8 Responses

  1. Birte
    Birte at |

    Aw, man, and here I had hoped for a wonderful new part of this series :'(

    1. Taylor
      Taylor at |

      You might still like it!!!

      I just really felt like this was a very disappointing showing.

      She changed Nick’s backstory, she stated some things about Nick that didn’t make sense with everything else she had written, it felt like Nick’s book, and the plot was ridiculous.

      Ty and Zane, in my opinion, got the shaft and not in a good way.

  2. Donna
    Donna at |

    Crap. I was worried Nick and Kelly would take up too much of this book.
    Great review though. You’re a brave lady 😉

  3. Tee
    Tee at |

    OMG Sid I have to say that I am really nervous about starting this series. I have followed all your reviews and I had planned on starting the series on Wednesday but I think I will hold off and read some more pressing books.

    Thanks for the wonderful review as always you have helped me choose or lose a book 😉

    1. Taylor
      Taylor at |


      This series is a lot of fun, with so many wonderful moments. Zane and Ty are lovable and I’m fiercly protective of them. I think you’d enjoy the series, but if you haven’t started, I might suggest wait till after the last book is out, so you can read it all at once.

      And thank you for the review comment!

  4. Book Lover
    Book Lover at |

    WOW. Am with Donna, you’re a very brave lady. Abi has some serious loyal fans on bookreads who will not be happy about this. They talk about the books so much it is annoying. Very good and honest review. Am still gonna read it because it seems wrong to skip it when l have read all the other plus like you said the series is almost over. But at least now l know not to expect much. Hopefully the finale book will be much better.

    1. Taylor
      Taylor at |

      I was disappointed to find out that a couple other reviewers received hate mail from her fans, and these were about reviews that were 3 stars. Someone’s book experience shouldn’t affect your experience and to reach out and do that to someone is ridiculous.

      But…I’m not scared. 😉

      And thank you!!! I always try and be honest with my reviews, and as someone who was very loyal, this just didn’t cut it for me. I thought it might just be me or a couple other people that felt this way, but the more reviews that come out, the more I’m seeing it’s pretty universal in the feeling.

      The way this one ended made me believe the last one will be very messy plot-wise, and that’s a damn shame. The books should focus on TY & ZANE, not side couples, family members, old nemisises, or anything else.

      It feels like she’s bored with them and gave them a half-ass book.

  5. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    Thanks so much for this review. I’m still going to get the book but now I won’t expect as much. Also, I’m glad it will be ending with one more book, not because I don’t love the series, I do – I just want them to retire and have their HEA so I can stop worrying about them! Also, I’ve read all of her other books and look forward to something new from her. She’s probably as tired of writing about them as I am of waiting for the last book.


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