sexual tendencies they had no explored until this wonderful person gave them the reason to do so… Though Kinsey would argue only a fraction of the population is strict homosexual and a fraction on strictly heterosexual and the rest fall in a spectrum of in between. Klein adds the reference of time (& life experience) to that mix.
      I love watching stories unfold with a character slowly accepting him/her self and their sexuality.
      Hugs, Z.

  9. Lindsayb
    Lindsayb at |

    I like these stories. I think denial can be a very powerful thing. Even in this day and age, too many people say hurtful and dismissive things, fully supporting stereotypes. I imagine for some people, even coming out to themselves can be a struggle. I remember a Boy Sets Fire song from After the Eulogy” where the singer was coming to terms with being gay. Some of the lyrics were “this is not me, this can never be me” “deny myself with every joke” and “now I’ve broken my own wrist” and I think for the first time it really hit me how hard it can be for someone to accept themselves, despite having so many lesbians in my immediate family. So, I imagine out for you is more common in reality, but I in no way want to downplay someone else’s experience. I don’t see why gender and attraction can’t be fluid things.

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      YES!!!! Exactly!!!! Everyone’s sexuality is there own.
      I agree with fluidity (& I get how for some people that’s not even an option which is fine).
      When I was 4 I knew my cousin who was 6 liked girls. Didn’t bother me it was just the way it was… (plus meant more boys for me). I watched her struggle for years for something I’d already accepted about her.
      I need to find the song you reference sounds powerful.
      Hugs, Z.

  10. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    I think a gay for you book can be a great read. There are some that may not be as believable, but I enjoy the troupe. In addition, I do think that it’s easier to avoid thinking something and deny than it is to step forward sometimes. People allow others to influence them all the time, it can be easy to conform to what others think when a person doesn’t have a reason to rock the boat. I don’t know why people can’t be more accepting, but maybe someday we will get there.

    Your book sounds really good.

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      Thanks Jen! Just keep in mind With Wings is yaoi-lic-ious! So I let the characters (hot rockers) go a bit over the top. But I don’t ease the sexual acceptance for the sake of the reader. Dare keeps on repeating he’s straight even though evidence/reality/his actions and his words are counter to that. I know I wanted to shake the hell out of him… (but having watched a number of people go through the acceptance process it’s not that easy and can take years.)
      Hugs, Z.

  11. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I like reading gfy books. I like to be optimistic about it possibly happening in RL.

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      I think it is the one of the most romantic concepts in the world… I love this person enough that not even their gender can keep us apart, not even the character’s orientation can stand in the way of true love… Love is difficult enough add in self acceptance and all the obstacles that come with same sex relationships… and it can be quite satisfying to see love conquer all…
      Hugs, Z.

  12. jillprand
    jillprand at |

    I think if people just led with their hearts more people would be open to either gender. I totally believe that love is love and you can be gay for you if you meet the right person.
    jasdarts at hotmail dot com

    1. Z.Allora
      Z.Allora at |

      Jillprand…. I’m right there with you and for people who can’t that’s fine just don’t say other’s can’t…
      Hugs, Z.

  13. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    I love reading stories that have a gay for you theme. I also know that this is a very real thing. My cousin just recently married her girlfriend. Before that, she was married to a man and had 3 children with him. Some in our family were very shocked (some did not approve), but not me. I totally support the two of them and just want them to be happy. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!


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