Extremly Proud am I and we at Love Bytes to introduce to you this post from author Rhys Ford who is visiting us with the FINAL!! part of Hair of the Dog !
She has been stopping by on several blogs posting chapters of this story and picked us to do the last stop
We of course are delighted with that honor She also bring with her a double GIVEAWAY!
Welcome Rhys !!
Hey! I am Rhys Ford and Welcome to the FINAL post of the Hair Of The Dog Vignettes! So… feel free to jump down to the meaty bits of the short if you like. Go on. I won’t mind.
Now, if you’ve been following the Sinners Series, I am happy to say the third book is either on the brink of coming out or out by the time this post hits. It is called Tequila Mockingbird and features Connor Morgan as he discovers he’s in love with a drummer—a guy drummer. Murder, mayhem, sexing, etc. All of those follow. You know the drill. But wooot! I am very happy to announce Connor’s story.
To celebrate, I’ve written a short serialized string of vignettes titled Hair of the Dog. Please enjoy the story as it goes along. The order of the posts is included at the bottom of the short. Hope you enjoy it.
Oh…and Giveaway! Would you like to win…. Drum roll…..
TWO Audio Book Codes from Audible. (preferably used on a Rhys Ford book ‘cause you know… Tristan James or Greg Tremblay!) (Winner Selected July 9th )
If so, please leave a comment below and one name will be selected randomly or randomly selected or one random name will be selected. Sheesh. Language. Good Luck…and thank you. Really. Dudes, you all rock and thank you so much
Hair of the Dog • Part Eleven
Miki’d healed up enough to be grumpy. Kane bore it well but after the corner store complained about Dude’s ravaging of their outside produce cart, Miki and the dog were going on a road trip to the pier. They went in the GTO, Kane driving through Chinatown as if his life depended on it.
Considering how shitty Miki felt, Kane probably felt like it was.
He knew he should have been happy. Hell, he was alive. Kane—fuck, so much of his life was good because of Kane but there was a small part of him lying in darkness.
And nothing would ever scrub that bit of black out of his heart.
“Do you think Damie knew I loved him?” Miki glanced at Kane as he drove into a parking structure. His lover’s hands were firm on the wheel and his knuckles weren’t white so Miki figured the question wasn’t too off base. “I mean before… you know?”
“Mick, I think Damie probably only got into Heaven because you loved him,” Kane muttered, pulling into an empty space. “From what I’ve heard about the two of you, I’m surprised they didn’t lock the doors and throw away the keys to Hell because they’re scared you’’d show up.”
“We weren’t that bad,” he paused, thinking about their first road trip and how many bars they’d been thrown out of. “Okay, maybe a little bit but not like we Jake-and-Elwooded San Francisco.”
“Huh,” Kane grunted.
Damn, he hated that sound. He hated it even more since he was pretty sure Kane’d picked it up from him.
Dude was eager to leap out of the car but a stern no kept him inside until Kane clipped a leash to the dog’s harness. Miki swung his legs out and winced when he struck the car door with his foot. A cane sprouted up from the back seat as Kane jostled it over the console.
“Take this, it’s dangerous out there.”
“Funny. I’m sure they laugh their heads off down there at the end of the rainbow.” He took the cane, leaning most of his weight onto it as he got out of the car. “You win a prize. Temporary custody of my dog.”
“Well, at least you’re admitting he’s your dog now.”
“Only when you’re walking him and people come over to coo at you.” He batted his lashed, widening his eyes in mockery at some of the women they’d met during their infrequent strolls. “Oh, what a lovely puppy. What breed is he? You must be really good at training him because he’s so well behaved.”
“Yeah, so well behaved he just took a piss on my sneaker.” Kane shook off a few droplets off of his foot and glared down at the blond dog laughing at him. “You, boyo, are damned lucky he loves you because I just don’t let anyone piss on my foot.”
“You better not let anyone piss on your foot,” Miki warned him, hobbling alongside of Kane. “Or anything else of yours for that matter. Why would you do that? It’s disgusting.”
“Some people believe urine is a panacea.”
“A what?”
