Hey everyone!!! Thanks to Sid Love for having me back here for my Dirty Deeds blog tour Dirty Deeds is the first in this spin-off series of Hell or High Water. Dirty Deeds focuses on Cillian and Mal, two characters who’ve been in both Hell or High Water books 1 & 2 (Catch a Ghost and Long Time Gone.) Dirty Deeds # 1 captures a very specific moment in time for the Cillian (the spook) and Mal (the former SEAL in exile).
It’s always exciting for an author when reader reviews and reactions start coming in on social media, like Twitter and Facebook and Tumblr. So I’ve compiled some comments so you can share in the excitement of Dirty Deeds #1. **
**The comments in the parenthesis are mine, and the others, real reader reaction. Names have been removed to protect the innocent…and the guilty.
(So, let’s get started…* peeks in *)
“holy crap! this is gooooooood!!”
(YAY! A good start)
“You guys are so gonna love this book…. you’re also gonna want to throw it at SE when you’re done, but don’t hit her too hard because I want the next one sooner rather than later.”
(Oh, she’s worried about my safety—that’s very sweet)
“Speaking of which, my review is up. No spoilers… but I might have threatened to throw the book at SE when I was finished.”
(I think I’m going to have to walk around in a half-crouching position for a while. I can do that.)
(Oh. Um…we’ll just move along…)
Cockfucking crazyass ride filled with twists and surprises and I’m… knocked out. Review will come… eventually. FUCK.
(I’ve reduced her to curses. That’s always a good sign, right?)
“Damn SE! Queen of the motherfucking cliffhangers! Iove you!!! Review to come soon.”
(see? Love!)
“I read it then screamed!”
(That’s good, right? Everyone nod along with me….)
“Jesus Fucking H. Christ son of a bitchslapping *****!!!!!!! No, no and absolutely no. I am done. So fucking done. Where’s the goddamned corner? I wanna sit down and cry! To you Mercs – good read and may Cillian and Mal have mercy on your hearts!”
(ahem. Silently passes tissues. She’s okay, everyone…she probably likes the corner…)
“I am sitting in my house wondering why she would do this to me.”
(nothing to see here folks…)
“Mutters to herself* gonna kill me a “PROM” queen.”
(Oh, um…*ahem* …I’m sure that’s meant with love. Moving on…)
“Son of a Freaked-out jumped-up face-slapping just f#ck me now bitch….
I do NOT want to see SE on this groups until she gives me more.”
(Ha! She’s so cute…totally kidding, yes?)
“*Pulls on her olive camo team Mallian shirt* gonna git me some author.. Annie was ma teacher, you know, MIsery’s fan… where’s ma rope… Oh SE come out come out wherever you are ….”
(Ohhh, maybe not kidding? * laughs nervously and looks over my shoulder…*
“Run SE run *laughing maniacally* “
(Gotta go…)
Dirty Deeds: Dirty Deeds book 1
Two seasoned operatives finally meet their match: each other.
Cillian works for the mysterious Special Branch 20: an organization that runs black ops commissioned by the British government. His specialty is deep undercover assignments with virtually no support. He’s been alone for so long that he no longer knows anything else.
Mal’s also used to being alone. Wanted in several states and even more countries, he’s not allowed in the vicinity of any of his former Navy SEAL teammates. And his current assignment is to track Cillian in order to discover the spook’s endgame. Except he’s no longer sure which one of them is getting played.
Cillian isn’t about to let the mission that’s consumed him for the past several years crumble because an outsider is poking around where he doesn’t belong. But Mal forces his way through Cillian’s defenses—and into his heart—exposing a devastating betrayal that could destroy them both.
SE Jakes writes m/m romance. She believes in happy endings and fighting for what you want in both fiction and real life.
She lives in New York with her family, and most days, she can be found happily writing (in bed). No really…
Connect with SE:
- Website: sejakes.com
- Tumblr: sejakes.tumblr.com
- Twitter: @authorsejakes
- Facebook: Facebook.com/SEJakes
- Email: authorsejakes@gmail.com
- Goodreads author page: goodreads.com/S_E_Jakes
- Goodreads author group: Ask SE Jakes
I’ve read this reaction a LOT, which frightens but also intrigues me…
I am so happy for this book to come out! These two had to get together!
I thought the excerpt was very interesting bibbiesparks@yahoo.com
I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!
If it excites people this much you know you have a winner on your hands.
Sounds Like a great book and I’m sure it will be a great hit.
Wow this series sounds fantastic!! I want more Cillian and Prophet!!
Can’t wait to read this one. I have all your books and love them. You have the best cover artist!
I’m afraid I’ll have to join the threatening people if this ends with a cliffhanger.
Cliffhangers can be killer, I’ll have to hope the next one will be released soon.
Fun posting especially with the strong reader reactions. LOL.
Hey everyone!!! Thanks to Sid for having me back
And thanks to Taylor for the awesome review I just saw…
Yeah, the cliffhanger thing…I was explaining on my groups this morning that this book was kind of one of those, now or never books. It’s running along a 4 day period of time–the same timeline as the upcoming Hell or High Water 3. So you could’ve get the same basic information in HH 3…but this would be the only way to see it happen to Mal and Cillian. But listen, I’m writing them two more (full) books and I always promise an HEA at the end of my series
I write romance b/c I want those HEAs.
I can’t promise that you won’t want to hunt me down, but I’ve got other books I can throw in your path
You are writing them 2 FULL books?!?!?! I thought it was just 2 more this length. You just made me SO HAPPPPPPPPPYYY!!!!!!
Oh, Lisa G, yes on the covers – all of mine (except for Catch) for Riptide have been done by the fabulous LC Chase (who writes awesome cowboy rmm romance herself ) – Catch was done by Victoria Colatta. Both hand drew the tattoos for me. I mean, serious detailed stuff – I’m a happy author!
on my wish list!!
Sounds great, and a five-star review too.
I want’ to read tis one, sounds very interesting, thank you!!!
I can’t say I really believe in other peoples hyping up a book or raving about it since my preferences may differ with that of those who loved it. I have to say though that the blurb does intrigue me and I will most definitely give it a read.
Cannot wait to read this!
Read it, loved it and…and…OMG need the next one noW, nOW, NOW! *argh*
kalimar2010 @ gmail.com
Have to get this book soon!
LOL – thanks for the fun blog and giveaway!
I will definitely read it!!!
O.O strong feelings, eh?
Oh, that was hilarious. By far my favorite way and author has introduced a book to readers. Sometimes I’m enough of a coward to start reading a series just so I won’t go through the upheaval of waiting for it to end. We’ll see if I can hold out.