Last weekend I went to attend my first “con” ever . I traveled from my home country The Netherlands to England.
Gosh I was nervous ! ( and that is an understatement) . I was going on my own and I was seriously excited to put faces to names of people I only spoke to on fb or in messages. Also as I was new to it all so I didn’t really know what to expect
I can only say it was terrific . Big Kudo’s to the organisation : Charlie, Clare , Liam, J.L and Jo . Wow You are doing/did an incredable job!
Unfortunately because of a delay I arrived later than late at the Bristol airport on Friday evening.
Arriving at the Hilton Double Tree hotel I was in luck as I al ready decided I wouldn’t go by myself to the entertainment for the Friday night , I was Lucky to meet my hotelmates there who also arrived late , they waited for me to get a quick change and dropping off my Luggage and together we found our way to the bar.
Unfortunately a lot of people were al ready gone but we were enthousiasticly welcome by the organisaters ( thanks! )
We had a drink ,some left over tappas ,talked a bit got introduced to some who were still there and went back to the hotel where I spend a couple of the best hours of the event , sitting on a bench outside of the hotel talking about all m/m related, book related, blog related stuff etc ( Thanks Marc , Tanja and Teodora for those couple of hours! <3 )
Saterday , Marc and Teodora were supposed to be early there so we went together , arrived way to early so I could get even more nervous waiting for the start
What a great time I had meeting authors, fellow readers, talking to people , making pictures and listening to the panels as well as interacting in them.
We got a program while registrating so You could pick the panel you prefered to visit .
I did a few panels spread over those two days : a review one , a blogger one ( presented by the awesome staff of Sinfully sexy reviews ! ) , there was a table discussion about different subjects where I attended one too and in my honest opinion I visited the best panel of the weekend the BDSM one. ( I am not in the lifestyle nor do I have a desire to be in it and still I can honestly say it was the best panel of the weekend, great compliments to the people there both in the panel as well as attending.
Also there were two keynote speakers one on each day and very worth listening too . On saterday Belinda McBride told us aspects of her writing as well as personal reasons and believes.
on sunday we had Aleksandr Voinov “speeching” , Wow what a personality, what a story what a open- and honestness there! He has a way of talking that mesmorizes you . I think he could have talked for a long time more and people were just content to listen . ( enough said! )
I should definitely not forget to mention the book fair and signing , gosh that was awesome! so many books! (note to self , travel with a suitcase next year Dani , not just handluggage ). I bought some books , got some books signed that I took with me and had some short conversations there
I think I even got me some more pictures :).
As I wasn’t in the event hotel , I needed to rush on the saterday to get changed for the gala diner .
Ooh and that was something ! We all have a great time . The food was great the entertainment even better!. The beautiful miss Eddie singing and making fun , a charming beautiful voiced choir and to top it off some good ( ok ok Very good looking ) handsome “waiters” walking around entertaining us joining us in many pics
I ended the saterdaynight going to a club with a few others , found a delightful drink , j20 apple/rasberry with gin! ( why dont we have that here !! ) and had another night of little sleep
on sunday I was sad to say goodbye to people I came to see as friends , to people I admire and loved meeting .
Tired but with a great feeling, warm with all the hugs I got over the weekend ( that warmed me deeply into my heart and soul) I left the event hotel thinking about how awesome it would be to see some of them at grl or next year here again :).
Thank you for making a newbee feel welcome and part of a great experience !
Thanks to the authors for being awesome as they are , open , kind , welcoming and attentive .
Thanks to fellow readers , attendees , friends who were a delight to be with and spend time with .
And again thanks to the wonderful organizers for making this happen
See you all next year !
Hugs Dani (elle)
It was lovely to meet you Danni. You’re as lovely in person as you are here.Awesome
AWW thank you that is so sweet to say
Loved meeting you Dani! We have definitely met in a previous life. Look forward to seeing you next year at UKMeet <3
Cannot wait to see you again Bev . It was awesome meeting you <3
Thanks so much for sharing this – almost makes me feel like I was there!
thank you
glad you liked it 
I would love to go to the UK meet and like you I would have to travel alone. I am simply a reader but would fervently like to meet my favourite authors. Thankyou for sharing your experience, you have given me a much needed confidence boost. Here’s hoping to see you there next year
BJ, you’d be very welcome. There’s no such thing as ‘simply’ a reader! Every delegate counts the same, as far as we’re concerned. And Dani was a little treasure.
awww Charlie that is so sweet *blushing here* Thank you !
would be great to see you there next year B.j
trust me it is worth it!
make sure you find me
It was soooo great meeting you <3 , lovely post!
Thank you ! and dito!! <3
Thankyou to all
Thanks for the report Danielle. It is always nice to meet new dutch readers.
Funny that you mention sitting on a bench and just talk about the books, writers etc was the best part. Imo that is the most fun part too. To be surrounded by like minded people and talk about the thing I like to read most.