Book Name: Hidden Needs
Author Name: Havan Fellows
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Cover Artist: Allison Cassatta
Publisher: Appleton Publishing Avenue
Archer Hehnier is a hard-core businessman through and through. He’s not afraid to make the merciless decisions, to put in the long hours, to lose himself in his work for the greater good of his company and his clients…even if it means losing a piece of himself in the process. But when does a man with a mind always turning at two hundred rotations per second get his personal needs met?
Dalton is an uncompromising businessman, who could, no doubt, go toe-to-toe with Archer in the boardroom—but that’s not the room Dalton wants to tackle Archer in.
With a little help from his friends at the premier BDSM club, The Sanctuary, Dalton hopes to fulfill every one of Archer’s hidden needs.
**Previously released as part of the Don’t Read in the Closet V.II M/M Romance Collection in 2011. Since then it has been reworked and edited for your reading enjoyment.
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I watched him walk in exactly at seven. You could set your watch by him. I knew his routine—bar for a double scotch neat then a corner table for two, but only he would occupy it. As usual on Thursdays, he ordered the fisherman’s catch: salmon, a spring salad with strawberries, and steamed baby veggies. The only starch he allowed to pass between those thin sharp lips tonight was a well-buttered roll, no potatoes for my man, and no alcohol with dinner either. He favored water with fresh squeezed lime and was very adamant with the server about the simple fact lemon was not a substitution.
Even at this late hour and having put in a full day of numbers, his attire was never mussed—Armani was safe on his capable body. I couldn’t wait for him to roll in here Friday. It was my favorite day to see him. He broke away from his favored charcoals and wore color. The third Friday of the month…hmm…oh yes, green. Love him in his deep green suit with the lighter shade silk shirt and tie.
I always found it amusing how everyone maneuvered around his table, purposely walking on the other side of tables out of their way. My man had an aura about him, sort of a “back the fuck off before I eradicate you with just my thoughts” type of thing going on. Of course he wouldn’t curse. Foul language was beneath someone who could make a grown man cry with just a cock of the eyebrow.
Yes…Archer Hehnier was a badass in constant control of his surroundings. All of them. From the strangers that walked in and out of his life to the paid help at his overpriced house. I even suspected that he had a way of turning all the traffic lights green on his drive home, but hadn’t been able to test that theory yet.
So why did I eat at this same restaurant practically every night and memorize his routine? Simple, he had something I wanted, and I had something he needed. And I do believe that green Friday would be the day I explain this to him. That should be interesting.
Tour Dates: July 1, 2014
Tour Stops: Parker Williams, MM Good Book Reviews, Amanda C. Stone, Lee Brazil, Romance the Night, Prism Book Alliance, Emotion in Motion, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Decadent Delights, Dawn’s Reading Nook, My Fiction Nook, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Smoocher’s Voice, Love Bytes, Night Owl Reviews, Full Moon Dreaming, Iyana Jenna,Redz World ,Fallen Angel Reviews , Romance the Night
Rafflecopter Prize: Copy of Hidden Needs + Copy of book from Havan’s backlist
I haven’t read anything by Haven before, although I may need to double check that I didn’t read the original story from the Don’t Read in the Closet anthology. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for having me today
Hello Havan, I love your stories.
Hi Havan, I love the excerpt!!