Back in 2010, Angel 1089 was released. It explored a world where humans have been modified into cybernetic angels to protect a floating city called Heaven. While the love story was between Jeff and Gabriel – a fallen angel – there were two supporting characters that I fell in love with.
Hank and Ian were in a very obvious and very loving Dom/sub relationship. There were hints of what had exiled them out of Heaven, but it was never really stated.
It was time they had their own story.
That story is told in Exodus.
Hank Abraham is a spoiled rich socialite. He’s never had to work for anything his entire life, and he’s utterly clueless about the lives of the people on the lower levels. Despite all that, Hank has a good heart and he genuinely likes people.
Which is why it’s so strange that someone is trying to kill him.
Enter super-hot bodyguard Ian Caldwell. Ian’s job is to protect Hank, all the while fighting his own attraction to him. In Heaven, you see, Ian’s desires break all the Morality Codes. The things he wants to do to Hank – tie him down and spank him till he cries – would get Ian reprogrammed.
Of course, we know they end up together at the end – but how do they get there? That’s half the fun.
Exodus will be released March 3rd! And if you are one of the first twenty people to order the print book from the Dreamspinner website, you will receive a signed copy of the book.
I’ll be running a giveaway via the @dreamspinners twitter feed on March 4th at noon EST and on the Dreamspinner Facebook page on March 8th.
But you can get a free bookmark, just for filling out this handy little form.
CC Bridges
Exodus Blurb
Henry “Hank” Abraham’s privileged status in the floating city of Heaven lets him flout Morality Laws that control the lives of others. But when he wakes up in the arms of another stranger, only bodyguard Ian Caldwell’s quick thinking saves his life.
Though Ian’s from the low levels and the labor class, he’s used to dealing with the pampered society of Heaven. He’s assigned to protect Hank while angels, cybernetically modified humans who defend Heaven, investigate the assassination attempt. Doing his job means Ian must ignore his growing interest in Hank. Acting on their mutual attraction would certainly get Ian reprogrammed, something neither of them can afford.
When Hank follows Ian to a popular BDSM club in Downside and his ID chip is lost during a nearly fatal mugging, he finds himself locked out of Heaven. As Ian fights to get them home, rumors of impending war begin to circulate—along with more troubling news that Ian is wanted for Hank’s murder. While struggling to keep the man he has come to love safe, Ian must find out who’s behind the plot and if it’s a catalyst for war or just a convenient excuse.
About CC Bridges
CC Bridges is a mild-mannered librarian by day, but by night she writes about worlds of adventure and romance. A fan of science fiction and comics since the ripe old age of twelve, she incorporates her love of genre into her work. She writes surrounded by books, spare computing equipment, a fluffy dog, baby toys, and a long-suffering husband all in the tiny state of New Jersey. In 2011, she won a Rainbow Award for best gay sci-fi/futuristic novel.
Find her online at, on facebook at , on twitter at
Leave a comment to get a chance of winning an ecopy of Exodus!
I would love to read this addition to the series so please count me in. Thanks
Awesome. I just saw this at the publisher and it looks great <3
Book one has lived on the kindle for a while, but this is the perfect opportunity to finally read it <3 Would love to win the next one
Sounds really interesting. Going on my wishlist.
This sounds really intriguing. Thank you for the chance to win.
I just read a different story by C.C. I really loved it. I am adding this one to my list.
I just read ANGEL 1089 a couple of months ago, and would love to read EXODUS!
Wow sounds like a great story. Haven’t read one of C.C.’s book so far, but I will definitely add the first book of the series to my tbb list
Gorgeous over. The story sounds amazing. Thank you for the giveaway!
Loved the excerpt. Very beautiful cover. Would so much love to read this very intriguing story. Please include me. Thank you for the giveaway.
I’d love to win
please count me in
OMFG!! THIS IS AWESOME!! Yes!! So happy for this to come~~ EEEKKKK!!
Please, please count me in on the contest!! *A*
Please count me in. Thanks!
How did I miss that this was part of the Heaven series?? SMH
Count me in, please. Thank you
I haven’t read the first in this series, but I’ll have to check it out. Exodus sounds amazing!
Please add me too, thank you!!! mevalem258 A T gmail com
Congrats to Marc for winning! (Marc, please send me an email at ccbridges10 at!)
Thank you everyone for commenting and reading!
Congrats to marc!