16 Responses

  1. diannehartsock
    diannehartsock at |

    Sometimes it is so hard to be a child. Thank you so much Timmy for this beautiful reminder. As adults, we need to pay more attention to the children in our lives. Hugs!

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      Thanks for taking the time to read it. <3

  2. Deeze
    Deeze at |

    What an excellent point Timmy. In far too many cases siblings bully younger siblings and get away with it as parents don’t see it as bullying, just siblings being siblings. Kinda like that old chestnut boys will be boys *rolls eyes*

    I think this issue needs to be raised more. Well done for again telling it like it is, and in a way that is so clear.

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      They either don’t see it or they don’t want to believe it’s that bad. It’s important to pay attention to their children and listen to them. Often they think it’s just tattling until it gets so bad someone is hurt.

  3. Claudia Polydoro
    Claudia Polydoro at |

    Great article Timmy – It’s really unfortunate that some parents abuse their relationship with their kids and I wish all these kids would find the support and protection they need, so they could be what they were mean to be from the beggining, happy and protected kids enjoying their lives.

    Hugs Timmy <3 you.

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      Sometimes they don’t even realize that their family is bullying them, because it’s all they ever knew. Thanks for the read!

  4. karihiga
    karihiga at |

    What a great post, Cody and Timmy. You are so right, that bullying can come from people in your own family, social and religious groups, and among your friends. As a parent, I’m sure I’ve tried to influence my kids by a bit of intimidation. It really is hard to know sometimes the hurt we cause our kids. That’s why communication is so important.. Thank you and I look forward to your next post!

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      Thanks Kari! This is the last of my Bullying posts, but we are working to have a place on Cody’s blog for all my articles and reviews. 🙂 Thanks for the read.

  5. Mel Leach
    Mel Leach at |

    This is a great article, Timmy. You are doing a wonderful job of raising awareness on such an important topic. You are making a real difference for all kids and adults who are victims of bullying. Thank you so much for doing this.

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      Thanks for reading Mel! The support you guys give is what makes me brave enough to post these.

  6. sandym0327
    sandym0327 at |

    Timmy, your blog post is amazing. It saddens me to know that things like this go on. But, I’m not naive and I know it does. This type of bullying needs to talked about….heck, it needs to be shouted about, until people listen. You are doing a really good thing by writing posts like this. You are helping people see that it’s not okay and that if you happen to be a victim of it you need to tell someone. You, our beautiful sweet Timmy, are courageous and strong and smart beyond your years.

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      Thanks Sandy! It means so much to me that you guys not only read but stop to let me know what you think! <3 I hope this is able to help at least one person.

  7. ladygodivamagic
    ladygodivamagic at |

    Hugs to you Timmy and Cody. Its important to keep teaching about what bullying looks like and the long term damage it can cause. Thanks for this post !

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      So true. Everyone is responsible for the kids next door that is beat, or the kid in the library that has bruises. I believe it’s better to make an accidental false accusations then to not make them at all and let someone suffer. Sometimes Grownups need to hear the words not spoken.

  8. AnnaLund
    AnnaLund at |

    Your blogposts are fantastic. You help a lot of people by writing this, both adults and children.
    Keep teaching.

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      Thanks for the support my Anna. <3


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