“Something that can cure all their ills.”
“Shit, why didn’t you say that to begin with? And if it did, why do people get kidney problems? That’s where piss is stored, right? Wait, no…that’s the bladder. What do the kidneys do? Filter stuff out?”
“About that,” Kane chuckled. “Not up on biology much are we?”
“I know where your dick is.” Miki shot back. “And your mouth. Pretty much all the body parts I need to worry about. If any of those move, then I’ll have a problem.”
They walked, slowly and not very far. To ward off the cold, Miki’d layered his clothes as much as he could and still bend a bit but the chill worked its way into his bones and he faltered, nearly toppling over a pylon. Kane grabbed his elbow, jerking him back upright. He’d pulled too hard, throwing Miki off balance in another direction and the lovers bumped one another, nearly stepping on Dude sitting on the sidewalk between them.
Dude grunted his displeasure then got up to sniff at a nearby wrought iron fence post while Kane untangled Miki from his arms.
“Hey, that’s Old Lady Finnegan’s place.” Miki jerked his chin towards an Irish pub set nearly up against the edge of the pier. “Man, wonder if she’s still around. Wait, Finnegan. You said your aunt or something used to own a pub before she died. Your aunt’s Old Lady Finnegan!”
“Well, she was. Passed now, remember? My cousin, Sionn, owns the place now.” Kane tugged on Dude’s leash to get his attention but the dog ignore him, preferring to continue his sniffing investigation of the pub’s outdoor tables. “He’s been scarce, our Sionn. Da says he’s back in town but I’ve not seen him.”
“That’s ‘cause he’s hiding from your mother,” Miki muttered. “We’ll have to come back. She used to kick me out of here all the time. Me and Damie. She hated musicians playing in front of her place. Used to beat us away with a broom.”
“Yeah, she’d do that to her own kin too if you didn’t move fast enough.” Kane smiled, hooking his arm around Miki’s waist. “Come on, let’s go home. I’ve got a mind to warm you up some and put a smile on that face of yours.”
“Today’s the day, you know?” Miki moved slowly, the cane tapping along the sidewalk.
“The day you lost your boys?”
“Yeah.” He used to refuse to cry but in the warmth of Kane’s embrace—even a half-embrace— Miki let his tears go, hot and bittersweet on his face. “I’m glad I have you. I mean, fuck—I love you, Kane but I miss them. I just fucking hate not having them with me.”
“They’re always with you, Mick,” Kane whispered then kissed at a tear welling up along Miki’s lashes. “And some day, you’ll see them again. I know it. I can feel it in my bones.”
Tequila Mockingbird
Sequel to Whiskey and Wry (and The Devil’s Brew)
Sinners Series: Book Three
Lieutenant Connor Morgan of SFPD’s SWAT division wasn’t looking for love. Especially not in a man. His life plan didn’t include one Forest Ackerman, a brown-eyed, blond drummer who’s as sexy as he is trouble. His family depends on him to be like his father, a solid pillar of strength who’ll one day lead the Morgan clan.
No, Connor has everything worked out—a career in law enforcement, a nice house, and a family. Instead, he finds a murdered man while on a drug raid and loses his heart comforting the man’s adopted son. It wasn’t like he’d never thought about men — it’s just loving one doesn’t fit into his plans.
Forest Ackerman certainly doesn’t need to be lusting after a straight cop, even if Connor Morgan is everywhere he looks, especially after Frank’s death. He’s just talked himself out of lusting for the brawny cop when his coffee shop becomes a war zone and Connor Morgan steps in to save him.
Whoever killed his father seems intent on Forest joining him in the afterlife. As the killer moves closer to achieving his goal, Forest tangles with Connor Morgan and is left wondering what he’ll lose first—his life or his heart.
Purchase Tequila Mockingbird at: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5121
Also available on Amazon, Are and other online book stores.
