I guess a lot of authors give this a lot of thought in the hope that one day their books will be chosen to be made into a TV series or a film. Well, there’s no harm in dreaming, is there? If it wasn’t for our imaginations and our sense of fantasy there would be very little cheer in this world.
I love this quote from Dr. Seuss. ‘I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living’
Anyone who looks at my Pinterest boards – http://www.pinterest.com/susiemax777/ will see that I already have an idea as to the relevant ‘film star’ inspiration for my characters.
Of course, the most obvious one to me is the representation of Bennett Saville, the debonair, sarcastic, talented and sexy London actor from my debut novel ‘Cassandra by Starlight’, who is personified by the wonderful British talent Benedict Cumberbatch (who is also my total fan girl crush). Bennett was written specially with Benedict in mind. Cassie Wallace, Bennett’s love interest, was inspired by the amazing Michelle Pfeiffer.
For Stripped Bare, the talented and very gorgeous actor Luke Guldan fit the bill to a tee for the cheeky and irascible Shane Templar. There’s a picture that just personifies Shane’s character to perfection and I simply love this picture.
Matthew Langer was inspired by a picture of actor Jason-Shane Scott, surely one of the most beautiful men on the planet. Shane thought so anyway
Saving Alexander – Sage’s character was inspired by Henry Cavill, the ‘Man of Steel’…
…and Alex by the *she sighs* smiling visage of Ryan Reynolds. Of course, Alex has two different colour eyes -green and blue- so Ryan would need to wear contacts and perhaps have a haircut to fit the bill of the tortured figure of Alex.
And for Worth Keeping there is no question that the sexy, long haired Jared Padelecki from Supernatural fame would be Nick …
…and Craig Olejnik would play the part of the more camp and fashion conscious Owen.
So I have it all sewn up. All my characters seem to have found their roots in a film persona of some sort and I like being able to look at the real people and see my own characters coming to life in my imagination. Of course, with the Benedict Cumberbatch one, my first and foremost reason for creating Bennett was because I wanted a Cumberbatch of my own. Well, I knew that was never going to happen so I had to create my own Benedict to play with, put into imaginary and rather sexy positions, and torment. That way I could at least play out some of my fantasies in my head.
I’d still prefer the real thing though so Mr. Cumberbatch, if you’re reading this, call me *Winks* I’d love to have tea at The Ivy some day. I understand their Eggs Benedict is scrumptious.
And if there are any errant screen writers out there who fancy a journey into the realms of writing man love scripts based on my books and having me test drive – oops, sorry audition – the actors we intend using in the movies – call me too.
999RandyLady is my number.