Going, going…..keep going…
Writers are a special kind of person. Yes, they are! Stop shaking your head in denial.
How many people have you met that have said to you, (once you reveal what you do for a living) ‘I have always wanted to write a book.’
Well, wanting to and actually writing it, that’s a whole different story.
Many of us are number people, (no not me- that’s why I have people count for me) some of us are visual, painting-people, and others, love science, technology… and then there are the word-people.
Words.So damn powerful. They make or break politicians, create hate, love, yes, they are mightier than the sword at times.
Some writers are one hit wonders, have one novel in them, perhaps a memoir, and vanish. Like the music world, they shoot like a star across the sky and we wonder, whatever happened to them? The creative juices dried up.
Writer’s block.You’ve heard it. Some of us writers have the opposite, and can’t seem to get the words on paper quick enough. You all know where I fall.
Ambitious writers tend to think ten steps ahead…next book?Next dream?Make a movie?Have that movie succeed?And then?
Where to go from there?Keep making movies?
The journey, at least to me, has become some kind of strange race or chase. I can see my peers, the authors- in my genre- all of us working towards a common goal. Entertaining people. I suppose that’s the point of all our madness. Sharing the world inside our head and hoping to teach a lesson, make someone laugh, cry, get scared, whatever it is they fancy.
But the race is always out there. Next title, next book, next movie, next step. I don’t know about my fellow authors but, I’m exhausted!!
Those of us making a living at our art can’t complain. (But we still do at times) If you can actually sit and write all day and pay your bills from your work, I think you have already succeeded. But we still want more…don’t we?
As my movie, CAPITAL GAMES has been released, wondering if it will be panned or praised, consider which book to do next, (just shoot me now if I do that again!) where are we going? What drives the few of us ravenous authors to go! Go! GO!
I know who you are, you writers…I can count you on one hand. You and I, we are of the same ilk. I see how much you produce, how much work you put into your craft, your fan bases grow, and I know you inside and out. We are kindred spirits. I don’t need to name you, you know exactly who you are and I adore you all for sharing my passion and insanity in this field, a field where ten years ago you could not find one book on gay erotic romance. A new genre that a few of us have created into the novel world and are working tirelessly on getting it out there in every media. Although gay romance has now become a tide flooding the market, the few names I began with ten years ago, persevered.
We are ‘special kinds of people’- driven! Driven mad-
There is no choice, we keep going, going…and I suppose will until we are gone. I tip my hat to the hard work my contemporaries have put into their careers, because I know what they need to do to continue to succeed. It ain’t easy, folks, and for anyone who wants to work in this field and make a living, be prepared to give it your all.
But hopefully, when we are gone, gone, gone…a book will be out there, floating in the ether, and someone will remember our name.
Blurb: Thirty-nine year old, Bryce Hayes thought when he left the military and joined the Seattle Police Department, there would be nothing he couldn’t handle. He’d seen it all; the worst of what mankind could do to each other.
But the Seven Deadly Sins had yet to rear their ugly head. Lust, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony. And Bryce was about to encounter them all embodied in one man.
What Bryce witnessed on his first phase as a student with Field Training Officer Kohl Abbott, he found inconceivable corruption. As a thirty-nine year old ‘rookie’ paired with the senior officer from hell, Bryce had no idea when he was told to ‘stay put’ in the patrol car, that his training instructor Abbott was breaking fingers and kneecaps for protection money from the small local businesses.
While in the Special Forces, Bryce was taught to shut up, to not reveal information. But this time? When the net came down on the corruption he was caught in the snare. Bryce was tossed out of the department with the garbage, but was not prosecuted. He never knew why not.
Twenty-eight year old Joel Vandergrift lived up on Capitol Hill in Seattle, worked as a photographer and taught literature classes at night. But, his real love was writing. Having his first few novels hit the bestseller lists, Joel was gaining recognition and finally thought earning a living as a writer was a possibility… until his apartment is broken into, and his computer with all his work on it, is stolen.
