Review by Wency
SERIES : Tales from Foster High #5
AUTHOR: John Goode
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
LENGTH: 350 pages
With just 151 days left until the school year ends, Kyle Stilleno is running out of time to fulfill the promise he made and change Foster, Texas, for the better. But Kyle and his boyfriend, Brad Graymark, have more than just intolerance to deal with. Life, college, love, and sex have a way of distracting them, and they’re realizing Foster is a bigger place than they thought. When someone from their past returns at the worst possible moment, graduation becomes the least of their worries.
Before anything else, I just want say that this series has been with me since I read the first book. And I love every book of the series. I’ve been following the author’s updates on facebook and been waiting for this to finally come out and tomorrow is the day! Yay! So yeah, if it’s still not clear, I’m a fan.
151 Days deals with the aftermath of Kelly’s death (Brad’s friend), the repercussions of that event that will change Foster and of course the remaining high school days of Brad and Kyle and on how it will affect their relationship with the decisions they have to make for their future.
This book is well wrapped-up for me. I mean if the author is looking for a nice way end the series, this is it! There is no better way to end the series. But let me just tell you that Kyle and Brad’s story may be over in Foster, but I still want to read their story as they move to college. Yep. I am that attached to them.
I like how all the characters in this book kind of evolve. They all changed for the better. They’ve all been on the same line of dominos when the first one started to fall. Like I said, well wrapped up. Every one of the character has their own resolution.
The writing is great. I know I’ve been saying that to a lot of book I’ve reviewed but it really is. The narration is entertaining for me. It’s like the character invited me over for tea and told me the story firsthand. And man, we drank a lot of tea. One of the best parts of this book? The humor and sarcasm! Man, I swear Mr. Goode mastered the sarcasm 101. I meant that in a good way. You’ll just laugh your ass off with lines in this book. Just thinking about it now, writing this sentence makes me laugh remembering the funny lines.
Though I had my fair share of crying. I expected that part. I’ve known that there will be a bump on Kyle and Brad’s relationship. But nothing prepared me for it. It was hard seeing them miserable to the point that I can’t take it. But let me assure you that I’ve been rewarded at the end.
The multi-point of view kind of surprised me because I’ve been used to Kyle and Brad’s POV but it did well on solidifying the plot and resolution of the book. It makes us take a closer on the secondary characters and understand them better why they’ve done the thing they’ve done. Especially Jeremy and Robbie’s character. Because of what happened to them, they are bitter to the world. Like it’s out to get them. They became cynical and they are the reason they are not happy. The happy side is that they did realize that and it worked out for them in the end.
I’d also like to point out that even a lot of dramas, there are still a lot of Kyle and Brad sweet moments.
For me, this is not just a book. This is a book with a message that someone out there needs our help. I have friends who had been bullied. Some of them became stronger because of it but some just chose to forget that part of their high school life. It’s sad because no one deserve that. NO ONE. (Let just me clarify that I am not running for Mr. Universe.)
Super-duper enjoyable read for me. I devoured the whole book. If you read the series, you know this book is a must. And if you haven’t, go read the first book. I swear you’ll love it.
P.S. Read the Author’s after!
P.P.S. Mr. Raymond, (The principal) is a dick!
BUY LINKS: Dreamspinner press
I’ve been looking forward to this one! I’m glad to hear that the ending is satisfying and wraps everything up.
I totally enjoyed the book! I do hope you like lengthy books.
Nice review Wency
Thank Eliza! That means a lot coming from you!

You’ve convinced me Wency. When Kelly killed himself I cried for days, and the sad thing is I’m not really exaggerating so I wasn’t sure if I’d read the next one. But it sounds too good to miss
When I started reading the book, I’m a little bit afraid that it will linger on Kelly’s death. But best part is, it didn’t. There’s an occasional mention, yes. So many happy moments too, like the prom. ops, sorry it slip.
Happy reading Donna!
I love this series – can’t wait to read this – thanks for the great review!
Thank you Lisa. One of the best YA series!
Happy reading!