Book Name: Forever Hold His Peace: The Crofton Chronicles: Book Three
Author Name: Rebecca Cohen
Author Bio:
Rebecca Cohen is a Brit abroad. Having swapped the Thames for the Rhine, she has left London behind and now lives with her husband and baby son in Basel, Switzerland. She can often be found with a pen in one hand and a cup of Darjeeling in the other.
DSP author page:
Amazon author page:
Cover Artist: Anne Cain
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Sebastian Hewel has never been happier. But his life playing the role of his twin sister Bronwyn, the wife of Anthony Redbourn, Earl of Crofton, is about to change. Rumors abound that Bronwyn is using witchcraft to enthrall her husband, and false evidence has been found. Practicing witchcraft is a crime that could have Bronwyn brought in for questioning by the sheriff, and that would reveal Sebastian and Anthony’s secret.
Together they must decide whether it is time to lay Bronwyn to rest. Anthony intends to ensure that whoever implicated Bronwyn pays for the treacherous deed. Whatever happens, Sebastian and Anthony must prepare to face an unknown future together.
Buy Links:
Dreamspinner Press ( E copy)
Dreamspinner Press ( Paperback)
Tour Dates: June 23 – July 7
Tour Stops:
June 23: Hearts on Fire, Parker Williams
June 24: 3 Chicks After Dark, MM Good Books
June 25: Amanda C. Stone, Pants Off Review
June 26: Love Bytes, Iyana Jenna
June 27: Havan Fellows, Kimi-Chan, LeAnn’s Book Reviews
June 30: My Fiction Nook, Tara Lain
July 1: Nephylim, Cate Ashwood
July 2: Jade Crystal, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
July 3: Elisa Rolle
July 4: The Hat Party
July 7: Prism Book Alliance
Rafflecopter Prize: E-Copy of the new book, “Forever Hold His Peace – Crofton Chronicles: Book Three
Howdy Rebecca, or even Guten Tag! Enjoyed the first book, got the second to read, enjoyed the plot and the relationship between Anthony and Sebastian so keen to see how they get on.
I love these books! Very much looking forward to reading this one.
This sounds like a fun addition to the series!
Hello Rebecca! I look forward to reading this book.
Hi Rebecca
I’m looking forward to reading. Thanks!!!