9 Responses

  1. Rashell M.
    Rashell M. at |

    Funny High School memory…when my very big classmate Cristian got caught when he called our History/Literature teacher “the man”…”the man” was a woman and she totally heard Cristian! He started to sweat so much that he drenched his t-shirt..GROSS!!

    1. Jackie Nacht
      Jackie Nacht at |


  2. Allison
    Allison at |

    A memory from HS…I remember my entire English class trooping through the hall with our teacher to go discuss existentialism with a previous teacher. Neither teacher looked at it the same way which led to quite the discussion in the hallway.

    1. Jackie Nacht
      Jackie Nacht at |


  3. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Hmmmm…I have blocked most of HS from memory. I do remember going to the beach on senior cut day and having a blast despite it being incredibly windy and giving us all sand burn.

    1. Jackie Nacht
      Jackie Nacht at |

      Sounds like it was worth the burn. 🙂

  4. Jackie Nacht
    Jackie Nacht at |

    Thanks everyone for stopping by and sharing. Hugs 🙂

  5. sherry1969
    sherry1969 at |

    Some of my favorite memories from high school is running around with my friends. We always used art class to do our makeup. By the way I LOVED this book it was great.

  6. Chantal Donnelly
    Chantal Donnelly at |

    I was one of those students that spent most of their time not at school lol… But I do remember my formal (prom) and that was a great high school memory!


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