Follow all of Hair of the Dog Story at these blog spots
June 24
Part 1: Rainbow Gold Reviews http://rainbowgoldreviews.wordpress.com
June 25
Part 2: Live your Life, Buy The Book http://liveyourlifebuythebook.com/
June 26
Part 3: The Novel Approach http://thenovelapproachreviews.com/
Part 4: The Blogger Girls http://thebloggergirls.com/
June 27
Part 5: Joyfully Jay http://joyfullyjay.com/
June 28
Part 6: 3 Chicks After Dark 3chicksafterdark.com
Part 7: Gay List Book Reviews http://gaylistbookreviews.wordpress.com/
June 29
Part 8: Boy meets Boy http://boymeetsboyreviews.blogspot.com
June 30
Part 9: Prism Alliance http://www.prismbookalliance.com/
Part 10: Under The Covers http://www.underthecoversbookblog.com
July 2
Part 11: LoveBytes Reviews
Rhys Ford was born and raised in Hawai’i then wandered off to see the world. After chewing through a pile of books, a lot of odd food, and a stray boyfriend or two, Rhys eventually landed in San Diego, which is a very nice place but seriously needs more rain.
Rhys admits to sharing the house with three cats of varying degrees of black fur and a ginger cairn terrorist. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep a 1979 Pontiac Firebird, a Toshiba laptop, and an overworked red coffee maker.
Rafflecopter Prize : TWO Audio Book Codes from Audible
HI Rhys, I’ve enjoyed following along your blog tour. I have downloaded Tequila Mockingbird, looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have totally enjoyed your blog tour. I have already read Tequila and am patiently waiting for Qbert. Thanks for all of the great books.
Hi Rhys, great tour and thank you for the chance to win two audible codes – hmm I think I would be tempted by the audio books for the Cole McGinnis Series, as I absolutely love that series. Although I have only just stated with the Sinners books so maybe I aught to start there. What lovely choices
Awwww. All the feels. That was awesomesauce.
As the story goes, it has to be right before Damien turns up at Finnegan’s. Thanks Rhys for this terrific short, it’s been fun!
I love this series and have really enjoyed the blog tour!
I loved this so much! Thank you for doing this.
Great addition to the story line
Poor Miki…so glad he got Damien back! Thank you,Rhys, for giving us another bit of a Sinners. Did I mention I loved Connors story? ;D
I’ve just finished this most excellent book. Congratulations Rhys on another winner.
So close ….arrrrrrrrrrgggg
I have loved Dude’s story. Can’t wait for the download so I can add it to my Sinner’s collection. I can’t wait for Sloe Gin.
Looking forward to reading .
Sorry to see Hair of the Dog ending – loved every snippet! Thanks for doing that. I am enjoying Tequila Mockingbird, too. Savoring it over several days (translation: not enough time for reading).
It’s been fun – so sad to see this blog tour end – I’ve loved Hair of the Dog and Dude. Tequila Mockingbird was fantastic! Gobbled it right up. Can’t wait for Quinn’s book!
I loved the tour, and Dude (of course)!
This has been so great, *sniffles at the ending*. I’ve got to go back and reaf them straight thru now. Thanks also for the giveaway.
I loved Dude and Hair of the Dog, it was awesome
Aw, it is great to see Miki and Kane together. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the extra story – loved hearing Dude’s point of view, and always love reading more about the boys. Hugs for the awesome stories!
That blog story was awesome. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Now that it is finished, I can go back and re-read the whole thing at once. Wonderful and sweet ending.
Excellent ending to the Dude stories!
Great ending – loved the whole story!
I loved Hair of the Dog and funny, yet touching it was.
Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Thanks for Hair of The Dog-loved it. Also loved Tequila Mockingbird. I CANNOT wait for the next one. I already love Quinn.
Thanks for the Dude series!
Wonderful ending. Thank you for a great tour.
Really enjoying Hair of the Dog!
Aww loved that ending.
I loved Hair of the Dog!
I’ve enjoyed the blogs reading hair of the dog..an long the way reading reviews of other books. Connors story was awesomeness. Looking forward to Quinn and rafe.
Thanks, Rhys, for the Dude stories. I’m in the middle of Tequila Mockingbird now and have loved the series so far.
Love love love this tour. Can’t wait to download and reread
congrats! Elayne & Cornelia !