Today we are happy to have Author L.Dean Pace-Frech back at Love Bytes .
He is talking about Disapear With Me and offers a giveaway on top of that !
Welcome Dean
Guest Post by L. Dean Pace-Frech
Thanks to Love Bytes Reviews for having me again. I am excited to be here because just a bit over a week ago, my church, on a national level, approved a major change in our church. The Presbyterian Church (USA) voted to change our Book of Order to define marriage as a union between two people, rather than one man and one woman. It still needs to be ratified by a majorities of our regional bodies, that we call Presbyteries.
The reason I start with this is to help explain a little bit about the background of Disappear With Me. I wrote Disappear With Me starting in April of 2012. In May, President Obama announced his support of Marriage Equality during the 2012 Presidential Election. As much I didn’t set out for it to be an fictional study supporting, Marriage Equality, I was very influenced by the politics that summer.
And I hope I did it justice. The idea for Disappear With Me actually came from a snippet in a movie, intended to be sarcasm. The idea popped in my head after hearing a hymn at church one Sunday. I came home and typed out about the first 2500 words and then had to set it aside to finish A Place to Call Their Own. I returned to Disappear With Me after I finished the first draft of A Place to Call Their Own. I set it in a different era than originally intended, but needed an era more conducive to all the leisure that takes place. We were getting ready to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of Titanic at the time, I was watching Downton Abbey, hence the 1910 setting.
A Place to Call Their Own is my baby because it’s my first novel. Disappear With Me is my pride because I hope it shows we can be gay and Christian at the same time and we all deserve to be loved.
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With inspiration from historical tourism sites, the love of reading, and a desire to write a novel, L. Dean Pace-Frech started crafting his debut novel, A Place to Call Their Own, in 2008. After four years of writing and polishing the manuscript, he submitted it for publication and Musa Publishing offered him a contract in early 2013. Disappear With Me is his second novel.
Dean lives in Kansas City, Missouri with his partner, Thomas, and their two cats. They are involved in their church and enjoy watching movies, outdoor activities in the warmer weather and spending time together with friends and family. In addition to writing, Dean enjoys reading and patio gardening.
Prior to novels, Dean did some technical writing in his career. He plans to write sequels to both A Place to Call Their Own and Disappear with Me.
Blog: Dean’s Web Site
Facebook: Dean Pace-Frech, Author page or send me a friend request Dean Pace-Frech.
Twitter: @deanpacefrech
Google+: +deanpacefrech
Goodreads: L. Dean Pace-Frech
Pinterest: Dean Pace-Frech
Reviewed by Paul
AUTHOR: L.Dean Pace – Frech
PUBLISHER: Musa Publishing
LENGTH: 261 pages
Love is greater than hope or faith, but can Reverend Leander Norris convince a jury that the love he shares with another man is natural?
In 1910, the United Kingdom was in turmoil. King Edward died after only nine years on the throne. The social class system that upheld British society for centuries was being chipped away by social, political, and economic unrest across the Commonwealth. Amidst this backdrop, Reverend Leander Norris is accused of sodomy. After discovering his own self-worth and unconditional love, Leander finds the courage to stand up for what he believes is right and pleads not guilty to the charges. Throughout the trial, Leander’s past is revealed, including the temptations that bring the accusations against him. By the end of the trail, Leander is once again reunited with a romantic interest from the past by the end of the trial; it may be too late to rekindle any love that might remain, given the circumstances of the era and Reverend Leander’s likely sentence.
A heartbreaking historical novel that takes us back to the start of the last century, where sodomy in England still is punishable by death. With great feeling the “zeitgeist” the novel describes the trial of a reverend, accused of being a ‘bugger’. The main characters are well-developed, with the use of numerous flash-backs and all actions and choices are well-grounded in their belief in God. The many scriptures that are quoted make the novel a pretty hard-to-read story, as they are written in the probably for the time historically correct language, but that makes it tough to read as English is not my native language. With the good historical research that clearly has been done for this book, it is aspecial and mesmerizing read. The reader can truly feel the love that Leander has for his lovers and the constant struggle he has justifying his love in face of God seems to be relevant even in this day and age.
From the outset of the trial, of which the outcome seems (and is) inevitable, Leander makes a hard but heartfelt choice not to choose the easy way out. With even the solicitor and the prosecutor characters well-defined the trail and the book reaches its climax. And what a climax it is, heartbreaking yet inevitable. Although the reader, due to his connection to the main characters, is cheering for a happy end, in the back of the mind he already knew how this was going to end.
Some might judge that this m/m romance lacks a certain amount of sex-scenes, but to my opinion the story doesn’t really need them. It’s more about the connection the Reverend has to his lovers and yes that includes sex, but the story doesn’t need it to be explicit.
Dean is graciously offering a copy of Dissapear With Me to one Lucky winner !
Good Luck!
The Gay Christian issue can be very divisive. I’m glad that officially your church is at least looking for a solution. There is still a long road ahead. On a lighter note, I like the sound of your book and would like a chance to win. Thanks for the offer.
Thanks for stopping by, Barbra!
Thanks for having me today and for taking the time to write such a wonderful review!
You’re very welcome, Dean. I really enjoyed your book
I like books from this period. This sounds like a good one.
Thanks, Kim!
Hi Dean, thanks for sharing some background on your latest book. I look forward to reading it. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Thanks for stopping by, Hannah B…are we friend on Facebook yet?
Thanks so much for the review!
Thanks for stopping by, Trix!
I’m glad to hear the Book or Order has been altered and hope it is ratified when presented to Presbytery. Growing up, my dad attended several of these. Recently during a dinner discussion I’d learned that his views were changing. This is great news for the LGBT community. This books sounds very interesting and will be added to my TBR list.
It’s been a very exciting year to be a Presbyterian, flutterfli…thanks for stopping by and adding me to your TBR list!
Wonderful review…..definitely add to my TBR
Thanks for adding me, jillprand
Thank you for the review and for the giveaway!
Thanks for stopping by, H.B…are we friends on Facebook yet?
I can’t say I’m particularly religious but I am glad to hear that your church is in the process of changing its policies
Thanks, as always, for stopping by, Lee!
Great post! Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for stopping by, Alaina!
Thanks for stopping by, Alaina!
I’d lo to read this book , thank you for the chance!!!
Thanks for the comment, Kri!
I look forward to reading this book.
Thanks, Stephanie H!
congrats H.B!