10 Responses

  1. diannehartsock
    diannehartsock at |

    An excellent post! I loved how you invited people to ACT, Timmy, and listed ways for them to do it. Very powerful. Off to share this with everyone.

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      Thank you Dianne, I hope it get’s shared and viewed, because I feel it’s important for adults to know that their actions do have an impact on those that see it, even if it didn’t involve them.

      1. diannehartsock
        diannehartsock at |

        Very true, Timmy. I also see so many people who treat their children like pets or a piece of furniture, without feelings. It’s so good of you to try and open their eyes to the harm they are doing. Thank you.

  2. sandym0327
    sandym0327 at |

    Timmy, this is a very powerful post you have written and I’m so glad I got to read it. It’s very articulate and to the point. This couldn’t have been easy to write, yet you wrote with such grace. I learned a lot by reading this. I’m so proud of you.

    1. Kell Ryder
      Kell Ryder at |

      Thank you Sandy, I hope that others also learned from it, but if only one person did, then it was worth the time to write it. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

  3. sandym0327
    sandym0327 at |

    Cody, the videos are so hard to watch, but it’s so necessary to do so. I hope everyone watches and signs the petition. Maybe together we can all help these kids. <3

  4. Claudia Polydoro
    Claudia Polydoro at |

    This is an amazing post Timmy. Unfortunately most part of the bullies learn from examples in their homes, with friends… I hope in a future not So far, that people will learn to appreciate the beauty of someone’s heart, soul, thoughts and actions, instead of worrying about who they love, how they look out what their beliefs…

  5. Tom Crielly
    Tom Crielly at |

    Hi. Can you please remove the illustration of the child crying as this is a licensed image – if you wish to keep using the image please contact me to arrange a payment to do so. Thanks


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