Today we are happy to welcome Charlie Cochet to Love Bytes !
She comes to us bringing a guestpost about her new release “High and Hell Water” and offers a Giveaway!
Welcome Charlie
Hello everyone! Thank you for joining me on another stop of the Hell & High Water Blog Tour, and thank you to my lovely hosts here at Love Bytes. The first book in my THIRDS series is now available so I’m here to share with you a little about the heroes of our story: Destructive Delta.
Destructive Delta is the original THIRDS Defense team created back when the THIRDS first opened its doors, which is why it’s the only squad where the Greek letter name comes last instead of first like all the other squads. Sloane Brodie was the first Defense agent on this team and a few years later, he was promoted to Team Leader. Sloane’s been a member of the THIRDS for twenty-two years, since the age of sixteen.
Although Destructive Delta has six Defense agents, twenty Recon, and sixty Intel & other, the first six books in the series revolves around the six Defense agents and two of the Recon agents, as well as secondary characters from other departments. The primary romance is between Sloane and his rookie partner Dex. Let’s get to know the team a little, shall we?
Remember for every Therian agent, there’s a Human agent, and the squads (or teams) are broken down into smaller teams or partnerships. For example Sloane Brodie (jaguar Therian) and Dexter J. Daley “Dex” (Human) are a team. They’re partners. They work together and share an office. When they go out on a call that doesn’t require a tactical vehicle, they share a black Suburban. They usually back up Cael and Rosa who are Recon agents (Cael is also Dex’s little brother). The two might be called out while the rest of Destructive Delta’s Defense agents get on with other things. If it’s a high risk case, all six Defense agents will be called out together.
Calvin Summers (Human) is partnered with Ethan Hobbs (tiger Therian). Ash Keeler (lion Therian) is partnered with Julietta Guerrera “Letty” (Human). From Recon, we have Cael Maddock (cheetah Therian) partnered with Rosa Santiago (Human). We then have two commanding officers, Lieutenant Sonya Sparks (cougar Therian) and Sergeant Anthony Maddock “Tony” (Human).
Aside being Defense and Recon agents, each agent has a special skill. Well, Dex is a rookie, so he’s still working on his skill set. And no, Karaoke does not count as a THIRDS skill no matter how lethal. Sloane is the Team Leader. He has the most experience on the team, is level headed, an expert at adapting, and a deadly fighter in both Human and Therian form. He’s also kind of badass. Ash is the second most experienced. He’s also skilled in close quarter combat and entry tactics. Letty is former US Army and a weapons specialist. Break one of her guns and you’d best run. Whatever you do, don’t eat gummy bears while carrying a grenade launcher. If one falls in and messes it up, she won’t be impressed (and yes, I’m talking to a certain rookie in particular). Calvin is a police sniper and Hobbs an explosives expert. That’s our Defense team.
On Recon, Cael is a tech expert who usually handles surveillance in the BearCat, and his partner Rosa is a medic. Orders trickle down from Lieutenant Sparks or Sergeant Maddock to Sloane depending on the case and call out. Unless it’s something major, usually Sloane gives the team orders. But these agents are more than just a team, they’re a family. Some have been best friends since childhood. With team members being family, friends, or even lovers, things can get pretty intense. Speaking of intense, on our next stop I’m going to share with you some fun facts about the Therian forms of our Destructive Delta Felid agents. Raaawr!
Genre: M/M Romance, Paranormal, Shifters, Humor, Mystery/Suspense
Series: T.H.I.R.D.S. Book One
Length: Novel 103k
Published: July 7th, 2014
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: LC Chase
Ebook ISBN-13: 9781632160126
Paperback ISBN-13: 9781632160119
Action. Comedy. Romance. And that one weird guy.
When homicide detective Dexter J. Daley’s testimony helps send his partner away for murder, the consequences—and the media frenzy—aren’t far behind. He soon finds himself sans boyfriend, sans friends, and, after an unpleasant encounter in a parking garage after the trial, he’s lucky he doesn’t find himself sans teeth. Dex fears he’ll get transferred from the Human Police Force’s Sixth Precinct, or worse, get dismissed. Instead, his adoptive father—a sergeant at the Therian-Human Intelligence Recon Defense Squadron otherwise known as the THIRDS—pulls a few strings, and Dex gets recruited as a Defense Agent.
Dex is determined to get his life back on track and eager to get started in his new job. But his first meeting with Team Leader Sloane Brodie, who also happens to be his new jaguar Therian partner, turns disastrous. When the team is called to investigate the murders of three HumaniTherian activists, it soon becomes clear to Dex that getting his partner and the rest of the tightknit team to accept him will be a lot harder than catching the killer—and every bit as dangerous.
Now available from:
Dreamspinner Press eBook | Paperback

About the Author:
Charlie Cochet is an author by day and artist by night. Always quick to succumb to the whispers of her wayward muse, no star is out of reach when following her passion. From Historical to Fantasy, Contemporary to Science Fiction, there’s bound to be plenty of mischief for her heroes to find themselves in, and plenty of romance, too!
Currently residing in South Florida, Charlie looks forward to migrating to a land where the weather includes seasons other than hot, hotter, and boy, it’s hot! When she isn’t writing, she can usually be found reading, drawing, or watching movies. She runs on coffee, thrives on music, and loves to hear from readers.
Twitter: @charliecochet |
THIRDS website:
Tour Schedule
30th June – The Novel Approach
1st July – Boys in Our Books
2nd July – The Blogger Girls
3rd July – Joyfully Jay
4th July – Prism Book Alliance
7th July – Dreamspinner Press Blog Release Party
8th July – Love Bytes
9th July – Attention is Arbitrary
10th July – Live Your Life Buy the Book
This looks like the start to a good series.
Thank you so much, Kim! It’s been really fun to work on!
Thank you all so much for hosting me! <3
Bought it this morning and its my next to read. Sounds really good. My favorite type of hero is the geek. I have always been an advocate for the underdog that people underestimate. I love, in my reading, when the geek gets the tough alpha bad ass. Good luck with the series.
Hi Denise! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it! <3
I’m about halfway through book 1 and am loving it. It’s really well thought out, which is important to me in a shifter book. Good stuff, Charlie
Hi Lisa! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!! <3 Thank you so much!
I love all kinds of heroes. Each has their own story to tell and HEA to get. Book sounds great.
Thank you so much, Laurie! It’s certainly hard to choose just one!
I love all types of heroes, but the geek is my fave.
Hi Holly! Geeks seem to be at the top of the list of faves! Great choice! Thanks so much for stopping by!
I knew you had put a lot of thought and time into this series before you started the blog tour. But at each stop, my amazement and awe at your attention to details grows. I can’t wait to see everything that comes out of this world you’ve created.
Thank you so much, Lynette! I’ve had a great time creating this world and the characters in it, though it wasn’t without it’s challenges. Hearing from readers on how much they’re enjoying the world means so much! Thank you!
Sounds quite intriguing.
Thank you so much, Lori! Thank you for dropping by!
This series is definitely one I’m going to read. It sounds so good.
Thank you so much, Barbra! Hope you enjoy it!
THIS! Action, suspense, fast, fast, fast! Yeah, I want! Thanks for the giveaway!
My pleasure, Rush! Thank you so much! And thank you for dropping by!
[…] – Prism Book Alliance 7th July – Dreamspinner Press Blog Release Party 8th July – Love Bytes 9th July – Attention is Arbitrary 10th July – Live Your Life Buy the […]
It’ll be fun to see how all the different agents interact!
I love them all but my all time favorite is a alpha hero.
Hecka late but I’m catching up & I love all the new info I’m getting.