14 Responses

  1. Cheryl Headford / Nephylim
    Cheryl Headford / Nephylim at |

    It was lovely to meet you Danni. You’re as lovely in person as you are here.Awesome

  2. Beverley Jansen
    Beverley Jansen at |

    Loved meeting you Dani! We have definitely met in a previous life. Look forward to seeing you next year at UKMeet <3

  3. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    Thanks so much for sharing this – almost makes me feel like I was there!

  4. bjwilliams26
    bjwilliams26 at |

    I would love to go to the UK meet and like you I would have to travel alone. I am simply a reader but would fervently like to meet my favourite authors. Thankyou for sharing your experience, you have given me a much needed confidence boost. Here’s hoping to see you there next year

    1. charliecochrane
      charliecochrane at |

      BJ, you’d be very welcome. There’s no such thing as ‘simply’ a reader! Every delegate counts the same, as far as we’re concerned. And Dani was a little treasure.

  5. Tanja
    Tanja at |

    It was soooo great meeting you <3 , lovely post!

  6. bjwilliams26
    bjwilliams26 at |

    Thankyou to all

  7. ingrid2009
    ingrid2009 at |

    Thanks for the report Danielle. It is always nice to meet new dutch readers.

    Funny that you mention sitting on a bench and just talk about the books, writers etc was the best part. Imo that is the most fun part too. To be surrounded by like minded people and talk about the thing I like to read most.


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