8 Responses

  1. Neil J Forest
    Neil J Forest at |

    I read this novel and left a 5-star review as I felt the topic was handled in a realistic manner without sensationalizing of the events. This made the story believable and eye opening.

    Someone who put this much into writing Aaron had to also experience an incredible amount of emotional turmoil. I know when I write how exhausted I can be and the level of intensity of the book Aaron is 50 times that of what I have written. I doubt that I would ever have the fortitude to write what JP Barnaby has written.

    I was shocked when I found someone else trying to plagiarize JP’s work and I was able to let JP and Amazon know and the plagiarized book was pulled. I am not looking for credit or appreciation. Rather I feel good that I was able to stop someone from harming a writer for whom I have a great deal of respect and admiration.

    I definitely want to read Spencer. My partner of 13 years is also deaf. Having been a counselor, I am pleased to see books that deal with the trauma of life, not as a poor me story, but as a story of hope.

    All the best to you on the publishing of your book,


    1. JP Barnaby
      JP Barnaby at |

      Neil – Thank you so much for reporting the plagiarized version of Aaron. Without you, and the other readers who found it, we never would have been able to stop him. And I really appreciate your words about Spencer (and Aaron). Yes, Aaron has been through Hell and yes, Spencer is deaf, but they are both such strong young men. They’re looking for their happily ever after, and they work their asses off to find it.

      I really hope you enjoy Spencer – it’s a story of them breaking through and finding the light on the other side.

  2. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    Wow – thanks so much for this interview – Aaron broke my heart and I was so happy he found Spencer. I’m really looking forward to reading Spencer but I’m worried about this Jordan guy – Please tell me all will be well for Aaron and Spencer 🙁

    1. JP Barnaby
      JP Barnaby at |

      Lisa – You don’t really want me to tell you that, do you? 😉

  3. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    This is fantastic!

    1. JP Barnaby
      JP Barnaby at |

      Andrea – Thank you. Aaron’s really come a long way from that first book. It was great to talk with him again.

  4. Danielle
    Danielle at |

    wow J.P that was totally freakin awesome And Aaron thank you so much for being here <3

    1. JP Barnaby
      JP Barnaby at |

      Dani – Thank you so much for asking me to be a monthly contributor! I was finishing up third edits on Spencer, and Aaron decided this is what I wanted to do for my post this month. It’s weird because when I interviewed him for the release of Aaron, I practically had to drag answers out of him. He’s come a long way. <3


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