20 Responses

  1. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    I know lots of people like them but I hate cartoon type covers they just look so out of place on a romance/erotic covers.


  2. Trix
    Trix at |

    Photoshop is the Auto-Tune of the book world, I think. I hate “headless torso” covers of either sex, for sure. Great post!

    1. jkhoganbooks
      jkhoganbooks at |

      Photoshop can be an amazing tool, but it’s only as good as the person using it. 😉 I’ve seen some examples where someone might as well have used scissors and paste. O_O

  3. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    I am definitely NOT a fan of the headless torso cover, although it won’t stop me from buying/reading a book if the blurb/reviews are strong enough. I like all kinds of other covers, though, as long as they convey something specific about the story and catch my eye. I love the cover for Come Unto These Yellow Sands that you pictured above. I actually loved the cover of that book more than the story. 🙂 I did enjoy the story, but not as much as I thought I would from the cover. That was one book, where for me, the cover over promised: five star cover; four star story.

    jen.f {at} mac {dot} com

    1. jkhoganbooks
      jkhoganbooks at |

      LOL that’s good to know! I have one “torso” cover, but you get half of the guy’s face and I did that on purpose, because he has an identifying scar on his cheek. (this was for one of my m/f PNRs). Those who bought the print book got to see his whole face, because it bled onto the book spine. 🙂

  4. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    A good cover sells the book for me. I’m not a fan of cartoon covers either nor do I like covers that use the same stock photo(s) used on other books. Love originality and really love it when an author can use their own artwork like MJ O’Shea’s revised covers of her Moon series.


    1. jkhoganbooks
      jkhoganbooks at |

      I agree! There’s been a lot of overuse of a few cover models lately. I’ve found a photographer who I adore, and I’ve already used two of his photographs. I’d rather take a little bit longer to search for a new image than use a repeat. I love MJ’s new covers as well!

  5. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    I love SE Jakes’ covers for the Hell and High Water series. I don’t mind headless torso covers if they are well done. I’m not a big fan and don’t like many of the cartoon – like covers. It doesn’t necessarily keep me from getting a book and enjoying it, but it does slow me down a bit.

  6. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I love half naked, tattooed men on covers…yummmmmm
    not a big fan of cartoon covers

    1. jkhoganbooks
      jkhoganbooks at |

      Ditto! I know they’re overused, especially in paranormal and m/f, but the classics are classics for a reason! 😉

  7. Jill P
    Jill P at |

    One cover I saw about a year ago had a girl on it that almost looked cross eyed. I love the author but just couldn’t click it because of the picture in my head.

    1. jkhoganbooks
      jkhoganbooks at |

      Totally understand. I’ve read books where I just didn’t like the cover model, and I always had to push that image out of my mind to try and get my own imagination fired up.

  8. Penumbra
    Penumbra at |

    I love the covers on ‘Training Season’, ‘Knights & Butterscotch’, ‘Dex in Blue’, ‘Kiss'(LC Chase). I also love the one on ‘Plan B’ even if it was a shame and in no way looked like the characters in the book or the room in the story.


    1. jkhoganbooks
      jkhoganbooks at |

      It bothers me too when the models look nothing like the characters (though I don’t remember noticing it with any particular cover altely). An author will probably never find a model that matches what’s in their head exactly, but it’s good to match general things like hair color and body type. 🙂

  9. Alaina
    Alaina at |

    I acutally find covers where it is one person’s face with them staring straight at you pretty creepy. That’s not to say that I don’t like some of those covers, but I could do with just seeing from the nose down… A couple of my favorites really show emotion with very little going on, such as ‘Frog’ and ‘Talker’s Redemption’.
    I really love the cover for ‘I Survived Seattle’ and can’t wait to read it!
    aegger.echo @ yahoo .com

    1. jkhoganbooks
      jkhoganbooks at |

      The close up face can be a little too much, although some of them work for me depending on the composition.

      Thanks! I’m glad you like the cover and can’t wait to hear what you think of the book. 😉

  10. A.J.
    A.J. at |

    Some covers that made me want to read the blurb are: Touching Evil by Rob Knight, Love Lessons by Heidi Cullinan, all the covers for the Hell or High Water Series, Blessed Curses by Madeleine Ribbon, and Snow Blind by Rose Christo. I don’t really like drawn covers unless the artist is really good and the rest of the cover layout is good. I hate covers with computer illustrated people that are very poorly done I will never bother with those books. I don’t like when a cover looks like it took about 5 minutes to make by someone with no artistic skill and doesn’t know anything about the book they are designing the cover for. Bad covers are one of my pet peeves and I could rant about them forever.

  11. jkhoganbooks
    jkhoganbooks at |

    @AJ I agree. I love perusing the ‘bad covers’ tumblr websites just to have a chuckle with my friends, though I’m to nice to call out another author. I’ve learned from other authors that sometimes a publisher doesn’t give the author final approval rights. I was shocked about that, and definitely made sure in my contracts that that wasn’t the case for me.

    Love Lessons was a great cover! That’s what got me to pick up that one too. Some of your other suggestions I haven’t heard of before, I’ll have to check them out. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. wulfginn
    wulfginn at |

    Totally agree! There are some covers out there that makes me wanna bleach my eyes. Oh the horror! I tell my clients, if you can’t afford something better it doesn’t mean it has to look like Medusa and a cyclops had a love child, chewed up by a dog. Some times you can achieve alluring with a simple background and some font tweaking. Your cover needs to, not only represent your book but the heart of your story. Your cover has to hold emotion. My favorite cover is one I designed myself and it doesn’t have smoking hot men on front, its just grunge back ground tweaked to show the feel of the book. I like to be different, when you look at The Witch King Of California’s cover you wouldn’t say its a M/M romance or a romance novel for that fact.
    But I do love I Survived Seattle’ s cover … a bit in love with it 🙂 ( OK, totally in love with it)

  13. Steve
    Steve at |

    Fav covers? I could say “I Survived Seattle” 🙂 I tend to go for coves with hot guys – more recent ones (e.g., Riddle of the Sands, Cool Blue), classics (e.g., Hot Valley by James Lear, Song of the Loon by Richard Amory, Wicked Angels by Eric Jourdan), or sentimental ones b/c of movies (Brokeback Mtn, A Single Man).


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