A day later, Joel sees his latest bestseller being sold, but under someone else’s name.
The irony of just having met a bartender named Bryce Hayes, whose behavior was suspicious to Joel, made Joel believe Bryce had a hand in the treachery.
But Bryce knew the reality.
Kohl Abbott was writing under an assumed name, his first best seller documenting his ‘life of crime’. Even though Abbott had served time in the county lockup for his deeds, he had been released early. Abbott knew dirt on many men, including cops and councilmen…including Bryce.
What at first had been an ultimatum for Bryce from Abbott to find something nasty to discredit Joel as a top writer, had changed. Secrets, lies, and disastrous decisions that were impossible to take back, push Joel and Bryce together- as lovers, then as reluctant enemies. And it isn’t until one man finally has had enough that fate takes over.
Lust, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony- The ‘Infamous 7’ change one man from a cynic into a killer. And Bryce sees first hand, how war is not only fought on the battlefield, it is also drawn from the mighty pen.
Award-winning author G.A. Hauser was born in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA and attended university in New York City. She moved to Seattle, Washington where she worked as a patrol officer with the Seattle Police Department. In early 2000 G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began her writing in earnest and published her first book, In the Shadow of Alexander. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has written over ninety novels, including several best-sellers of gay fiction. GA is also the Executive Producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES. For more information on other books by G.A., visit the author at her official website. www.authorgahauser.com
G.A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2010, 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, and Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, Best Author 2007.
One winner at the end of the tour will receive a signed DVD of G.A.’s movie Capital Games.
3 Winners at the end of the tour will get a 2014 calendar featuring G.A.’s book covers
One winner at each stop will receive a copy of Snapped! Winner will be drawn by blogger hosting G.A. from comments.
Sounds like a good read.
Thank you, Cornelia!
I love her stuff. This looks like a good one!
Thank you, Jennifer!
The blurb really draws you in!
Thank you, Trix!
Love G.A. Hauser!!! Can’t wait to read this one!
Thank you, Jill!
I’ve never read anything by G.A., but another m/m writer told me I need to this one! Can’t wait for some m/m angsty goodness
Hi Sharon, there’s nothing more exciting than a new fan! Enjoy!
would love to win!
Good luck Lee!
Here’s some buy links:
This one sounds full of intrigue.
Thank you, Elayne!
I enjoy your writing G.A. and I have a lot of your books. This looks like a good one to add to my collection.
Thank you so much, Fay! It’s wonderful to hear from a fan who knows my work!! xx
The book sounds very intriguing. Would love to read it! <3
Please count me in. Thanks.
Thank you, Gigi!!
I’d like to enter too. Snapped sounds amazing!
Thank you so much, Barbra!
After reading two GA Hauser books, I knew I would gladly read anything she wrote. Most are on my wishlist until I can buy them, so I would love to win this. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love your books but I especially love the thriller/mystery genre. “Snapped” filled the bill perfectly. So did “Bedtime Stories”, “Love you Loveday”, “Giving up the Ghost”, “Naked Dragon” and any number of other thrillers that you’ve written. I love a good mystery and you always seem to come through. Can’t wait to see what you do with the new Naked Dragon movie!! I’m a forever fan
Been wanting to read this since I saw the cover and read the description. Sounds like an awesome book. Would love an ecopy of it. Thank you for the giveaway.
What I love most about G. A. books, she is so edgy. Never follows the cookie cutter writing style so many other authors do! Brilliant!
Thank you, Andrea, I like to mix it up and keep my readers guessing!!
Thank you for the interesting post and generous giveaway. I just checked out the trailer for Capital Games and it looked great. I would love a chance to win.
Crime, writers, and romance? I’m so in for this one! Must add to my wishlist….
I have the book and the movie and like both very much. G.A. Hauser is a great writer and filmmaker. I would love it soooo much to win one of the calendars. I’m a huge fan of G.A. Hauser.