Book Name: A Dance with Domination
Author Name: K.C. Wells
Author Bio: Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C.Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way.
K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings – writing about men in love was even hotter…
K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career.
The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.
Author Links: K.C. can be reached via email (, on Facebook ( or through comments at the K.C.Wells website ( ) K.C. loves to hear from readers.
Twitter: @IslandTalesPress
Cover Artist: Paul Richmond
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Recently returned to the UK after living in the States since he was eleven, Andrew Barrett is determined to keep busy and make a new life for himself. He works full time as a copywriter and strips at a club on Canal Street on weekends. But it still leaves him too much time to think. Then he finds the BDSM club, Collars & Cuffs, where at twenty-nine, he is their youngest Dom. Young doesn’t mean inexperienced, however. All this activity keeps him focused with no time to dwell on the past. But the past has a way of intruding on the present.
It’s been four long years since Gareth Michaels last set foot inside Collars & Cuffs. But when he finally summons his courage and steps back into his former world, he finds the man who drove him away is still a member, and what’s more, he wants Gareth back. Two men in pain need the freedom they find in each other, but it takes another man’s horrific plans to make them see it.
“When you’re ready, Andrew.” Leo gave him a nod.
Andrew acknowledged him, took a breath, and then faced Dorian, who held himself motionless as Andrew circled around him, inspecting him from every angle. “Good evening, Dorian. I am Master Andrew. For this evening, you will address me as Sir. What are your safewords?”
“Thunder is for stop, Sir, and lightning is for slow down.” Dorian gazed steadfastly at the floor.
Andrew picked up the cotton ropes. “Have you ever been restrained before, using the technique of Shibari?”
“No, Sir.” Dorian spoke quietly.
Andrew unfurled a coil of rope. “I usually do a full-body suspension when I demonstrate this technique, so I don’t propose to make this a full demonstration. That would take hours. You should find it comfortable but confining—and if I do it correctly, you’ll make a very pretty picture.” Dorian quirked his eyebrows, and Andrew smiled. “Shibari should always be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. It’s not just about bondage.” He stood before Dorian. “On your back on the table, boy.” Dorian complied immediately, getting up gracefully from the floor and climbing onto the bondage table.
Andrew pushed Dorian’s left leg back toward his arse, so that his heel met the curve of his buttock. He took the first length of rope and wound it around his upper thigh, close to the groin, securing ankle and thigh together and tying it in an intricate knot. He repeated the process on the other side. Then he tied another rope around each leg, this time closer to the knee.
Andrew pulled Dorian to his knees and placed his hands behind him. He picked up the blindfold and a set of orange foam ear defenders and showed them to the boy.
“I’m going to take away two of your senses now,” he told the sub in a low voice that only Dorian could hear. “You’ll be able to speak, but only safewords. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir.” Dorian’s voice was clear and firm.
Andrew slipped the blindfold over his eyes. “I’m going to insert foam ear plugs into your ears. Remember, if you want me to stop, or if you have a problem, use your safewords. I will always be right here.”
“Yes, Sir.” Dorian appeared calm, in a state of complete readiness.
Andrew compressed the foam plugs and placed them carefully into Dorian’s ears, watching them expand to fill the cavities. He took a longer length of rope as he prepared to form the harness down Dorian’s torso. He worked slowly, methodically, making sure each section looked perfect before moving on to the next, until Dorian had an intricate series of knots all down his front. He knew that each pull of the ropes over his skin was heightening the experience for Dorian. Andrew was pleased. The white ropes looked good against Dorian’s creamy skin, passing over his shoulders and around his arms, down his torso, and at the uppermost part of the thigh where leg met groin, slipping past his balls.
Dorian kept still as Andrew worked in silence, making sure with every knot that Dorian was comfortable and in no sign of physical or mental distress. When the harness was complete, Andrew stepped back to survey it critically, adjusting a knot here, a length there. The boy looked beautiful. Only one thing left to complete before I begin. He picked up the leather boot laces and smiled to himself.
Andrew stood in front of the sub and slowly trailed the thin strips of leather over Dorian’s balls and cock. Dorian gave a slight shiver but then became still, his body tense as he awaited Andrew’s next move. Andrew grabbed Dorian’s balls and pulled on them, feeling the shudder which rippled through him. He tied the strip around and around the balls in his hand, separating them from the shaft. He ran his fingers over the sac, knowing full well that the stretch made Dorian’s balls extremely sensitive. Andrew wrapped his hand around Dorian’s cock and stroked him gently, watching as he hardened, loving the hitch in his breathing. When his dick pointed skyward, Andrew looped another length around his cock and balls, fashioning a leather cock ring around the base of his shaft until Dorian’s dick was red and throbbing, looking painfully hard. Dorian let out a low moan and bit his lower lip.
Andrew crossed to the table and placed the banjo picks on each fingertip of one hand. He stood beside Dorian, ensuring that Leo and Thomas had a clear view, and then trailed the picks down the boy’s arm, feeling the brief start as the slivers of metal connected with his skin. Andrew trailed his fingers over Dorian’s neck before moving slowly over his back between the ropes, keeping his touch light. Then he moved to stroke his inner thighs, noting the shivers which rippled through Dorian as he brought his fingers higher, not quite reaching his balls.
