Red Dirt Heart has been out now for three weeks, and has had some fabulous reviews, even being voted the Book of the Month on site (view here), which is incredibly exciting for me! One thing the majority of readers have loved is the location of the Outback. The vastness of it, the isolation, and of course the red dirt.
But while I scrolling for Outback picspiration (read: procrastinating) I found some mustering videos on You Tube which really shows what Charlie and Travis do on Sutton Station, Charlie’s farm in Red Dirt Heart.
If you have five minutes, I’d love for you to take a ride in the chopper with Charlie. I can’t post the actual You Tube video on Sid’s blog, but the links are –
Red Dirt Heart Mustering Outback style
I’m still not much further along with the sequel as I was a week ago. Writing is very slow going at the moment. Real life has taken priority of late, but I promise I will get these boys story finished soon.
Oh, and it might include cuteness like this…
The Amazon buy link for Red Dirt Heart is HERE
The All Romance eBooks link is HERE
Is book 2 based on Charlie & Travis also?
Hi Lili,
It sure is Charlie and Travis.
Loved the book, loved the videos, can’t wait for the sequel……thank you!
Awww, thank you!!! I can’t wait either. It’s still my current WIP so it’s a little way off yet, but it is happening
On my TBR wish list!
Thanks Laurie <3 <3
So glad to know there will be a 2nd book!