Right before I started this blog post, I’d just trashed a couple thousand words—actually the beginning of an entire chapter.
Because it didn’t work.
I’d started from the wrong POV. From the wrong point. Pretty much the wrong everything from that scene.
Infuriating but better now than when I’m struggling to make sense of it later.
A lot of writing isn’t knowing the plot or even the story, it’s about the angle of the story. Where is the author starting the film? How is the scene being shot and how is the author describing the scene?
In some ways, it’s like a blind man describing an elephant to another blind man as he runs his hands over the animal and talks about what he feels under his fingers.
Because that’s what we’re doing—describing the pink elephants that only we authors can see.
I’ll be the first one to admit, it’s not always successful. God knows I’ve read some books and said; what the hell is s/he trying to tell me and why is there a chicken sitting on the coffee table in this scene?
For me—and keep in mind, I’m coming at this from a reader’s perspective—I want a story that’s written to engage me into the scene. I want to be introduced to the characters with a bit of a punch and pull. I don’t necessarily need to have his entire back story in the first five minutes of meeting him. Let’s face it, when someone does that to you, you kind of edge away and hope he doesn’t follow you.
Especially if it’s done on public transport.
Come on. Admit it. You’ve done that. Too much. Too soon. Too fast.
So why would a reader want that experience on the page? Sure, I like seeing an attractive guy book from across the website and I think; Damn, that’s hot. I could totally get into that. Then he opens his mouth and you find out the mystery is gone or he’s just had a tragic break-up with the love of his life and that’s all he talks about.
For the next twenty pages.
Instead, I’d have liked this mythical hot guy book slowly tell me…seduce me really, with its story and characters. Take its time. Tell me a few jokes or even something heartfelt but keep a little bit of the mystery. A slow date. An exciting, wild ride of a date.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with a quick and dirty one night stand of a book. Or a sweet, holding hands while sitting on the porch and drinking coffee kind of story.
But I want the book to take its time. Give me a moment—an exciting moment from an angle that might be unexpected or perhaps layered with atmosphere.
And what is the one thing that makes me go… sighs, Tish, you spoke French? The slow unveiling of the main character. That sensual strip tease of his character through actions and then a bit of back story. Sometimes it guts me and other times there’s an awwww moment.
Those are the things that I want as a reader. And when the MC hooks up on page, I want that dance played out in varying cuts and scenes as well. Grocery store shopping? Nah, not for me. Not unless there’s some hard core flirting or arguing back and forth. But it has to lend to the story. There has to be a reason for that banter…even if it is just to strengthen the relationship in some way for the voyeur—the reader.
Just as I don’t want to hear the first guy’s life story in the first few pages, I don’t want hi to spill that out to the love interest. I want to see them learn and share and sometimes fight. About real things. Not the perceived brush of lips on an ex’s cheek. Shit like that happens. Now if he’s doing the ex on the bed, then that’s a different kettle of fish—and probably a different story too.
I want to tell my stories in that way. A bit of a peek and then a tease. Maybe a quick cut to something. Get the blood pumping. And the heart racing. Or a slow dance where the air is filled with the scent of candles and rain.
I like it when the details of a character’s life is woven into the story. Unwrapping the candy bar as it were.
Now this is just me. And I’m speaking first really as a reader. The writing thing, that’s an extension of what’s on my Kindle. So what do you think? What’s the thing that verbs your noun when you look for a book?
I’m Rhys Ford. I am an author and also a reader. You can find me at the following places:
My Blog: www.rhysford.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rhys.ford.author
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rhys_Ford
And at the Starbucks down the street. No really, they’re 24/7. And a drive-thru. It’s like heaven.
My books can be purchased, folded and first chapters read at Dreamspinner Press (http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com), Amazon, ARe and other online bookstores.
Hey there Rhys.
What a lovely and stimulating post to wake up to, especially having spent the night with your boys Cole and Jae.
Yes, I’m taking this opportunity to tell you I’m reading and loving Dirty Deeds, because it is all that you have spoken of in this post and more.
When an author manages to hit all of your mentioned points or push all of the right buttons, there is something that I do that tells me I am in love with the book, the characters and the story(and sometimes the author, lol).
I savor.
That rare quality where you want to gobble the book up, but some weird euphoria kicks in and you read in a slow dance savoring every passage and rereading lines simply for the wonderful zing of pleasure you feel.
You do this because you love the tease, the knowing that the book is good and is only going to get better, you need and want to experience every juicy bit.
Like a favorite treat that you only eat once a year, you want to ‘taste’ every yummy bite. And with eat bite, you bow to the chef of that magical orgasmic creation that buzzes your taste buds in the most sublime of ways, and pray that they never stop cooking.
I have no idea what your process is, but you are doing it correctly and I thank you for all the work you go through to bring me some of my most favorite treats.
And yes, this is a very public love letter to you…and your work.
: ) Write on!
Aw thank you. I appreciate it.
Heh. My process pretty much is sit down and write. Write the story. Make characters that are fun and most of all have some kind of fun myself.