Dorian quivered as Andrew stroked along his inner arms, before moving ever so slowly down his torso, running his fingers over the ropes, over the taut belly, until he arrived at the boy’s groin. Andrew moved slowly, scraping the picks lightly over his skin, noting Dorian’s shivers as he stroked along his cock. When he cupped the boy’s balls and rippled his fingers over them, Dorian couldn’t repress the shudder that jolted through him. Andrew toyed with his sac and cock, hearing his soft whimpers as the metal danced over the sensitized areas. Dorian’s lips parted, but no words came out, only sounds. Andrew ran both hands simultaneously across Dorian’s back, watching the sub as he tried to arch away from his touch.
Andrew moved his hands away and took off the picks, only to return with the spiked wheel. He paused, waiting until Dorian was still once more, before running the tiny wheel over his thigh. Dorian gasped as the wheel moved over his skin, tiny pinpricks of sensation. Andrew moved the wheel away and reapplied it over Dorian’s chest, rolling it close to his nipple. The sub squirmed as Andrew ran the wheel around his nipple, leaned closer, gripped the other between his fingers, and twisted it slightly. That got a definite reaction. Dorian hissed as he drew in a breath, the sharp intake becoming a groan when Andrew moved the spiked wheel ever-so- slowly along the length of his cock. He trembled as Andrew applied the wheel to different areas, making sure the sub never knew where it would land next. When he’d reduced Dorian to a squirming mass, Andrew grabbed the cup of ice.
Dorian whimpered as Andrew ran an ice cube over his balls, and it became a low cry as Andrew simultaneously applied the ice to his nipple. “Oh, fuck.” The words seemed dragged from him involuntarily. Andrew circled Dorian, trailing the ice randomly over his skin, watching him fight to control his reactions. Dorian twitched nervously, his body tense as he awaited the next sensual onslaught.
Andrew put the banjo picks back on his fingers and ran his hand over Dorian’s back once more, watching him shudder as he moved lower, stroking over the globes of his arse and nearing his hole. He slid a single finger from under his balls to the tip of his cock. Memories assaulted him, as suddenly he was right there in Dorian’s place.
I’m doing everything you taught me, Sir, he told Blade in his head. God, I remember you doing this to me. I remember that searing, white-hot feeling that made me feel like I was coming when I knew I wasn’t. He smiled to himself. Fuck, you were such a tease, Blade.
Dorian was panting, and Andrew pulled back, not wanting to rush it. He intended to bring the boy to the edge again and again. When Dorian had calmed a little, Andrew was back, scraping his finger over the boy’s hole, feeling the tremors that rippled through his body, his mouth opening slightly but no sounds issuing. Dorian’s cock was rigid. Andrew grabbed another piece of ice and moved it slowly over Dorian’s arse until it reached his hole. The boy stiffened as he ran the cube around the rim before pushing insistently, the heat from Dorian’s hot little hole melting the ice as he eased it into his anus. Dorian cried out, a low, urgent sound, and he arched his back, as though trying to escape the sensations which Andrew knew were coursing through his body right now.
And then it was Brian kneeling before him, Brian moaning as Andrew pressed ice inside him.
Oh hell—the sounds you made when I did this to you. I knew you weren’t okay with it, not at first, but you soon forgot about the discomfort when it was my bare, hot cock sliding into you. Andrew closed his eyes momentarily, the images there in the forefront of his mind. He shook himself as the memories came thick and fast, some so painful that he caught his breath. Not now. Can’t think of him now.
Tour Dates: May 23 – June 20
Tour Stops:
May 23: 3 Chicks After Dark, Hearts on Fire
May 26: Love Bytes, It’s Raining Men
May 27: Havan Fellows
May 28: Amanda C. Stone
May 29: MM Good Books
May 30: Mrs. Condit & Friends, Prism Book Alliance
June 2: Jade Crystal
June 3: Parker Williams
June 4: Fallen Angel Reviews
June 5: LeAnn’s Book Reviews
June 6: Cate Ashwood
June 9: The Novel Approach, My Fiction Nook
June 10: Kimi-Chan
June 11: Iyana Jenna, SA McAuley
June 12: Vicktor Alexander
June 13: Two Men Are Better Than One
June 16: Angel Martinez, Rainbow Gold Reviews
June 17: Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Smoocher’s Voice
June 18: Louise Lyons
June 19: Kimber Vale, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
June 20: Up All Night, Read All Day, F.E. Feeley Jr., Nephylim
Buy Links:
Rafflecopter Prize: $25 Amazon card + E-copy of A Dance With Domination
Good Morning!
Hi KC! Thx for the giveaway!
Hi KC, I have read all your books so far in the Collar and cuffs series and I look forward to reading your latest book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sounds very appealing. Looking forward to reading! Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.
This looks like it will be incredibly sexy and engaging!
This is a fantastic series and I look forward to reading this book.
I really enjoyed her Learning to Love series and looking forward to reading this series as well. Thanks for the giveaway!
Awesome need it!
Hello! I have enjoyed this series very much, looking forward to reading this one as well.
Hello K.C. Wells. Thank you for the chance.
Hey, KC thanks for the contest
This story look fantastic!
Love the cover! Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
Sounds like a great read. Count me in please
Great excerpt & giveaway!
good evening! thanks for the giveaway
hello Kc!!! I can’t wait to read this new one thanks for this chance
Hello KC. Love the sound of the book. It is a definite read for me.